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Woilu, a small place.

SwaLl !alswal
W L was an era where Lhere was no Lelevlslon no Lelephone no
radlo no saLelllLes eLc
W 8uL our Lechnology made Lhls posslble Lo make people come
closer Lo each oLher
W When radlo was lnLroduced lL led Lo recelve Lhe vocal
communlcaLlon of Lhe world ln form of news Lo Lhe people
belonglng Lo dlfferenL parLs of Lhe counLry
W When Morse code( Lelegraph) was lnLroduced led for easy
communlcaLlon of messages Lo Lhe recelver sLaylng away from
Lhe messenger Whlch lnlLlally replace Lhe LradlLlonal message
carrlers llke blrds
W When Lelephone was lnLroduced lL helped a loL Lo communlcaLe
Lhe vocal means of Lhe messenger L helped a loL Lo communlcaLe
from one place Lo anoLher ln leasL Llme llmlL Lhen oLher
communlcaLlon modes
W And flnally when Lelevlslon was lnLroduced whlch helped Lo
communlcaLe vlsually from any parLs of Lhe world L played a ma[or
parL ln broadcasLlng news globally
W And Lhe Llme llmlL was reduced Lo seconds when saLelllLes were
lnLroduced L helped ln all Lhe above examples Lo speed up Lhe
process for means of communlcaLlon 1hls led Lo world Lo become a
small place
W loballzaLlon ls a process of lnLeracLlon and lnLegraLlon among
Lhe people companles and governmenLs of dlfferenL naLlons
a process drlven by lnLernaLlonal Lrade and lnvesLmenL and
alded by lnformaLlon Lechnology
W 1hls had effecLs on Lhe macro level of economy L lncluded
Lhe envlronmenL culLure pollLlcal sysLems economlc
developmenL and prosperlLy and on human physlcal well
belng ln socleLles around Lhe world
W loballzaLlon ls noL new Lhough
W lor Lhousands of years peopleand laLer corporaLlonshave
been buylng and selllng Lo each oLher ln lands aL greaL dlsLances
such as Lhrough Lhe famed Sllk 8oad across CenLral Asla LhaL
connecLed Chlna and Lurope durlng Lhe Mlddle Ages
W Llkewlse for cenLurles people and corporaLlons have lnvesLed ln
enLerprlses ln oLher counLrles Pence Lhls led Lo oLher counLrles
close enough Lo know each oLher and share Lhelr knowledge wlLh
oLher And a world became small place ln Lerms of people comlng
closer ln Lrade affalrs
W L was ln Lhe nlneLles ln ndla Where ndla was under prlme
mlnlsLer of v naraslmha 8ao
W uurlng Lhls Llme ndla was under huge depLs Lo deal wlLh Lhls
problem our prlme mlnlsLer appolnLed Leam of nonpollLlcal
background people whlch had Leam called as four muskeLeers
Manmohan Slngh (llnance MlnlsLer) Chldambaram
(Commerce MlnlsLer) MonLek Slngh Ahluwalla (Commerce
SecreLary) A n varma (SecreLary Lo Lhe M)
W As a soluLlon ndlan gold reserves were glven as collaLeral ln
exchange of Lhls depLs
W 8efore ndusLrlallzaLlon happened ndla had sLrlcL laws agalnsL
forelgn players as ndla faced problem wlLh 8rlLlshers earller so
hence Lhe laws were made Lo noL face Lhe same consequences
W 8uL ln exchange of Lhls pollcles forelgn players demanded for Lhem
Lo Lrade ln ndla
W And hence new ndusLrlal laws were lmplemenLed and hence
lndusLrlallzaLlon was sLarLed and was called as golden summers"
W And hence a new revoluLlon was sLarLed and lnLroducLlon of
lu(forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenLs) and l(forelgn lnsLlLuLlonal
lnvesLmenLs) was sLarLed
W 1hls led Lo forelgn players come Lo ndla and Lrade wlLh us 1hls leL
Lo forelgn players undersLand our culLure and buylng hablLs of
ndlan socleLy
W 1hls whole process led Lo lndusLrlal developmenL Lo Lhe apex and
oLher lndusLrles come close Lo each oLher 1hls also leL Lo cuL down
of monopoly rule ln ndla whlch was harmlng Lhe ndlan lndusLry
W And Lhls way world came close Lo each oLher Pence world a small
W 1he ls a global sysLem of lnLerconnecLed compuLer
neLworks LhaL use Lhe sLandard nLerneL roLocol
SulLe (1C/) Lo serve bllllons of users worldwlde
W L ls a oetwotk of oetwotks LhaL conslsLs of mllllons of prlvaLe
publlc academlc buslness and governmenL neLworks of local
Lo global scope LhaL are llnked by a broad array of elecLronlc
wlreless and opLlcal neLworklng Lechnologles
W 1he maln ldea came from LelecommunlcaLlon as lL was
LhoughL LhaL a daLa can be Lransferred Lhrough cord and
hence lnLerneL was born
W Larller Lelephones were used for vocal communlcaLlon buL lL
was a new lnnovaLlon whlch led Lo Lransfer of daLa And Loday
lL's a huge markeL and Lhe lnLerneL lndusLry became baslc
need of an lndlvldual
W n economlc Lerms lL has creaLed neLwork effecLs ln Lhe lobal
economy As more and more use of lL leads Lo modlflcaLlon ln
Lhe sysLems and hence ln day Lo day Lhe speed ls lncreaslng as
ln Lerms of modlflcaLlon
W L has developed from Lhe pasL on lLs bandwldLh of speed and
now lLs Lermed as broadband
W L has helped a loL leLLlng people Lo come closer ln vlrLual
Lerms where a person can communlcaLe from any parL of Lhe
world Where a person can share lnformaLlon or share hls
knowledge daLa base ln a mlnuLes of Llme Lo Lhe recelver
Pence lL has made our world a small place

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