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Regents Prep Day 1

The New Deal

 Franklin D. Roosevelt, President
 Federal Government increases
control on economy
 Limit/Control farm production
 Government welfare programs
helped workers
New Deal Opposition
 SupremeCourt declared some
programs unconstitutional
Brown v. Board of Education
 Separate cannot be equal
 Overruled state laws
U.S. Foreign Policy before WWI and
between WWI and WWII (traditional)
 Neutrality
 Isolationism
World War II
 Ended New Deal (wartime production
helped economy)
 Allies vs. Axis
 U.S. helped allies before entering war
by providing materials (Lend-Lease
Act, Cash and Carry, Destroyer Deal
 Entered after Pearl Harbor
Korematsu v. United States
 Japanese Interment during WWI
 Gov’t thought Japanese were security
 Limited civil liberties
Women during WWII
 Rosie the Riveter
 Helped war effort by working
 Lost jobs at end of war
Manhattan Project
 Projectto make Atomic Bomb
(nuclear warfare)
 Used on Japan (Hiroshima and
 VERY controversial
 Limitedamount of products, meant
to conserve raw materials for war
After WWII
 GI Bill: help with housing and
education of WWII veterans
 Baby boomers!
 Suburban areas grow
 U.S. more involved

in world affairs
WWII Recovery
 Nuremburg Trials – for
Nazi/Holocaust war crimes
 U.S. recovery fast, no fighting on
American land
DBQ Essays!!
 Major Problems:
– not enough analysis
– no outside information
– more specifics!!
– Need document citation
Body Paragraphs need to be
 F – facts! These come from the documents
 A – analysis! This comes from your brain,
connecting the documents to the TASK
 T – task! You have to connect the
documents to the task in EVERY body
 S – Specific! when you give information it
has to be specific no big grand statements
without facts to back it up!
 O – outside information! You have to use
your own knowledge, like in the thematic
in every body paragraph, or wherever
Is this body paragraph
 According to document 2, the cotton gin
contributed to the growth of the U.S.
economy because it helped separate the
cotton from the seeds faster. Since they
were separated faster planters were able
to meet a higher demand. Being able to
produce cotton faster was supposed to be
a good thing, but people wanted more.
More cotton equaled more machines, more
machines equaled more slaves. When
creating the cotton gin Eli Whitney did not
realize that his invention would bump six
slave states up to fifteen slave states.
F? A? T? S? O?
Is this body paragraph
 Another great policy was the federal land policy.
The federal land policy increased America’s
economy by giving the booming railroad industry
land that was bigger than the state of Texas. This
made people invest in the railroad companies, or
if they couldn’t do that many people wanted to
move westward just to buy the land they lived on.
The federal land policy was a great policy that
helped the U.S. economy in more than one way.
With railroads building and many people buying
land. The land policy started a chair reaction to
great economic outcomes.
F? A? T? S? O?
Is this body paragraph
 Indocument 1b is a chart of the
value of produce from the interior
received at the Port of New Orleans,
1816-1860. In this chart it show how
the economy was increasing to
better during the years went up. The
economy during 1856-1860 was
doing really good because the valuse
of dollars went up to 827,736,914.
F? A? T? S? O?
What is analysis?
 Opinion, explanation of how the
document relates to the TASK,
compares one idea to another
 Answers the HOW? Or WHY?
 Examples of sentence starters that
would be analysis:
– The information in document # shows
– The information in document # is
important because _________.
– Document # is related to document #
If every body paragraph is FATSO
you will have a GREAT DBQ essay

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