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8teseoboms MlJpolot Alqotltbm

1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm

W 1he 8resenham algorlLhm ls
anoLher lncremenLal scan
converslon algorlLhm
W 1he blg advanLage of Lhls
algorlLhm ls LhaL lL uses only
lnLeger calculaLlons !ack 8resenham worked
for 27 years aL l8M before
e nL e r l n g a c a d e ml a
8resenham developed hls
famous algorlLhms aL l8M
l n L h e e a r l y 196 0s
9olnL Slope Llne LquaLlon
W 9olnL Slope Llne LquaLlon
mx + b
W Slope
/ x
- x
A / Ax
W ylnLercepL
- mx
W lnLerval
Ax A $ m
W ylnLerval
A m Ax
SymmeLry and ulfferenLlal Analyzer
1he 8lg ldea
W Move across Lhe x als ln unlL lnLervals and aL
each sLep choose beLween Lwo dlfferenL y
lor eample from poslLlon (2
3) we have Lo choose beLween
(3 3) and (3 4)
We would llke Lhe plel LhaL ls
closer Lo Lhe orlglnal llne
2 3 4 3

NE (next)
E (next)
1he Mld 9olnL


x x
x x
y y

y y
1he Mld 9olnL


5 5
y x

5 5
y x

5 5
y x

5 5
y x
1he y coordlnaLe on Lhe maLhemaLlcal llne aL x

uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm
W AL sample poslLlon x

Lhe verLlcal separaLlons

from Lhe maLhemaLlcal
llne are labelled /
and /
- x m y

W So /
and /
are glven as follows
W and
W We can use Lhese Lo make a slmple declslon
abouL whlch plel ls closer Lo Lhe maLhemaLlcal
uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)
k 407
y y /
k k
y - x m
y y /
k :5507

- x m y
k k

W 1hls slmple declslon ls based on Lhe dlfference
beLween Lhe Lwo plel poslLlons
W LeL's subsLlLuLe m wlLh y/x where x and
y are Lhe dlfferences beLween Lhe endpolnLs
uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)
- y x m / /
k k :5507 407

- y x
x / / x
k k :5507 407
c c - x y y x x y
k k
c y x x y
k k
c c
W So a declslon parameLer 5
for Lhe kLh sLep
along a llne ls glven by
W 1he slgn of Lhe declslon parameLer 5
ls Lhe
same as LhaL of /
W lf 5
ls negaLlve Lhen we choose Lhe lower
plel oLherwlse we choose Lhe upper plel
uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)
c y x x y
/ / x 5
k k
:5507 407 k
c c

W emember coordlnaLe changes occur along
Lhe x als ln unlL sLeps so we can do
everyLhlng wlLh lnLeger calculaLlons
W AL sLep k+1 Lhe declslon parameLer ls glven as
W SubLracLlng 5
from Lhls we geL
uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)
c y x x y 5
k k k
c c

k k k k k k
y y x x x y 5 5

W 8uL x
ls Lhe same as x
W where y
ls elLher 0 or 1 dependlng on
Lhe slgn of 5
W 1he flrsL declslon parameLer p0 ls evaluaLed aL
(0 y0) ls glven as
uerlvlng 1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)

k k k k
y y x y 5 5

x y 5

uerlvaLlon (SLep 1)
W Clven Lwo endpolnLs (AAy) and (88y) Cne can be chosen as Lhe sLarL
polnL ( (k)y(k) ) 1he cholce ls purely arblLrary
W lrom Lhls sLarL polnL we have elghL posslble cholces for Lhe neL plel ln
Lhe llne We need Lo lsolaLe Lhese elghL cholces lnLo only Lwo
W lf we resLrlcL Lhe slope for now Lo (0 slope 1) and assume
(A 8)
W we know LhaL we can slmply step ln one plel aL a Llme Lo Lhe rlghL and
deLermlne whaL y value Lo choose neL Clven ( (k)y(k) ) Lhe neL lJeol
polnL wlll be ( (k)+1 y ) where y m*((k)+1) + b
W 8uL we musL choose beLween ( (k)+1 y(k) ) or ( (k)+1 y(k)+1 ) 1hese
polnLs represenL Lhe one [usL Lo Lhe rlghL and Lhe one Lo Lhe rlghL and one
up respecLlvely
uerlvaLlon (SLep 2)
W Pow do we declde beLween Lhese polnLs? We now have Lhe
sLarL polnL ( x(k) y(k) )
W -eL Lwo avallable polnLs
( x(k)+1 y(k) ) and ( x(k)+1 y(k)+1 )
W LocaLlon of neL lJeol polnL
( x(k)+1 y ) where y m*(x(k)+1) + b (9olot5lope lloe epootloo)
W We musL choose Lhe closesL polnL Lo Lhe lJeol So flrsL we musL flnd
Lhe dlsLances Lo Lhe Lwo avallable cholces from Lhe ldeal locaLlon
uerlvaLlon (SLep 3)
W ulsLance beLween polnLLorlghL and ldeal
1 y y(k) (rlghL polnL)
W ulsLance beLween polnLLorlghLandup and ldeal
(y(k)+1) y (upper polnL Lo Lhe rlghL)
W So we can slmply choose subsequenL polnLs based on
Lhe followlng
lf (d1d2) Lhen choose polnLLorlghL ( (k)+1 y(k) )
lf (d1d2) Lhen choose polnLLorlghLandup ( (k)+1 y(k)+1 )
W Powever slnce we are Lrylng Lo develop a lAS1 way of
dolng Lhls we wlll noL be comparlng Lhese values ln
such a manner lnsLead we wlll creaLe a Jeclsloo
votloble LhaL can be used Lo qulckly deLermlne whlch
polnL Lo use
2 3 4 3

uerlvaLlon (SLep 4)
W Pow do we creaLe Lhls Jeclsloo votloble?
W llrsL lnsLead of comparlng Lhe Lwo values Lo each oLher we
can slmply evaluaLe (d1d2) and slmply LesL Lhe slgn Lo
deLermlne whlch Lo choose Make sense?
W lf d1 d2 Lhen (d1d2) wlll be poslLlve eLc So now lf (d1
d2) ls poslLlve (greaLer Lhan zero) choose polnLLorlghL
andup C lf (d1d2) ls negaLlve or zero (less Lhan or equal
Lo zero) choose polnLLorlghL
W 1hls ls nlce and clear buL we musL compllcaLe Lhlngs a llLLle
ln order Lo geL a LAL speedups
uerlvaLlon (SLep 3)
W LvaluaLe (d1d2) as follows
(1) y y(k) ( (y(k)+1) y ) y y(k) (y(k)+1) + y
W -ow subsLlLuLe uslng
y m*(x(k)+1) + b
(1) m*(x(k)+1) + b y(k) (y(k)+1) + m*(x(k)+1) + b
(1) *m*(x(k)+1) *y(k) + *b 1
uerlvaLlon (SLep 6)
W educe Lhls evaluaLlon by flndlng and
slope m d?/dx where
d? abs(8y Ay) and dx abs(8 A)
W So now
(d1d2) *($O)*(x(k)+1) *y(k) + *b 1
W Lpand flrsL Lerm so
(d1d2) *($O)*x(k) + *($O) *y(k) + *b 1
uerlvaLlon (SLep 7)
W 1o slmpllfy Lhls epresslon we wlll creaLe a new declslon varlable 9(k)
9(k) O * (1)
W 1hls ls wlll remove Lhe dlvlslons and wlll sLlll keep Lhe
same slgn for Lhe declslon Why? 8ecause dx ls always poslLlve!
W LvaluaLe 9(k) as follows
9(k) dx * ( *($O)*x(k) + *($O) *y(k) + *b 1 )
9(k) **x(k) + * *O*y(k) + *O*b O
W earrange Lerms Lo geL
9(k) **x(k) *O*y(k) + * + *O*b O C
9(k) **x(k) *O*y(k) + c where consLanL
c 2*d? + dx*(2*b 1)
(Lhls remalns consLanL regardless of cholce of and y Lhls noLaLlon alds ln
compuLaLlon of d9)
uerlvaLlon (SLep 8)
W We have a declslon varlable LhaL can be calculaLed very
qulckly buL lL sLlll requlres a compleLe evaluaLlon of
9(k) for each polnL along Lhe llne
W Slnce changes ln 9(k) wlll be llnear we can evaluaLe
subsequenL 9(k) values loctemeotoll by flndlng a
consLanL change ln 9(k) for each subsequenL polnL
W Pow? 8y evaluaLlng an lncremenLal change ln Lhe
declslon funcLlon uslng otwotJulffeteocloq chang
9 9 9(k+1) 9(k)
uerlvaLlon (SLep 9)
W d9 ls evaluaLed as follows
9(k+1) 9(k) 2*d?*(k+1) 2*dx*y(k+1) + c 2*d?*(k) + 2*dx*y(k) c
2*d?*(k+1) 2*d?*(k) 2*dx*y(k+1) + 2*dx*y(k)
**(x(k+1) x(k)) *O*(y(k+1) y(k))
W Cbserve LhaL slnce we are sLepplng ln (by 1)
(x(k+1) x(k)) 1
W So wlLh subsLlLuLlon
9 * *O*(y(k+1) y(k))
W 1here are Lwo posslblllLles for (y(k+1) y(k)) 0 or 1 dependlng on lf we
choose polnLLorlghL or polnLLorlghLandup
9 * *O*(0) * lf polnLLorlghL ls chosen
9 * *O*(1) * *O lf polnLLorlghLandup ls chosen
uerlvaLlon (SLep 10)
W -ow we know how much Lo lncremenL Lhe declslon varlable based on Lhe
polnL chosen buL now we musL flnd Lhe lnlLlal declslon value 9(0) We
musL evaluaLe uslng Lhe luLL equaLlon (wlLh consLanL) for 9(k)
9(k) 2*d?*(k) 2*dx*y(k) + 2*d? + dx*(2*b 1)
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + dx*(2*b 1)
W WhaL ls b? uslng Lhe polnLslope llne equaLlon y(0) m*(0) + b
so b y m*x(0) subsLlLuLe b
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + dx*(2*(y(0) m*(0)) 1)
W SubsLlLuLe m d?/dx
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + dx*(2*(y(0) (d?/dx)*(0)) 1)
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + 2*dx*(y(0) (d?/dx)*(0)) dx
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + 2*dx*(y(0) (d?/dx)*(0)) dx
9(0) 2*d?*(0) 2*dx*y(0) + 2*d? + 2*dx*y(0) 2*d?*(0) dx
9(0) * O
9(k) **x(k) *O*y(k) + * + *O*b O
uerlvaLlon (SLep 11)
W 1he enLlre algorlLhm has been derlved We have Lhe
followlng Lools Lo generaLe a llne (only ln Lhe flrsL ocLanL)
1he endpolnLs (Ax Ay) and (8x 8y)
hange ln O ab(8x Ax)
hange ln y ab(8y Ay)
SLarL polnL (chosen arblLrarlly) (Ax Ay)
lnlLlal declslon value 9(0) * O
9olnL cholce condlLlons
W |f (9 0) choose polnLLorlghL
W |f (9 0) choose polnLLorlghLandup
lncremenLs ln 9 (d9) based on cholces
W lf polnLLorlghL ls chosen lncremenL 9 by (*)
W lf polnLLorlghLandup ls chosen lncremenL 9 by (*) (*O)
1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm
(for |m| 10)
1 lnpuL Lhe Lwo llne endpolnLs sLorlng Lhe lefL endpolnL ln
, y

2 9loL Lhe polnL x

, y

3 alculaLe Lhe consLanLs x y y and (y - x) and

geL Lhe flrsL value for Lhe declslon parameLer as
4 AL each x
along Lhe llne sLarLlng aL k 0 perform Lhe
followlng LesL lf 5
0 Lhe neL polnL Lo ploL ls
1, y
) and
x y 5

y 5 5
k k

1he 8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm (conL)

W 1he algorlLhm and derlvaLlon above assumes
slopes are less Lhan 1 for oLher slopes we
need Lo ad[usL Lhe algorlLhm sllghLly
CLherwlse Lhe neL polnL Lo ploL ls (x
1, y
1) and
3 epeaL sLep 4 (x 1) Llmes
x y 5 5
k k

8resenham Llne AlgorlLhm Summary

W 1he 8resenham llne algorlLhm has Lhe followlng
An fasL lncremenLal algorlLhm
uses only lnLeger calculaLlons
W omparlng Lhls Lo Lhe uuA algorlLhm uuA has
Lhe followlng problems
AccumulaLlon of roundoff errors can make Lhe
plelaLed llne drlfL away from whaL was lnLended
1he roundlng operaLlons and floaLlng polnL arlLhmeLlc
lnvolved are Llme consumlng
W We ploL Lhe lnlLlal polnL (x

)(2010) and deLermlne
successlve plel poslLlons along Lhe llne paLh from Lhe
declslon parameLer as

(21,11) 5 (2,15)
1 2 (22,12) 2 (27,1)
2 -2 (23,12) 7 -2 (28,1)
3 14 (24,13) 8 14 (29,17)
4 1 (25,14) 9 1 (3,18)

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