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comes from the Greek word "thanatus" which

means "easy or happy death

the condition of a dying person, which is

characterized by intense pain and suffering, can be a reason to pave the way to an "easy death"/ earlier death that is intentionally caused to get rid of a "difficult death"

Francis Bacon used the word euthanasia for the first time in 1623. that the task of the physician is to bring back health, to mitigate suffering and pain not so much in that this mitigation can lead to a cure, but that it may also serve to procure a peaceful and easy death.

Euthanasia is used today to signify that procedure which facilitates death and liberates one from all types of pain provoking the death of a helpless patient and useless human lives.

People in the ancient times did not usually have scruples to eliminate in any way those individuals considered useless to society.

also called, "Euthanasia by Commission refers to the positive act causing death is

geared towards termination of pain and suffering

Positive: a measure to end the life is directly used

Example: lethal dose injection

also called, "Euthanasia by Omission

refers to the negative act of causing death

that is geared towards termination of pain and suffering. Negative: A measure to sustain the is omitted or withdrawn Example: food and water are withdrawn to bring earlier death.

SUICIDAL EUTHANASIA When the subject himself resorts to lethal means to interrupt or suppress his life. Therefore it is done with the subjects consent.

Drugs are administered to modify or suppress pain and not to provoke death. Painless death is inappropriately termed as euthanasia lenitive.

ORTOTHANASIA means passive death. The subject is left to die by omitting any medical assistance.


Euthanasia for Piety/Pious Homicide is performed to liberate a person from terrible disease. Today this type of euthanasia is presented as the most reasonable compared to other types. It prescribes Death without suffering for hopeless patients, saving them from further useless, unnecessary suffering. Social or Eugenic Euthanasia Seeks to eliminate lives devoid of vital value or to purify the race.


Active euthanasia means to procure death in order to eliminate pain. Negative euthanasia seeks to alleviate a patients suffering with the accompanying risk of shortening his life.

means that a person request to be killed.


when a person did not request and gave no consent to be killed.

When the patient is terminally ill or

incurably sick.

The fundamental medical principle provides that patient have to be treated and provided with all the appropriate means that can heal them with tenderness, love, and care. However, if their medical and pathologic condition is indicative of a hopeless case which the science of medicine deems to have nothing to do, then, they can be given the option to get rid of their dreaded situation by their hastened death.

When the patient experiences unbearable suffering. Health care practitioners are duty-bound not only to promote health but also to alleviate pain and suffering. But when the pain and suffering are considered to be intolerably burdening, the alleviation of pain and suffering may also take the form of causing earlier death.

When the patient makes a

voluntary decision.

Health care practitioner should actively get involve with the healing and caring process the patient undergoes. But when the patient makes a decision to submit for the termination of his life due to terminal illness or unbearable pain, nobody can hinder. His decision has to be respected and carried out accordingly in observance of the so-called principle of autonomy.

When the patient's life is deemed to be not anymore "worth-living.

The science of medicine is aimed to heal, comfort, and bring the patient back to his normal and healthy life. But, when the patient's condition irreversibly deteriorates to the point of existing as a mere biological organism in his vegetative existence, with no retrievable consciousness and no sense of self, and the like, he can be considered to be devoid of qualities proper to a human person whose life is no longer "worthliving." Thus, euthanasia is opted.

Below are the major arguments invoked by proeuthanasia activist in the pursuit of their cause:
An Act of Mercy:

So far, the strongest argument for the recourse to euthanasia as is its being perceived as an act of mercy. The mercy, in this case, apparently manifests itself in a motive to put an end to the terminal pain and misery of the person; it is commonly called as mercy-killing.

Prolonging the Suffering of a dying

Patient is An Act of Cruelty: The perceived cruelty is characterized by their irresponsible, insensitive, and neglectful regard for the patients conditions which should be considered to necessitate the hastening of his death.

A Dignified Death: Since euthanasia is employed to cause a speedy death, the patient no longer has to come to the point where he loses his sense of humanity and freedom because of the devastating progression of suffering and agony while staying worthlessly alive.

Below are the major arguments invoked by anti-euthanasia activist in the pursuit of their cause:
Euthanasia would not only be for people who

are "terminally ill" :

There are two problems here -- the definition of "terminal" and the changes that have already taken place to extend euthanasia to those who aren't "terminally ill."
Euthanasia can become a means of health care

cost containment :
Perhaps one of the most important developments in recent years is the increasing emphasis placed on health care providers to contain costs. In such a climate, euthanasia certainly could become a means of cost containment.

Euthanasia will become non-voluntary:

Euthanasia will only be voluntary, they say Emotional and psychological pressures could become overpowering for depressed or dependent people. If the choice of euthanasia is considered as good as a decision to receive care, many people will feel guilty for not choosing death.

Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and

value of human life :

Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life. People who support euthanasia often say that it is already considered permissible to take human life under some circumstances such as self defence - but they miss the point that when one kills for self defence they are saving innocent life - either their own or someone else's. With euthanasia no one's life is being saved - life is only taken.


The terminally ill patient who is on the verge of death needs nothing more than love and affection from both the relatives and the health care practitioners attending to him.
When the medical treatment in all its tremendous technological and scientific advances seems to be a failure in an irreversibly degenerative health condition, it does not mean health care ceases to function. Ordinary means of care are at work the most. They can heal not the pathologic condition but the very being of the patient making him happy in the last moments of his life.



When a dying patient asks for the hastening of his death, it does not necessarily imply a desire for euthanasia but for support, love, and affection.
For Catholics: never forget as part of your moral

responsibility to call the hospital chaplain who is a priest to administer the last three Sacraments, namely: Anointing of the Sick, Penance, and the Holy Viaticum.
For Non-Catholics: If he is requesting the minister of his

religion to come, please respond positively, in the spirit of ecumenism and inter-religious relationship, without however compromising your own faith.

You have the right to be treated as a living human being

until you die.

You have the right to maintain a sense of hopefulness

however changing its focus may be.

You have the right to be cared for by those who can

maintain a sense of hopefulness however changing it might be. about your approaching death in your own way. your care.

You have the right to express your feelings and emotions You have the right to participate in decisions concerning You have the right to expect continuing medical and

nursing attention event though cure goals must be changed to comfort goals.

You have the right not to die alone.

You have the right to be free from pain. You have the right not to be deceived.

You have the right to have help form,

and for, your family in accepting your death. with dignity.

You have the right to die in peace and

You have the right to expect that sanctity of the

human body will be respected after death.

1. 2. 3.


It is in the 10 commandments that one should not kill. If a patient decided to take his/her life, it is just like suicide. And we all know that suicide is a mortal sin. Euthanasia is also called mercy-killing. In our profession, sympathy should not be shown. Therefore, we, as a nurse, should not consider mercy as a reason to take ones life. If theres still a chance to live, why not hope for it. If his life is on the line or his days are counted, he should live his life to the fullest.

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