Sei sulla pagina 1di 80



lmage and vldeo lormaLs Cll 1lll Sll Cll CCll
lmage compresslon 8LAu !LC vldeo Compresslon
rlnclplesl8 frames MoLlon esLlmaLlon MoLlon
compensaLlon P261 MLC sLandard
Image Compress|on GII
% Although colour images comprising 24-bit pixels are
supported GIF reduces the number oI possible colours that are
present by choosing 256 entries Irom the original set oI 2
colours that match closely to the original image
Hence instead oI sending as 24-bit colour values only 8-bit
index to the table entry that contains the closest match to the
original is sent. This results in a 3:1 compression ratio
The contents oI the table are sent in addition to the screen
size and aspect ratio inIormation
The image can also be transIerred over the network using the
interlaced mode
Image Compress|on GII |nter|aced mode
% GIF also allows an image to be stored and subsequently
transIerred over the network in an 3907,.0/24/0; useIul
over either low bit rate channels or the Internet which provides
a variable transmission rate
$ and $
of the tota|
Image Compress|on GII |nter|aced mode
% The compression image data is organized so that the
decompressed image is built up in a progressive way as the
data arrives
Iurther x and
rema|n|ng x of the
1agged lmage llle lormaL(1lll)
1ransfer of lmages/dlglLlzed documenLs
SupporLs 48 blLs of plxel resoluLlon
16 blLs are used for each 8C8 colors
Code number lndlcaLes parLlcular formaL
Code 1 uncompressed formaL
Codes 234 dlglLlzed formaL
Code 3 LZW formaL
Source Intermed|ate Iormat (SII) deflned ln MLC1 ls
a vldeo formaL LhaL was developed Lo allow Lhe sLorage
and Lransmlsslon of dlglLal vldeo
Sll formaL plcLure quallLy comparable wlLh LhaL
obLalned from vC8
uses half Lhe spaLlal resoluLlon ln Lhe 420 formaL
uses half Lhe refresh raLe Lemporal resoluLlon
lrame refresh raLe 30 Pz for 323 llne sysLem and 23 Pz
for 623 llne sysLem
lormaL 411
323 llne sysLem ?360 x 240
180 x120
623 llne sysLem ?360 x 288
180 x144
WorsL case blL raLe81 Mbps
cll (commoo lotetmeJlote lotmot)
Cll (Common lnLermedlaLe lormaL) also known as
lCll (lull Common lnLermedlaLe lormaL) ls a formaL
used Lo sLandardlze Lhe horlzonLal and verLlcal
resoluLlons ln plxels of ?CbCr sequences ln vldeo
lL ls commonly used ln vldeo Leleconferenclng
sysLems lL was flrsL proposed ln Lhe P261 sLandard
cll wos JeslqoeJ to be eosy to coovett to lAl ot
N15c stooJotJs
lt ls JetlveJ ftom 5ll
cll Jefloes o vlJeo sepoeoce wltb o tesolotloo of
?360 x 288
180 x144
1be tempotol tesolotloo ls J0nz
wotst cose blt tote81 Mbps
;cll meoos ;oottet cll
1o bove ooe foottb of tbe oteo os poottet
lmplles tbe belqbt ooJ wlJtb of tbe ftome ote
useJ lo vlJeo telepbooy
;cll Jefloes o vlJeo sepoeoce wltb o tesolotloo of
180 x 144
ct90 x72
wltb o tempotol tesolotloo ls JlvlJeJ by 2/4
le 15 ot 75
wotst cose blt tote405Mbps
Lower resoluLlon CCllSub CCll
?128 x 96
ct64 x48
Image Compress|onkLAD
#elative Element Address Designate code
Code the location oI run boundary relative to the previous row
a) Pass mode
The reIerence line contains a run that has no counterpart in the current line;
next complete run oI the opposite color in the reIerence line should be skipped
VerticaI mode:
The position of each color change is coded with respect
to a nearby change position of the same color on the
reference line, if one exists. "Nearby" is taken to mean
within three pixels.
orizontaI mode:
There is no nearby change position on the reference
Image Compress|on ILG encoder schemat|c
% 1he !olnL hoLographlc LxperLs Croup forms Lhe basls of
mosL vldeo compresslon algorlLhms
Image Compress|on b|ock reparat|on
% 8lock preparaLlon ls necessary slnce compuLlng Lhe
Lransformed value for each poslLlon ln a maLrlx requlres Lhe
values ln all Lhe locaLlons Lo be processed
Image Compress|on Image$b|ock preparat|on
% Source lmage ls made up of one or more 2u maLrlces of values
% 2u maLrlx ls requlred Lo sLore Lhe requlred seL of 8blL greylevel
values LhaL represenL Lhe lmage
% lor Lhe colour lmage lf a CLu1 ls used Lhen a slngle maLrlx of values
ls requlred
% lf Lhe lmage ls represenLed ln 8 C 8 formaL Lhen Lhree maLrlces
are requlred
% lf Lhe ? C
formaL ls used Lhen Lhe maLrlx slze for Lhe
chromlnance componenLs ls smaller Lhan Lhe ? maLrlx ( 8educed
ILG Image$b|ock preparat|on
%Cnce Lhe lmage formaL ls selecLed Lhen Lhe values ln each maLrlx are compressed
separaLely uslng Lhe uC1
% ln order Lo make Lhe LransformaLlon more efflclenL a second sLep known as b|ock
preparat|on ls carrled ouL before uC1
% ln block preparaLlon each global maLrlx ls dlvlded lnLo a seL of smaller 8x8 submaLrlces
(block) whlch are fed sequenLlally Lo Lhe uC1
Image Compress|on Image reparat|on
% Cnce Lhe source lmage formaL has been selecLed and
prepared (four alLernaLlve forms of represenLaLlon) Lhe seL
values ln each maLrlx are compressed separaLely uslng Lhe
Iorward DC1
%Lach plxel value ls quanLlzed uslng 8 blLs whlch produces a value ln
Lhe range 0 Lo 233 for Lhe 8 C 8 or ? and a value ln Lhe range 128
Lo 127 for Lhe Lwo chromlnance values C
and C
% lf Lhe lopot mottlx ls lxy and Lhe ttoosfotmeJ mottlx ls llj Lhen
Lhe uC1 for Lhe 8x8 block ls compuLed uslng Lhe expresslon
) 1 2 (
) 1 2 (
cos | , | ) ( ) (
| , |
6 6 i x
x P i i F

Image Compress|on Image reparat|on
% 1he values are flrsL cenLred around zero by subsLracLlng 128 from each
lnLenslLy/lumlnance value
Iorward DC1
% All 64 values ln Lhe lnpuL maLrlx lxy conLrlbuLe Lo each enLry ln
Lhe Lransformed maLrlx llj
% lor l j 0 Lhe Lwo coslne Lerms are 0 and hence Lhe value ln Lhe
locaLlon l00 of Lhe Lransformed maLrlx ls slmply a funcLlon of Lhe
summaLlon of all Lhe values ln Lhe lnpuL maLrlx
% 1hls ls Lhe mean of all 64 values ln Lhe maLrlx and ls known as Lhe
DC coeff|c|ent
% Slnce Lhe values ln all Lhe oLher locaLlons of Lhe Lransformed maLrlx
have a frequency coefflclenL assoclaLed wlLh Lhem Lhey are known as
AC coeff|c|ents
Image Compress|on Iorward DC1
% for j 0 only Lhe horlzonLal frequency coefflclenLs are presenL
% for l 0 only Lhe verLlcal frequency componenLs are presenL
% lor all Lhe oLher locaLlons boLh Lhe horlzonLal and verLlcal
frequency coefflclenLs are presenL
Image Compress|on uant|zat|on
% ln addlLlon Lo classlfylng Lhe spaLlal frequency componenLs Lhe
quanLlzaLlon process alms Lo reduce Lhe slze of Lhe uC and AC
coefflclenLs so LhaL less bandwldLh ls requlred for Lhelr Lransmlsslon
(by uslng a dlvlsor)
% 1he senslLlvlLy of Lhe eye varles wlLh spaLlal frequency and hence
Lhe ampllLude Lhreshold below whlch Lhe eye wlll deLecL a parLlcular
frequency also varles
% 1he Lhreshold values vary for each of Lhe 64 uC1 coefflclenLs and
Lhese are held ln a 2u maLrlx known as Lhe quant|zat|on tab|e wlLh
Lhe Lhreshold value Lo be used wlLh a parLlcular uC1 coefflclenL ln
Lhe correspondlng poslLlon ln Lhe maLrlx
Image Compress|on Lxamp|e computat|on of a
set of quant|zed DC1 coeff|c|ents
Image Compress|on uant|zat|on
%lrom Lhe poootlzotloo toble and Lhe uc1 ooJ poootlzotloo
coefflceots number of observaLlons can be made
1he compuLaLlon of Lhe quanLlzed coefflclenLs lnvolves roundlng
Lhe quoLlenLs Lo Lhe nearesL lnLeger value
1he Lhreshold values used lncrease ln magnlLude wlLh lncreaslng
spaLlal frequency
1he uC coefflclenL ln Lhe Lransformed maLrlx ls largesL
Many of Lhe hlgher frequency coefflclenLs are zero
Image Compress|on Lntropy Lncod|ng
% ottopy eocoJloq cooslsts of foot stoqes
Vector|ng 1he entropy encod|ng operates on a oned|mens|ona|
str|ng of va|ues (vector) nowever the output of the
quant|zat|on |s a 2D matr|x and hence th|s has to be
represented |n a D form 1h|s |s known as vector|ng
uifferentio/ encodinq In th|s sect|on on|y the d|fference |n
magn|tude of the DC coeff|c|ent |n a quant|zed b|ock re|at|ve
to the va|ue |n the preced|ng b|ock |s encoded 1h|s w|||
reduce the number of b|ts requ|red to encode the re|at|ve|y
|arge magn|tude
1he d|fference va|ues are then encoded |n the form {555
vo/ue) 555 indicotes the number of bits needed ond octuo/ bits
thot represent the vo/ue
eg |f the sequence of DC coeff|c|ents |n consecut|ve
quant|zed b|ocks was 2 the d|fference
va|ues w||| be 2 2
run |ength encod|ng
% 1he remalnlng 63 values ln Lhe vecLor are Lhe AC coefflclenLs
% 8ecause of Lhe large number of 0's ln Lhe AC coefflclenLs Lhey
are encoded as sLrlng of palrs of values
% Lach palr ls made up of (sklp voloe) where sklp ls Lhe number of zeros ln
Lhe run and voloe ls Lhe nexL nonzero coefflclenL
% 1he above wlll be encoded as
(06) (07) (0J)(0J)(0J) (02)(02)(02)(02)(00)
llnal palr lndlcaLes Lhe end of Lhe sLrlng for Lhls block
nuffman encod|ng
% SlgnlflcanL levels of compresslon can be obLalned by
replaclng long sLrlngs of blnary dlglLs by a sLrlng of much
shorLer codewords
% 1he lengLh of each codeword ls a funcLlon of lLs relaLlve
frequency of occurrence
% normally a Lable of codewords ls used wlLh Lhe seL of
codewords precompuLed uslng Lhe Puffman codlng
Image Compress|on Irame 8u||d|ng
% ln order for Lhe remoLe compuLer Lo lnLerpreL all Lhe dlfferenL flelds
and Lables LhaL make up Lhe blLsLream lL ls necessary Lo dellmlL each
fleld and seL of Lable values ln a deflned way
% 1he !LC sLandard lncludes a deflnlLlon of Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe LoLal
blLsLream relaLlng Lo a parLlcular lmage/plcLure 1hls ls known as a
% 1he role of Lhe frame bullder ls Lo eocopsolote all Lhe lnformaLlon
relaLlng Lo an encoded lmage/plcLure
Image Compress|on Irame 8u||d|ng
% AL Lhe Lop level Lhe compleLe frameplusheader ls encapsulaLed
beLween a sLarLofframe and an endofframe dellmlLer whlch allows
Lhe recelver Lo deLermlne Lhe sLarL and end of all Lhe lnformaLlon
relaLlng Lo a compleLe lmage
% 1he frame header conLalns a number of flelds
Lhe overall wldLh and helghL of Lhe lmage ln plxels
Lhe number and Lype of componenLs (CLu1 8/C/8 ?/C
Lhe dlglLlzaLlon formaL used (422 420 eLc)
Image Compress|on Irame 8u||d|ng
% AL Lhe nexL level a frame conslsLs of a number of componenLs each
of whlch ls known as a scoo
@he /eve/ two heoder contoins fie/ds thot inc/ude
Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhe componenLs
Lhe number of blLs used Lo dlglLlze each componenL
Lhe quanLlzaLlon Lable of values LhaL have been used Lo encode
each componenL
% Lach scoo comprlses one or more seqmeots each of whlch can
conLaln a group of (8x8) blocks preceded by a header
% 1hls conLalns Lhe seL of Puffman codewords for each block
Image Compress|on ILG decoder
% A !LC decoder ls made up of a number of sLages whlch are
slmply Lhe correspondlng decoder secLlons of Lhose used ln
Lhe encoder
% 1he !LC decoder ls made up of a number of sLages whlch are Lhe
correspondlng decoder secLlons of Lhose used ln Lhe encoder
% 1he frame decoder flrsL ldenLlfles Lhe encoded blLsLream and lLs
assoclaLed conLrol lnformaLlon and Lables wlLhln Lhe varlous headers
% lL Lhen loads Lhe conLenLs of each Lable lnLo Lhe relaLed Lable and
passes Lhe conLrol lnformaLlon Lo Lhe |mage bu||der
% 1hen Lhe Puffman decoder carrles ouL Lhe decompresslon
operaLlon uslng preloaded or Lhe defaulL Lables of codewords
% 1he Lwo decompressed sLreams conLalnlng Lhe uC and AC
coefflclenLs of each block are Lhen passed Lo Lhe dlfferenLlal and run
lengLh decoders
% 1he resulLlng maLrlx of values ls Lhen dequanLlzed uslng elLher Lhe
defaulL or Lhe preloaded values ln Lhe quanLlzaLlon Lable
% Lach resulLlng block of 8x8 spaLlal frequency coefflclenL ls passed ln
Lurn Lo Lhe |nverse DC1 whlch ln Lurn Lransforms lL back Lo Lhelr
spaLlal form
% 1he lmage bullder Lhen reconsLrucLs Lhe lmage from Lhese blocks
uslng Lhe conLrol lnformaLlon passed Lo lL by Lhe frame decoder
% AlLhough complex uslng !LC compresslon raLlos of 201 can be
obLalned whlle sLlll reLalnlng a good quallLy lmage
% 1hls level (201) ls applled for lmages wlLh few colour LranslLlons
% lor more compllcaLed lmages compresslon raLlos of 101 are more
% Llke Cll lmages lL ls posslble Lo encode and rebulld Lhe lmage ln a
progresslve manner 1hls can be achleved by Lwo dlfferenL modes
ptoqtesslve moJe and bletotcblcol moJe
% rogress|ve mode llrsL Lhe uC and lowfrequency
coefflclenLs of each block are senL and Lhen Lhe hlgh
frequency coefflclenLs
% h|erarch|a| mode ln Lhls mode Lhe LoLal lmage ls flrsL
senL uslng a low resoluLlon eq J20 \ 240 ooJ tbeo ot o
blqbet tesolotloo 640 \ 480
V|deo Compress|on
Cne approach Lo compresslng a vldeo source ls Lo apply Lhe
!LC algorlLhm Lo each frame lndependenLly 1hls ls known
as movlng !LC or M!LC
lf a Lyplcal movle scene has a mlnlmum duraLlon of 3
seconds assumlng a frame refresh raLe of 60 frames/s each
scene ls composed of 180 frames hence by sendlng Lhose
segmenLs of each frame LhaL has movemenL assoclaLed
wlLh Lhem conslderable addlLlonal savlngs ln bandwldLh
can be made
1here are Lwo Lypes of compressed frames
1hose LhaL are compressed lndependenLly (I frames)
1hose LhaL are predlcLed (frame and 8frame)
vldeo Compresslon Lxample frame
sequences l and frames
n the context of compression, since video is simply a
sequence of digitized pictures, video is also referred to
as moving pictures and the terms "frames and "picture
are used interchangeably
V|deo Compress|on I frames
lftomes (lnLracoded frames) are encoded wlLhouL
reference Lo any oLher frames Lach frame ls LreaLed as a
separaLe plcLure and Lhe ? C
and C
maLrlces are encoded
separaLely uslng !LC
lftomes Lhe compresslon level ls small
1hey are good for Lhe flrsL frame relaLlng Lo a new scene ln
a movle
lftomes musL be repeaLed aL regular lnLervals Lo avold
loslng Lhe whole plcLure as durlng Lransmlsslon lL can geL
corrupLed and hence looses Lhe frame
1he number of frames/plcLures beLween successlve l
frames ls known as a group of plcLures (CC) 1yplcal
values of CC are 3 12
V|deo Compress|on frames
1he encodlng of Lhe frame ls relaLlve Lo Lhe conLenLs of
elLher a precedlng lframe or a precedlng frame
frames are encoded uslng a comblnaLlon of motloo
estlmotloo and motloo compeosotloo
1he occotocy of tbe pteJlctloo opetotloo ls deLermlned by
how well any movemenL beLween successlve frames ls
esLlmaLed 1hls ls known as Lhe mot|on est|mat|on
Slnce Lhe estlmotloo ls oot exoct oJJltloool lofotmotloo
musL also be senL Lo lndlcaLe any small dlfferences beLween
Lhe predlcLed and acLual poslLlons of Lhe movlng segmenLs
lnvolved 1hls ls known as Lhe mot|on compensat|on
No of l ftomes betweeo lftomes ls llmlteJ to ovolJ ettot
vldeo Compresslon lrame Sequences
l and 8frames
Each frame is treated as a separate (digitized) picture
and the Y, C
and C
matrices are encoded
independently using the JPEG algorithm (DCT,
Quantization, entropy encoding) except that the
quantization threshold values that are used are the
same for all DCT coefficients
vldeo Compresslon 8lrames
A fourth type of frame known as PB-frame has also
been defined; it does not refer to a new frame type as
such but rather the way two neighbouring P- and B-
frames are encoded as if they were a single frame
V|deo Compress|on
Motloo estlmotloo lnvolves comparlng small segmenLs of
Lwo consecuLlve frames for Jlffeteoces and should a
dlfference be deLecLed a search ls carrled ouL Lo deLermlne
whlch nelghbourlng segmenLs Lhe orlglnal segmenL has
1o llmlL Lhe Llme for search Lhe comparlson ls llmlLed Lo few
Works well ln slow movlng appllcaLlons llke vldeo Lelephony
lor fasL movlng vldeo lL wlll noL work effecLlvely Pence 8
frames (8|d|rect|ona|) are used 1helr conLenLs are
predlcLed uslng Lhe post and Lhe fotote frames
8 frames provldes hlghesL level of compresslon and
because Lhey are noL lnvolved ln Lhe codlng of oLher frames
Lhey do noL propagaLe errors
V|deo Compress|on frame encod|ng
The digitized contents of the Y matrix associated with
each frame are first divided into a two-dimensional
matrix of 16 X 16 pixels known as a macrobIock
V|deo Compress|on frame encod|ng
4 uC1 blocks for Lhe lumlnance slgnals ln Lhe example here
and 1 each for Lhe Lwo chromlnance slgnals are used
1o encode a pframe Lhe conLenLs of each macroblock ln
Lhe frame known as Lhe totqet ftome are compared on a
plxelbyplxel basls wlLh Lhe conLenLs of Lhe l or frames
(tefeteoce ftomes)
lf a close maLch ls found Lhen only Lhe address of Lhe
macroblock ls encoded
lf a maLch ls noL found Lhe search ls exLended Lo cover an
area around Lhe macroblock ln Lhe tefeteoce ftome
'ideo Compression P-frame encoding
To encode a P-Irame, the contents oI each macroblock in the Irame (target Irame) are
compared on a pixel-by-pixel basis with the contents oI the corresponding macroblock
in the preceeding I- or P-Irame
vldeo Compresslon 8frame encodlng
To encode a B-frame, any motion is estimated with
reference to both the immediately preceding - or P-
frame and the immediately succeeding P- or -frame
V|deo Compress|on 8frame encod|ng
1o encode 8frame any moLlon ls esLlmaLed wlLh reference
Lo boLh Lhe precedlng l or frame and Lhe succeedlng or l
1he moLlon vecLor and dlfference maLrlces are compuLed
uslng flrsL Lhe precedlng frame as Lhe reference frame and
Lhen Lhe succeedlng frame as Lhe reference
1hlrd moLlon vecLors and seL of dlfference maLrlces are
Lhen compuLed uslng Lhe LargeL and Lhe mean of Lhe Lwo
oLher predlcLed seL of values
1he seL wlLh Lhe lowesL seL of dlfference maLrlces ls chosen
and ls encoded
Decod|ng of I and 8 frames
lftomes decode lmmedlaLely Lo recreaLe orlglnal frame
lftomes Lhe recelved lnformaLlon ls decoded and Lhe
resulLlng lnformaLlon ls used wlLh Lhe decoded conLenLs
of Lhe precedlng l/ frames (Lwo buffers are used)
ftomes Lhe recelved lnformaLlon ls decoded and Lhe
resulLlng lnformaLlon ls used wlLh Lhe decoded conLenLs
of Lhe precedlng and succeedlng or l frame (Lhree
buffers are used)
A new frame Lype showlng how Lwo nelghbourlng and
8 frames are encoded as lf Lhey were a slngle frame
vldeo Compresslon lmplemenLaLlon
schemaLlc Iframes
The encoding procedure used for the macroblocks that
make up an -frame is the same as that used in the
JPEG standard to encode each 8 x 8 block of pixels
Imp|ementat|on Issues
lframe same as !LC lmplemenLaLlon
luC1 CuanLlzaLlon enLropy encodlng
Assumlng 4 blocks for Lhe lumlnance and 2 blocks for Lhe
chromlnance each macroblock would requlre slx 8x8
plxel blocks Lo be encoded
Imp|ementat|on Issues frames
ln Lhe case of frames Lhe encodlng of each macroblock
ls dependenL on Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe moLlon esLlmaLlon unlL
whlch ln Lurn depends on Lhe conLenLs of Lhe
macroblocks belng encoded and Lhe conLenLs of Lhe
macroblock ln Lhe search area of Lhe reference frame LhaL
produces Lhe closesL maLch 1here are Lhree posslblllLles
lf Lhe Lwo conLenLs are Lhe same only Lhe address of
Lhe macroblock ln Lhe reference frame ls encoded
lf Lhe Lwo conLenLs are very close boLh Lhe moLlon
vecLor and Lhe dlfference maLrlces assoclaLed wlLh Lhe
macroblock ln Lhe reference frame are encoded
lf no close maLch ls found Lhen Lhe LargeL macroblock ls
encoded ln Lhe same way as a macroblock ln an lframe
vldeo Compresslon lmplemenLaLlon
schemaLlc frames
n order to carry out its role, the motion estimation unit
containing the search logic, utilizes a copy of the
(uncoded) reference frame
vldeo Compresslon lmplemenLaLlon
schemaLlc 8frames
The same previous procedure is followed for encoding
B-frames except both the preceding (reference) and the
succeeding frame to the target frame are involved
vldeo Compresslon example
macroblock encoded blLsLream formaL
Imp|ementat|on Issues 8|tstream
lor each macroblock lL ls necessary Lo ldenLlfy Lhe Lype of
encodlng LhaL has been used 1hls ls Lhe role of Lhe
1ype lndlcaLes Lhe Lype of frame encoded I or 8
Address ldenLlfles Lhe locaLlon of Lhe macroblock ln Lhe
CuanLlzaLlon value ls Lhe value used Lo quanLlze all Lhe
uC1 coefflclenLs ln Lhe macroblock
MoLlon vecLor encoded vecLor
8lock represenLaLlon lndlcaLes whlch of Lhe slx 8x8
blocks LhaL make up Lhe macroblcok are presenL
81 82 86 !LC encoded uCl coefflclenLs for Lhose
blocks presenL
vldeo Compresslon MLC1 example frame
Uses a similar video compression technique as H.261;
the digitization format used is the source intermediate
format (SF) and progressive scanning with a refresh
rate of 0 Hz (NTSC) and 25 Hz (for PAL)
Compresslon for lframes are slmllar Lo !LC for vldeo
Lyplcally 101 Lhrough Lo 201 dependlng on Lhe
complexlLy of Lhe frame conLenLs
and 8 frames are hlgher compresslon and ln Lhe reglon
of 201 Lhrough Lo 301 for frame and 301 Lo 301 for
PEG-1 ISO #ecommendation 11172 uses resolution oI 352x288
pixels and used Ior 'HS quality audio and video on CD-#OM at a
bit rate oI 1.5 Mbps
PEG-2 ISO #ecommendation 13818
Used in recording and transmission oI studio quality audio and
video. DiIIerent levels oI video resolution possible
ow: 352X288 comparable with MPEG-1
Main: 720X 576 pixels studio quality video and audio, bit rate up to
15 Mbps
High: 1920X1152 pixels used in wide screen HDT' bit rate oI up to
80Mbps are possible
PEG-3- was to be Iocussed on HDT' .Incorporated into
PEG-4: Used Ior interactive multimedia applications over the
Internet and over various entertainment networks
PEG 4 standard contains Ieatures to enable a user not only to
passively access a video sequence using Ior example the start/stop/
but also enables the manipulation oI the individual elements that
make up a scene within a video
vldeo Compresslon MLC1 vldeo
blLsLream sLrucLure composlLlon
The compressed bitstream produced by the video encoder is hierarchical: at the top
level, the complete compressed video (sequence) which consists oI a string oI groups oI
vldeo Compresslon MLC1 vldeo
blLsLream sLrucLure formaL
In order Ior the decoder to decompress the received bitstream, each data structure
must be clearly identiIied within the bitstream
Five proIiles at each level
Spatial resolution
Quantization accuracy
MPML- Main proIile at the main level
Digital television broadcasting
Interlaced scanning
4:2:0 Iormat
720 x 480 /720x576
Output bit rate:4 Mbps- 15 Mbps
vldeo encodlng same as MLC1
lnLerlaced scannlng ls used
3 sLds 1A1v
In MPEG-4 each video Irame is segmented into a number oI
;/eo object planes ('OP) each oI which will correspond
to an A'O (Audio visual object) oI interest
Each audio and video object has a separate object
/escrptor associated with it which allows the object to be
manipulated by the viewer prior to it being decoded and
played out
vldeo Compresslon MLC4 codlng
Content based video coding principles showing how a Irame/scene is deIined in the
Iorm oI multiple video object planes
'ideo Compression MPEG 4 encoder/decoder
vldeo Compresslon MLC vC encoder
The audio associated with an AVO is compressed using
one of the algorithms described before and depends on
the available bit rate of the transmission channel and the
sound quality required
MLC decoder

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