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sychologlcal 1esLlng

nLroducLlon of sychologlcal 1esLlng

Why interviewer receptive to accept this kind of
device means the test.
What they measure?
Purpose of Test
:. Guiding and counscling siudcnis
:. Guiding io carccr scckcrs
. 1o know ihc human bchaior and pcrsonaliiy
+. Sclcciion o candidaic or an organizaiion
nLroducLlon of sychologlcal 1esLlng
Accordlng Lo Wendell LesL are used for Lhree
:. Ior sclcciion and placcmcni o ncw
:. Ior appraising cmployccs or promoiional
. Ior counsclling cmployccs.
urpose Accordlng Lo Meyer 8erLoLLle
1 hyslcal characLerlsLlcs PelghL
vlsual acLlvlLy
2 AblllLles and skllls uexLerlLy
MaLhemaLlcal ablllLy
verbal ablllLy
Clerlcal skllls
3 nLeresL SclenLlflc lnLeresL
Lconomlc lnLeresL
CulLural lnLeresL
Mechanlcal lnLeresL
4 ersonallLy LralL SoclallLy
LmoLlonal sLablllLy
CharacLerlsLlcs of sychologlcal 1esL
1 AssumpLlon
o iwo pcrson arc cqual
Aiiribuics arc rcclcd whcn icsi arc uscd
Icrormanccs o pcoplc arc dicr on a [ob
2 valldlLy valldlLy may be of four Lype
onicni alidiiy
Ircdiciic aluc
oncurrcni alidiiy
onsiruci alidiiy
CharacLerlsLlcs of sychologlcal LesL
. Rcliabiliiy
+. Siandardizaiion
:. Ob[cciiiiy
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
A ClasslflcaLlon on Lhe basls of human
8 Cn Lhe basls of use of LesL or
C ndlvldual or group LesL
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
A on Lhe basls of human behavlor LesLs have been classlfled lnLo
four caLegorles
ApLlLude 1esL
nLeresL 1esL
MenLal 1esL
Sample 1esL
SlLuaLlon 1esL
ClasslflcaLlon or 1ypes of sychologlcal 1esL
Cn Lhe basls of human behavlor
1 ApLlLude 1esL or oLenLlal 1esL
i mcasurcs abiliiy o a candidaic io lcarn ncw
[ob or skill
1hcy ocus aiicniion on a pariicular iypc o
ialcni such a lcarning, rcasoning or a mcchanical
bcni o mind
ihcsc icsi arc uscul in sclcciion o cmployccs
1his icsi may iakc onc o ihc ollowing orms.
mcnial, mcchanical apiiiudc e psychomoior icsi.
ClasslflcaLlon or 1ypes of sychologlcal 1esL
1) Cn Lhe basls of human behavlour
1 ApLlLude or poLenLlal ablllLy LesL
l MenLal or lnLelllgence 1esLs
a. Mcasurcs iniclligcncc quoiicni (.Q.)
b. 1hc Vcchslcr Aduli niclligcncc Scalc
c. 1hc Vondcrlic Icrsonncl 1csi e Oiis
Lmploymcni 1csi
ClasslflcaLlon or 1ype of psychologlcal 1esL
1 ApLlLude or poLenLlal ablllLy LesLs
ll Mechanlcal ApLlLude 1esL
a. Mcasurc ihc capaciiy o pcrson io lcarn a
pariicular iypc o mcchanical work
b. Mcasurc spccializcd knowlcdgc and inormaiion
o icchniqucs, ariihmciical problcm soling
abiliiy and icchnical ocabulary
c. 1his icsi is or apprcniiccs, machinisis,
mcchanics, mainicnancc workcrs.
ClasslflcaLlon or 1ype of psychologlcal 1esL
1 ApLlLude or poLenLlal ablllLy LesLs
ll sychomoLor or Skllls
a. Vhich mcasurcs pcrson`s abiliiy io do a
spcciic [ob such a bcnch asscmbly work,
packing, icsi and inspcciion.
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
2 AchlevemenL 1esLs
Mcasurc skill or knowlcdgc which is acquircd as
a rcsuli o a iraining program.
l !ob knowledge LesL
Oral or wriiicn icsi
Suiiablc or supcrisor, sicnographcrs,
ll Work sample LesL
Aciual [ob is gicn as a icsi
i.c. a iyping icsi
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
3 ersonallLy 1esL
1o mcasurc ihosc basic makc up or
characicrisiics which arc non inicllcciual in
ihcir naiurc
i cxplorc cmoiional, maiuriiy, aluc sysicm,
mood, sircss handling abiliiy, supcrisory
abiliiy, cxirocri, inirocri, scl conidcncc,
[udgmcnial abiliiy, paiicni
i is or supcrisor and highcr cxccuiics
1hcsc icsi arc o ihrcc iypcs
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
3 ersonallLy 1esLs
i. Ob[cciic icsis
ii. Iro[cciic icsi
iii. Siiuaiion icsi
4 nLeresL 1esLs
Iind oui ihc iypc o work in which candidaic
hac inicrcsi
rcaic incniorics o likcs and dislikcs
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal LesL
2) ClasslflcaLlon on Lhe basls of use of LesL
:. Sclcciion icsi
:. lassiicaiion icsi
. Ilaccmcni dccision icsi
ClasslflcaLlon or Lype of psychologlcal
3) ndlvldual and Croup LesLs
:. ndiidual icsi
:. Group icsi
AdvanLages of 1esLlng
a) Lcss sub[cciic bias e morc ob[cciic in
b) Uniorm in basis or comparing candidaics
c) i incrcasc produciion, saiisaciion, moral e
rcducc abscniccism
d) Minimizc ihc iimc o sclcciion
c) 1csis arc o grcai aluc in sclcciing arious
causcs o ailurc and succcss
ueveloplng A 1esL rogramme
i. Dcciding ihc ob[cciics o a icsiing
ii. Analyzing [obs io idcniiy ihosc
characicrisiics which appcar ncccssary
iii. hoosing icsi io mcasurc characicrisiics
i. Lsiablishing criicria o [ob succcss
. Analyzing ihc rcsulis o icsis and iaking
dccisions rcgarding ihc applicaiions o icsis
8aslc 1esLlng Culdellnes
a. 1csis arc io bc uscd as a supplcmcni raihcr ihan as a
subsiiiuic or any oihcr mcihod.
b. 1csis arc bciicr ai prcdiciing ailurc ihan succcss.
c. 1csis arc scrccning dcicc
d. 1csi scorcs arc noi prccisc mcasurc bccausc ihcy arc
samplc o bchaior.
c. Lcry icsi musi bc alidaicd in ihc organizaiion in
which ii is uscd.
. 1csi condiiion arc imporiani
g. nasion o priacy should bc aoidcd
h. 1csi adminisiraiion, scoring and inicrprciaiion
rcquirc icchnical compcicncc and iraining in icsiing.

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