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1rlangle usablllLy rofesslonals

keynoLe Speaker for
World usablllLy uay
Innovat|on for Soc|a| Change kyan A|||s
W yan Allls ls Lhe cofounder and CLC of lConLacL a soclally
responslble purposedrlven company LhaL provldes emall and soclal
medla Lools Lo SM8s and nonproflLs lConLacL has more Lhan
70000 cusLomers 270 employees and $48M ln annual sales
W yan ls Lhe auLhor of Lhe book Zero Lo Cne Mllllon from McCraw
W 1he founder of Lhe PumanlLy lund whlch lnvesLs ln hlghgrowLh
soclally responslble companles ln Lhe uSA and Afrlca
W 1he 8oard Chalrman of Lhe nonproflL nourlshorg
W yan ls passlonaLe abouL lmprovlng Lhe llves of people who are aL
Lhe boLLom of Lhe pyramld (pooresL socloeconomlc group of
people llvlng ln Lhe developlng world on less Lhan $2 per day) yan
wlll Lalk abouL hlsLorlcal and currenL examples of lnnovaLlons LhaL
have had an lmpacL on humanlLy
ueslgnlng for Soclal Change
8y yan Allls
WhaL ls LxLreme overLy?
Pow Much uo ?ou Larn?
W 136 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $1 per day (900 mllllon people)
W 217 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $123 per day (14 bllllon people)
W 392 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $2 per day (26 bllllon people)
W 486 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $230 per day (31 bllllon people)
W 381 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $4 per day (40 bllllon people)
W 798 of humanlLy llves on less Lhan $10 per day (31 blllon people)
1here are now 7 8llllon Pumans Worldwlde
WhaL ls LxLreme overLy
W LxLreme poverLy ls deflned as lndlvlduals
llvlng on under $2 per day
W 1here are currenLly 23 bllllon people llvlng on
under $2 per day
W 1hls ls 39 of Lhe world populaLlon
8aslc Puman needs
1hese 23 bllllon human belngs ofLen don'L have
access Lo Lhe 8aslc Puman needs of
W lood
W WaLer
W ShelLer
W 8aslc LducaLlon
W 8aslc Medlclne
WhaL ls 1he 8oLLom of Lhe
1he 8oLLom of Lhe yramld (8o)
4 bllllon people llve on
under $4 per day (38)
1be bottom of tbe pytomlJ tefets to tbe pootest socloecooomlc qtoop of
people llvloq lo tbe Jeveloploq wotlJ oo less tboo 54 pet Joy
ueslgn for Lhe 8o
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe world's deslgners focus all Lhelr efforLs on developlng producLs
and servlces excluslvely for Lhe rlchesL 10 of Lhe world's cusLomers noLhlng less
Lhan a revoluLlon ln deslgn ls needed Lo reach Lhe oLher 90"
t lool lolok lotetootloool evelopmeot otetptlses
Aotbot of Oot of lovetty
lnfluenLlal 8ooks
ueslgnlng roducLs lor Lhe
8oLLom of Lhe yramld
WhaL ls Lhe cosL of a landmlne? WhaL ls Lhe cosL of a landmlne?
WhaL does lL cosL Lo remove a landmlne? WhaL does lL cosL Lo remove a landmlne?
roducLs ueslgned for Soclal Cood
A Whole ulfferenL lorm of
Puman lacLors ueslgn
WaLer lrrlgaLlon
WaLer urlflers
uLlghL Solar Lamps
Lmbrace lnfanL Warmer
1he $33 1ableL
Lxample roducLs
lnfluenLlal CrganlzaLlons
luL lnLernaLlonal uevelopmenL LnLerprlses
Ml1 u Lab
SLanford ueslgn for LxLreme AffordablllLy
ueslgn for Lhe CLher 90
ArchlLecLure for PumanlLy
Web laLforms for Cood
Moblle Apps for Soclal Cood
1he Soclal Cood Conferences
1he Soclal Cood Medla CuLleLs
8 Corps
WhaL l'm lnvolved WlLh
WhaL does 18L Mean?
A Lrlple boLLom llne company ls a company LhaL measures and
reporLs on lLs flnanclal resulLs soclal resulLs and
envlronmenLal resulLs
1 llnanclal 8oLLom Llne (roflLs)
2 Soclal 8oLLom Llne (eople)
3 LnvlronmenLal 8oLLom Llne (laneL)
Lvery year we publlsh a CorporaLe esponslblllLy eporL LhaL
reporLs on all Lhree of Lhese boLLom llnes
Can We CreaLe a World WlLhouL
overLy ln Cur LlfeLlme?

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