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What is Robotics?
A robot is a virtual or mechanical artificial agent. A common characteristic is that by its appearance or movements, a robot often conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. This is a very broad definition. We will look at autonomous robotics line follower robot in particular.





Mechanical Aspect
The Differential Drive: most common drive used in

both autonomous and manual bots. Two independent motors, each rotating with a different speed. Speed difference allows for motion patterns like zero-radius turns and motion in curved paths.

Differential Drive

To detect lines drawn on surface, the robot uses

sensors to distinguish between black and white. Done using an LED and an LDR. Light emitted form the LED (Light Emitting Diode) reaches the LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) only after reflection from a nearby surface. Black surface: No reflection. This robot uses four sensors. Only two of them (the central ones) are used for line following . The two extreme ones may be used later for grid navigation

Circuit Diagram

A>B A<B 1 0

The Microcontroller
The microcontroller: Brain of the autonomous robot. Has it's own microprocessor, RAM and static flash storage. ATMEGA16 microcontroller used here. ATMEGA16 : 16 MHz processor, 1 KB internal SRAM and 16

KB of in-system programmable memory. 40 pins - 8 are reserved for various functions; other 32 pins are general purpose pins which may be used for general input and output.

Pin Configuration

Pins operate in highs and lows. +5V with respect to the

ground is 'high'; ground potential is 'low'. Code designates pins as 'input' pins or 'output' pins. Input pins: Used to take input from the surroundings, say, by hooking up with output of a sensor. Output pins: Used to control external actuators such as motors (via a motor driver). ATMEGA16 comes with several sophisticated and advanced features like timers, interrupts and analogue to digital converters. Code is burnt onto microcontroller using a programmer.

Motor Driver Circuit

Output signals from ATMEGA are in form of +5 V(HIGH or 1) and 0 V (LOW or 0). These cannot be directly fed into the motor since:
Most DC motors need around 12V to operate which the microcontroller does not provide. DC motors typically consume around 500 mA of current, another thing the microcontroller output

cannot provide. We use L293D: a motor driver IC. Chip converts a 5V low current signal to a 12V high current signal using an external power source. If the input pin is high due to a 5V signal from the ATMEGA16 the corresponding output pin gets shorted with an external power supply.

Power Supply
We use a single 12V DC power supply for the

entire bot. The microcontroller and the L293D require a 5V supplies for their internal functioning. We use the IC 7805 which converts the 12V DC supply to a 5V DC supply.

The Connections
To detect the sensor states, attach each sensor output to

one of the microcontroller pins. In this case we connect all of them to port A pins. To send output signal to the L293D from the microcontroller short some microcontroller pins from the port A with those of L293D chip. The output from L293D is further fed into the motors.

The Algorithms
Here we use only the two central sensors as input. The algorithm :
If the right sensor turns off at any moment we conclude that the bot has veered off

too much to the right. We stop the left motor and keep the right motor running. If the left sensor turns off at any moment we conclude that the bot has veered off too much to the left. We stop the right motor and keep the left motor running. If both the sensors turn off at the same time we conclude that the line has, as such, ended and we start rotating both the wheels backwards.

Software Needed
WinAVR : basic burner/simulator Programmer's Notepad : coding in a proper


environment AVR Studio 4 : burning, code writing, simulation everything! PonyProg : for burning. AVRdude : for burning.

The Line Following Code

So thats the first part of the workshop completed.

What is Robotix ?
Group of robotics events conducted during Kshitij the

annual techno-management fest of IIT Kharagpur Huge prize money in excess of Rs 3 Lakhs for Robotix 2010 Diversify into different fields of robotics each year Robotix 2010 had an underwater event, and outdoor autonomous event, an online event Lets look at some numbers.

Robotix 06
750 participants 260 teams 63 colleges Becomes Indias

largest robotics competition.

Robotix 07
Over 1500 participants 546 teams International

participation with online submissions by Stanford, Princeton

Robotix 08
Over 2500 participants Over 1200 teams 11 international teams Prize money in excess

of Rs 2 Lakhs

Robotix 2009
Prize money more than 2 Lakhs. Over 3000 participants from all

over India. Over 1000 teams overall.

Robotix 2010

10 years of
Robotix Prize money of over 2.5 Lakhs. International participation

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2010

Robotix 2011
28th to 31st January, 2011. Will have the following events:
Manual R.A.F.T. , Pirate Bay Autonmous Ballista, The Fugitives Image Processing RoboCop Online (Coding) The Negotiators

Lets go over each event.

Robot Aided Flood Transporter

Applications in flood rescue operations. Manual event with water based arena

The task is to build a manually controlled robot or a group of robots which can navigate a raft on water and retrieve people (in our case, cubes) from flood affected areas (platforms) and bring them to safety (victory zone).

First Round
To navigate the raft to traverse the arena in a predefined pathwhich will be marked by ropes crossing three check posts in its way.

Second Round
The arena will have three platforms. The robot has to retrieve the cubes kept on two platforms and deposit them onto the third platform.

Pirate Bay
Application in robotic excavation and rescue operations. Manual event with multiple terrains. Find hidden treasures, take on your enemies.

The task is to build a manually controlled robot that can traverse across different kinds of terrain and dig out coins from the arena ground.

First Round
Dig through flagged spots on sand to uncover coins that are buried underneath and collect them in an open chest at one corner of the arena.

Second Round through two types of regions, pebbled and an incline, find the Traverse
treasure stored at strategic locations in the pebbled zone and deposit in the chest.

Third Round
Retrieve the treasure kept on the pyramid and in the sand beds Put claim to the treasure by depositing it in the designated victory zone.

Applications in modern stealth warfare Seek and destroy light emitting target without

giving away your position to the enemy

Build an autonomous robot capable of detecting an illuminated target and shooting projectiles (table tennis balls) at it from concealed positions (behind walls placed in the arena).


The Fugitives
Based on robot guards to catch prisoners escaping from jails Autonomous Event First event in India with a dynamic arena

Build at most 4 autonomous robots that collaborate among themselves to locate and imprison fugitives (moving autonomous robots provided by us) moving in a 10 x 10 grid.The robots should be capable of following lines and avoiding collision with the fugitives

TASK : To trap the fugitives behind the

Image processing event Based on robotic law-enforcement services

Build an autonomous robot that can navigate through a set of rooms and topple criminals (coloured red) while avoiding the civilians (coloured green)


The Negotiators
Negotiations through Artificial Intelligence Based on Prisoners Dilemma, Game Theory Coding event Online submissions, save yourself the journey!

Write a program which negotiates with 2 other such programs to convert the given virtual arena into what is required.

ASME SDC Challenge 2011

The Student Design Competition showcases the extraordinary talents of engineering students while encouraging them to develop innovative ideastowards animproved quality of life for all.

Problem Statement


Design a scaled, proof of concept prototype for

rain energy conversion. The prototype device will propel a model car as far as possible in a straight line by convertingthe potential energy of one liter of water at one meter height. All water must be contained within the device and a penalty will be assessed for any water spilled.

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Check out our website for details.

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