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Llmca book of world record qulz

vlzaa edlLlon
Complled bv
8 Srl krlshna
W 1 Whlch landmark ln vlzaa aeLs lLs name form an anlmal whlch can recoanlze lL self ln Lhe mlrror?
W Ans dolphln's nose
W 2 Lhe padmashree award wlnner of 1984 and Lhe one Llme chancellor of Allaarh musllm unlverslLv 200 2002
now holds whlch posL?
W Ans vlce presldenL le hamld ansarl
W 3 Whlch elemenL aeLs lLs name from Lhe old Lnallsh word aloeus meanlna vellow?
W Ans aold
W 4 AfLer whlch freedom flahLer ls a phvslcal educaLlon unlverslLv ln lndla esL ln 1937 aeLs lLs name from?
W Ans ranl laxml bal
W 3 whlch ls Lhe laLesL svmbol Lo be adopLed bv Lhe lndlan aovL
W Ans rupee svmbol
W 6 cfc's was lnvenLed Lo replace whlch polsonous aas ln frldaes ?
W nlLroaen /ammonla/hellum
W Ans ammonla
W 7 who hosLs Lhe lndlan verslon of wlpe ouL?
W Ans S8k
W 8 whlch conLlnenL ls Lhe mosL affecLed bv ozone depleLlon
W Ans AnLarcLlca
W 9eavpLlan upland AslaLlc (some oLher 2 ) are Lvpes of whaL?
W Ans coLLon
W 10whos sloaan ls ?ou counL so vou counL!"
W Ans census
W 11Lhe 3
parL of Akbar nama ls beLLer know as whaL?
W Ans aln ln akbarl
9rellms conLlnued
W 12 whlch blrd ls Lhe svmbol of Lhe lllA ?
W Ans peacock (Lhe award ls ln Lhe shape of Lhe blrd)
W 13 pepper ls exLenslvelv manufacLured ln Lhe S/W parL of whlch counLrv?
W Ans lndla
W 14 whaL ls Lhe mosL wldelv used solvenL ln Lhe world?
W Ans waLer
W 13 who asked for some Llme before he was Lo be aullLLoned ln france Lo compleLe hls plece
of work?
W Charles dlckens
W AnLolne Lavolsler
W Some Lhere auv
W Ans AnLolne Lavolsler
W 16LaslesL of Lhe loL ! whlch carLoon's parL are max 1ennvson and awen 1ennvson?
W Ans 8Ln 10
W 17whlch ls Lhe laraesL exporLed frulL ln Lhe world (afLer clLrus frulLs)?
W Ans banana
W 18 lu Lhe movle form Lhe sona Lanu weds manu
W 19 lu sonakshl slnha
9rellms conLlnued
W 20 lu vlraL kohll
W 21 Llll 1970 all Lvpers had Lo Lvpe a full sLop Lhen press backspace and Lhen puL a
aposLrophe Lo Lvpe Lhls kev as lL was noL Lhere ln Lhe kev board WhaL kev?
W Ans !
W 22 who's flrsL 1v proaramme was Lanka 8uslness 8eporL?
W Ans !acquellne lernandez!
W 23 whlch hlll sLaLlon aoL lLs name from a aovernor aeneral?
W Ans ualhousle
W 24 an easL Aslan ruler was sald Lo be burled alona Lhe corse of a dlverLed rlver and Lhe rlver
Lhen came back Lo lLs orlalnal course ! who
W Ans Cenahls khan
W 23 Lhe creaLor of whlch carLoon characLer sald LhaL he dld noL Lhlnk LhaL Lhe name of Lhe
characLer meanL froa ln anv lanauaae?
W Ans mowall
W 26 plaved Lhe sona darllna from saaL khoon maff ld Lhe muslc dlrecLor
W Ans vlshal bharadwa[
W 27 who's Lhe senlor parLner of 9aula dl resL ln hls l1 Leam
W Ans Adrlan suLll from force lndla
W 28 showed Lhe plcLure of [uLe exLracLlon (called reedlna ) and asked Lo ldenLlfv LhaL process
8ounds 12 and 3
W C 8lack mamba aeLs lLs name from Lhe colour of lLs bodv serlous or [oklna?
W Ans !oklna
W C lf Lhe ball hlL bv Lhe baLsmen dlrecLlv bounces off Lhe umplre and Lhe flelder caLches lL Lhen lL ls declared ouL!
Serlous or [oklna
W Ans serlous
W C ArLhur Weslev Lakes harrv and 8on Lo Lhe mlnlsLrv of maalc bv dlallna 6224 ln Lhe phone booLh lf vou were
dlallna Lhe numbers wlLh Lhe lnLelllaenL LexL mode on Lhen whaL would be Lhe word?
W Ans maalc
W C Who bowled Lhe 1
world cup ball?
W Ans madan lal
W C An LvM can accommodaLe a maxlmum of 64 conLesLanLs WhaL happens of Lhe number ls more Lhan 64?
W Ans balloL papers are used
W C WlLh whlch counLrv does chlna share lLs lonaesL border?
W Ans Monaolla
W C ln whlch counLrv Lhe Lrekkers aulde Lells Lhe LourlsLs LhaL anv purchase of arLlfacLs or aoods form LhaL counLrv
are llleaal and are spolllna Lhe naLlonal LradlLlon?
W Ans nepal
W C Whlch anlmal walk wlLh forward and backward rlahL lea aL once as oLher 4 leaaed creaLures move leas
W Ans camel
8ounds 12 and 3 conLlnued
W C Lhe areen wall of chlna ls bullL wlLh Lrees shrubs and arass b/n Lhe chlna and
Lhe Monaolla border Whv?
W Ans Lo avold Lhe sandsLorms from Lhe Cobl deserL
W C ln lndla whaL was ralsed ln 1773 bv warren PasLlnas wlLh 30 Lroopers and
W Ans Lhe presldenLs bodv auards
W C ln [an 2010 whv dld Crlssa foresL depL ask Lhe nearbv rockeL launchlna cenLre Lo
swlLch off lLs powerful llahLs?
W Ans because lL was Lhe breedlna Llme of ollve rldelv LurLles
W C for whaL evenL dld a women baLLallon was senL Lo Lhe nepal lndla border (don'L
remember Lhe quesLlon exacLlv) ?
W Ans for lok sabha elecLlons
W C amona Lhe flaas of all crlckeLlna naLlons whlch one has Lhe mosL colours?
W Ans souLh Afrlca
W C lL ls called LeeLerLauahLer ln AusLralla whaL ls lL called ln lndla?
W Ans sea saw
Audlo vlsual round
W ld
W Ans corlander seeds
W ld
W Ans Lhe leanlna Lower of plsa
W ld
W ans saurabh Llwarl
W C ldenLlfv Lhe slnaers plaved never sav never
(probablv Lhe dumbesL quesLlon of Lhe qulz)
W Ans !8 ([aden noL needed)
W C lu Lhe anlmal
W Ans Lurkev
W lu
Ans chlLranaada das
W C lu Lhe movle from Lhe sona
W Ans dll Loh baccaha hal [l
W C lu
W 1PL uuM8LS1 CuLS1lCn Cl 1PlS CulZ
W Ans pranab mukher[l
W C lu Lhe dance form(vedlo)
W Ans [hoomar
8uzzer round
W Cn 8uZZL8
W C whlch counLrv was Lhe 1
Lo launch famllv pannlna scheme ?
W Ans lndla
W C accordlna Lo Lhe muslc LradlLlon lf a PlndusLanl raa has Lhe mavankl aL Lhe end
of lL who ls Lhe composer?
W Ans Lansen
W C Lhe rlsk of vlsual lmpalrmenL aL anv aae ls more amona men or women?
W Ans women
W C Whlch rlver ls called Lhe lavan navarl" due Lo lLs excesslve sallnlLv? Ans lunl
W C ln Lhe 1
3 vear plan whaL was Lhe secLor wlLh mosL amounL of allocaLed
W Ans aarlculLure
W C lS1417 lS 1418 lS 2790 lS 3093 are Lhe hallmarks of whlch meLal accordlna
Lo 8lS?
W Ans Cold
W C Lhe karnlmaLha Lemple ln 8a[asLhan bullL bv Maharana 9raLap Slnah houses
whlch anlmal ?
W Ans raLs
W Wlnner n1S
W 8unner up 8eLhanv School
W 2
8unner up vvS

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