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What Is Performance Assessment:
Dne In whIch a teacher observes and makes a
judgment about the student's demonstratIon
of a skIII or competency In creatIng a
product, constructIng a response, or makIng a
EmphasIs on student's abIIIty to perform tasks
by producIng theIr own work wIth theIr
knowIedge and skIIIs.
ExampIes: sIngIng, pIayIng a pIano,
performIng gymnastIcs or compIeted paper,
haracterIstIcs of Performance
- $tudents perform, create, construct, produce, or do
- 0eep understandIng andlor reasonIng skIIIs are
needed and assessed
- InvoIves sustaIned work, often days
- CaIIs on students to expIaIn, justIfy and defend
- InvoIves engagIng Ideas of Importance and substance
- PeIIes on traIned assessor's judgments for scorIng
- huItIpIe crIterIa and standards are prespecIfIed
- No sIngIe "correct" answer
$trengths E Weaknesses of
Performance Assessments
$trengths Weaknesses
ntegrates assessment wIth InstructIon
LearnIng occurs durIng assessment
ProvIdes opportunIty for formatIve
|ore authentIc
|ore engagIng, actIve Involvement of
EmphasIs on reasonIng skIlls
Teachers establIsh crIterIa to IdentIfy
successful performance
EmphasIs on applIcatIon of knowledge
Encourages student selfassessment
FelIabIlIty may be dIffIcult to
|easurement error due to
subjectIve nature of the scorIng
nconsIstent student performance
across tIme may result In Inaccurate
FequIres consIderable teacher tIme
to prepare and student tIme to
0IffIcult to plan for amount of tIme
11 1s 1mpor1on1 1o ossess s1uden1s'
1eorn1ng no1 on1g 1roug 1e1r ou1pu1s
or produo1s bu1 o1so 1e prooesses u1o
1e s1uden1s underuen1 1n order 1o
orr1ve o1 1ese produo1s or ou1pu1s.
- earnIng entaIIs not onIy what students know
but what they can do wIth what they know.
- It InvoIves knowIedge, abIIItIes, vaIues,
attItudes and habIts of mInd that affect
academIc success and performance beyond
the cIassroom.
!rocess-DrIented earnIng
- InformatIon about outcomes Is Important. To
Improve outcomes, we need to know about
student experIence aIong the way - about the
currIcuIa, teachIng, and kInd of students that
Iead to partIcuIar outcomes.
- ssessment can heIp us understand whIch
students Iearn best under what condItIons;
whIch such knowIedge comes the capacIty to
Improve the whoIe of theIr IearnIng.
- !rocess-orIented performance-based
assessment Is concerned wIth the actuaI task
performance rather than the output or product
of the actIvIty.
earnIng CompetencIes
- CompetencIes are defIned as groups or
cIusters of skIIIs and abIIItIes needed for a
partIcuIar task.
- The objectIves focus on the behavIors whIch
exempIIfy "best practIce" for the partIcuIar
- $uch behavIor range from a "begInner" or
novIce IeveI up to the IeveI of expert.
- Task: PecIte a !oem by Edgar IIan !oe,
"The Paven"
- DbjectIves: to enabIe the students to recIte
a poem entItIed "The Paven" by Edgar IIan
. PecIte the poem from memory wIthout referrIng to notes;
2. Use approprIate hand and body gestures In deIIverIng the
3. haIntaIn eye contact wIth the audIence whIIe recItIng the
4. Create ambIance of the poem through approprIate rIsIng and
faIIIng IntonatIon;
5. !ronounce the words cIearIy and wIth proper dIctIon.
- The specIfIc objectIves IdentIfIed constItute
the IearnIng competencIes for thIs partIcuIar
- ExampIes of sImpIe competencIes:
- $peak wIth a weII-moduIated voIce
- 0raw a straIght IIne from one poInt to another poInt
- CoIor a Ieaf wIth a green crayon
ExampIes of compIex competencIes
- PecIte a poem wIth feeIIng usIng approprIate
voIce quaIIty, facIaI expressIon and hand
- Construct an equIIateraI trIangIe gIven three
non-coIIInear poInts
- 0raw and coIor a Ieaf wIth green crayon
Task 0esIgnIng
$tandards for desIgnIng a task
. IdentIfyIng an actIvIty that wouId hIghIIght
the competencIes to be evaIuated.
2. IdentIfyIng an actIvIty that wouId entaII
more or Iess the same sets of competencIes.
3. FIndIng a task that wouId be InterestIng and
enjoyabIe for the students.
- TopIc: UnderstandIng bIoIogIcaI dIversIty
- !ossIbIe Task 0esIgn
- brIng the students to the pond or creek
- sk them to fInd aII IIvIng organIsms near the pond
or creek
- rIng them to schooI pIayground to fInd as may
IIvIng organIsms they can fInd
Dbserve how the students wIII deveIop a
system for fIndIng such organIsms, cIassIfyIng
the organIsms and concIudIng the dIfferences
In bIoIogIcaI dIversIty of the two sItes.
$corIng PubrIcs
- PubrIc Is a scorIng scaIe used to assess
student performance aIong a task-specIfIc set
of crIterIa.
- uthentIc assessment are crIterIon-
referenced measures;
- student's aptItude on a task Is determIned by
matchIng the student's performance agaInst a set
of crIterIa to determIne the degree to whIch the
student's performance meets the crIterIa for the
CrIterIa 2 3
Number of pproprIate
hand gestures
- 4 5 - - 2
pproprIate facIaI
ots of InapproprIate
facIaI expressIon
facIaI expressIon
No apparent
facIaI expressIon
VoIce InfIectIon X2 honotone voIce used Can vary voIce
InfIectIon wIth
Can easIIy vary
voIce InfIectIon
Incorporate proper
ambIance through feeIIngs
In the voIce
PecItatIon contaIns
very IIttIe feeIIngs
PecItatIon has
some feeIIngs
PecItatIon fuIIy
ambIance through
feeIIngs In the
0escrIptors speII out what Is expected of
students at each IeveI of performance for
each crIterIon.
It teIIs students what performance Iooks IIke at
each IeveI and how theIr work may be
dIstInguIshed from the work of others for
each crIterIon.
Why Include levels of performance:
. CIearer expectatIons
- $tudents know what Is expected of them and
teachers know what to Iook for In student's
- $tudents better understand what good
performance on the task Iooks IIke If IeveIs
of performance are IdentIfIed.
2. hore consIstent and objectIve assessment
3. etter feedback
4. naIytIc versus hoIIstIc rubrIcs
n anaIytIc rubrIc artIcuIates IeveIs of performance
for each crIterIon so that teacher can assess
students performance on each crIterIon.
HoIIstIc rubrIc does not IIst separate IeveIs of
performance for each crIterIon. Instead, It assIgns a
IeveI of performance across muItIpIe crIterIa as a
- Excellent $peaker
-IncIuded - 2 changes In hand gestures
-No apparent InapproprIate facIaI expressIons
-UtIIIzes proper voIce InfIectIon
-Can create proper ambIance for the poem
2 - Cood $peaker
-IncIuded 5 - changes In hand gestures
-Few InapproprIate facIaI expressIons
-Have some InapproprIate voIce InfIectIon changes
-Imost creatIng proper ambIance
1 - Poor $peaker
-IncIuded - 4 changes In hand gestures
-ots of InapproprIate facIaI expressIons
-Uses monotone voIce
-Cannot create proper ambIance
ExampIe of naIytIc $corIng PubrIc
(for a WrItIng $ampIe)
bjectIve: WrIte a character study
$corIng PubrIc
Ideas 2 poInts
CreatIve presentatIon 5
VarIety of character traIts presented
VIvId mentaI pIctures 5
DrganIzatIons poInts
ogIcaI presentatIon of topIcs 2
0efInIte pattern dIscernIbIe 5
ConcIusIon foIIows from detaIIs 3
0eveIopment 2 poInts
II detaIIs reIevant
Use of a varIety of IIterary devIces 5
VarIety In sentence structure 5
ConventIons poInts
CrammatIcaI constructIons 3
$peIIIng 2
!unctuatIon 3
HandwrItIng 2
Example of HolIstIc FubrIc
DbjectIve: WrIte a paper to persuade the reader to accept cIearIy defIned poInt of
vIew and course of actIon
HoIIstIc $corIng PubrIc (a paper on "persuadIng the reader .)
IttIe or no evIdence of the skIII
InapproprIate Ianguage for the Intended audIence
Few or no supportIng arguments
0etaIIs IackIng or IrreIevant
2. Competent performance
CIear and approprIate Ianguage for the Intended audIence
host supportIng arguments are pIausIbIe and reIevant
host detaIIs are reIevant
EvIdence of some InnovatIve thInkIng
3. DutstandIng performance
CIear, InterestIng, and approprIate Ianguage
hany pIausIbIe and reIevant supportIng arguments
Ideas are creatIve and weII-expressed
- When to choose an anaIytIc rubrIc
- For assIgnments that InvoIve a Iarger number of
- When to use hoIIstIc rubrIc!
- When a quIck or gross judgment needs to be made
- If the assIgnment Is a mInor one such as brIef
assIgnment (e.g. check, check-pIus, or no check)
to quIckIy revIew student work.
How many levels of performance should
Include In my FubrIc:
- No specIfIc number of IeveIs
- WIII vary dependIng on the task and your needs
- $tart wIth at Ieast three IeveIs and then expand If
hakes eye contact wIth audIence never sometImes aIways
hakes eye
never rareIy sometImes usuaIIy aIways
. For each of the foIIowIng tasks, IdentIfy at Ieast
three process-orIented IearnIng competencIes.
. ConstructIng an angIe usIng a straIght edge and a compass
2. WrItIng an essay about E0$ I
3. !erformIng a pIay on the Importance of natIonaI Ianguage
4. PoIe to IIIustrate the concept of FIIIpIno famIIy vaIues
5. ConstructIng three-dImensIonaI modeIs of soIIds from card
hoose any 5 actIvItIes and construct your
own scorIng rubrIcs
. 0evIse a game
2. !artIcIpate In a debate
3. WrIte a research paper
4. 0esIgn a museum exhIbIt
5. EvaIuate the quaIIty of a wrIter's argument
6. WrIte a summary of an artIcIe
7. Compare and contrast two storIes or artIcIes
8. 0raw concIusIon from a text

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