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Jeremy Leishman
Brigham Young University
Presentation overview

j hat are Decision Support Systems?

j hy Decision Support Systems?
j Benefits of a DSS
j omponents of DSS
j amples of DSS

j nteractive computer-based systems

j Support decision-making activities
j id users interpret raw data in a useful format
j Special class of nformation System
j ypically used for strategic and tactical decisions
facing upper management.
j Developed for decisions that occur infrequently
and carry high potential consequences

j he essential flow of information in a DSS.

˜ |  

j Data is easily stored and retrieved.

j Prioritize decisions.
j nticipate upcoming decisions.
j emember and evaluate past decisions.
j Provide consistency to decision making.
j ombines the epertise of human and
computer decision making.
Ö | 

j Usually based on intuition rather than complete

rational processing.
j umans interpret identical data differently.
j Use both quantitative and qualitative information.
j motions play a role in decision making.
j leible and adaptable.
ary greatly based on levels of epertise.

j uickly sort, filter, and process large quantities

of data.
j Logical and predictable.
j bility to incorporate vast amount of inputs
when making comple decisions.
j avor quantifiable variables.
j Users need to be trained to use them.
j nfleible


j ombine strengths of human and computer

decision making.
j DSS¶s support, not replace, managers.
j ncrease decision effectiveness not
necessarily decision efficiency.

Low level
of utomation |  

j Data retrieval and storage.

j eport creation.
j stimate decision consequences.
j Propose decisions.
j ake decisions.
igh level
of utomation

j omputers are capable of incorporating more data

when computing decisions.
j Becomes more effective over time.
j utomation of non-risk decisions enables
managers to dedicate more time to comple
j omple decisions are made using human
intuition as a well as automated optimization.
ompetitive advantages with Decision Support Systems

j Scan and monitor competitors

j rack industry trends
j orecast duration, direction, acceleration, and
amplitude of trends or signals
j onduct vulnerability audits
j Prioritize issues
j valuate relative performance
j Provide strategic recommendations

j nventory control j Business cycle control

j Sales forecasting j Performance evaluation
j ost-benefit analysis j
alue analysis
j Problem diagnosis j arget marketing
j ption prioritization j Supply hain integration
j ustomer tracking
j esource allocation
j nowledge management


j hat decisions do you make?

j an routine decisions benefit from more
j re there large amounts of raw data stored that are
impossible to sort through?
j hat information will help you make more
effective decisions?
j an some decisions be completely automated?
r   |
hree fundamental components

j Database management system (DB S)

j odel-base management system ( B S)
j Dialog generation and management
system (DG S)
|       |

j Data storage
j User access
j rganizes data into types
j Provides logical data structure
j Lets user know the type of data that is available

j ransforms data from DB S into useful

j Prepare information for decision making

j User interface for DSS

j ow users etract desired information from

ealth care-- Diagnosing patients

utomotive± missions testing


griculture-- rop yield

irline± light scheduling


j utlookSoft j G

j web ocus j G

j Decision Support Systems can help all types
of organizations.
j DSS¶s use the advantages of computers and
humans in decision making.
j DSS¶s should be customized to fit the
specific needs of your organization.
È  È 
Druzdel, arek J., oger . lynn. ³Decision Support Systems.´ ncyclopedia of Library and
nformation Science. New York: arcel Dekker, nc., 2002.

ummings, .L., S. Bruni. (2005) ³ollaborative uman-omputer Decision aking in Network

entric arfare.´ Paper presented at the P U P7 orkshop on erospace uman actors
ssues in Network-entric arfare., Salisbury, U.

Sage, ndrew P. Decision Support Systems ngineering. New York: John iley & Sons, nc., 1991

olsapple, lyde ., ndrew B. hinston. Decision Support Systems ±  nowledge-Based

pproach. New York: est Publishing ompany, 1996

oltzman, Samuel. ntelligent Decision Systems. eading: ddison- esley, 1989.

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