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Classification of health
A. Health threats- conditions that are
conducive to disease incident or
failure to realize one’s health potential
1. Health history of specific
2. Threat of cross infection from a
communicable disease case
3. Family size beyond what family
resources can adequately provide
4. Accident hazards
a. broken stairs
b. pointed/sharps, poisons and
medicines improperly kept
c. fire hazards
d. fall hazards
5. Nutritional
a. inadequate food intake both in
quality and quantity
b. excessive intake of certain nutrients
c. family eating habits
6. Stress-provoking factors
a. strained marital relationship
b. strained parent-sibling
c. interpersonal conflict between
family members
7. Poor environmental sanitation
a. inadequate living space
b. inadequate personal belongings
or utensils
c. lack of food storage facilities
d. polluted water supply
e. presence of breeding places
of insects and rodents
f. improper garbage disposal
g. unsanitary waste disposal
h. improper drainage system
i. poor lighting and ventilation
j. noise pollution
k. air pollution
8. Unsanitary food handling and preparation
9. Personal habits or practices
a. frequent drinking of alcohol
b. excessive smoking
c. walking barefooted
d. eating raw meat/fish
e. poor personal hygiene
f. self-medication
g. use of dangerous drugs/narcotics
h. sexual promisenting
i. enganging in dangerous sports
10. Inherent personal characteristics
11. Health history action may precipitate/
induce the occurrence of a health deficit
12. Inappropriate role assumption
13. Lack of immunization/inadequate
immunization statistics specially of
14. Family
a. self-oriented behavior of members
b. unresolved conflicts of members
c. intolerable disaggrements
Health deficits
• - instances of failure in health
a. illness state, regardless whether
diagnosed or undiagnosed
b. failure to thrive/ develop
according to normal rate
c. disability arising from illness,
whether transient/ temporary or
Foreseeable crisis
• - anticipated periods of unusual
demand on the individual or family in
terms of adjustment/ family resources
a. marriage
b. pregnancy, labor
c. parenthood
d. additional member
e. abortion
f. entrance at school
g. adolescence
h. loss of job
i. death of a member
j. resettlement in a new
k. illegitimacy

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