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October 2, 2020

Master Course Development in Higher

Dr. Jill T. Tussey & Dr. Leslie Haas
Our Process
● Determining Faculty Fit
○ Faculty education and teaching experience are reviewed as a first step
○ Faculty meet with leaders for course assignments
● Developing Courses
○ Faculty develop essential questions, themes, and assessments based on InTASC
○ Faculty create assignments and projects as well as engaging in-class activities
● Peer Review
○ Faculty peer review courses to look for content errors as well as areas of needed clarity
○ Faculty collaborate and review course content, materials, assignments, and assessments
● Serve as a Lead
○ Faculty course developers will support other instructors after design is complete
○ Faculty course developers will revise content and assignments as necessary
● Collaboration
○ Team members are able to collaborate and share big ideas
○ Team members content knowledge is shared throughout the course design
○ Team members collaboration prevents overlap and repetition throughout the
● Consistency
○ Students learn and are supported by common course design
○ Students receive current and consistent content delivery
● Equity Experience
○ Students receive the same information and content regardless who of the
○ Students have the same access regardless of course delivery mode
● Lack of Time and/or Opportunity for Collaboration
○ Colleagues struggle to find common times to work with team members
○ Faculty members may have reduced opportunities to attend conferences due to
budget issues
● Necessary to Front Load Process
○ Faculty members should receive training prior to process starting
○ Faculty members receive training during the implementation process, due to time
● Lack of Training and/or Experience
○ Leaders do not always have training or experience to support faculty during this
○ Leaders implementing this process may not be experts
Contact the Presenters
Dr. Jill T. Tussey - Dr. Leslie Haas -

Dr. Jill Tussey has presented at local, Dr. Leslie Haas' experiences include
state, national, and international teaching in K-12, undergraduate, and
settings. Throughout her teaching graduate settings. She also has
career, she has experience in the K-12 experience as an instructional coach,
setting as well as teaching professional development specialist,
undergraduate and graduate courses and department administrator. Her
while currently serving as Division Chair primary area of interest includes digital
of Literacy, Early Childhood, and TESL. literacy opportunities for
Her area of interest includes student underrepresented populations through
engagement and motivation with extra engagement with popular culture.
focus on digital literacy and poverty.

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