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Q and A
Presented by


Member of the National Reviewers in the Philippines, Accreditor, Forensic
Specialist, Organizer & Trainer of International & National Forensic
(manzue 2002)

1. Polygraph is commonly called ____.
a. Lie detector machine
b. Truth verifier
c. deceptograph
d. All of these

Poly = many
Graph = writings
2. A modern method of lie detection which
necessitates the use of an instrument called
a. Utilization of truth serum
b. Intoxication
c. Trial by Ordeal
d. Polygraphy
3. A method of detecting guilt or innocence
and a practice of referring disputed
questions to the judgment of God through
physical test and other means.
a. Utilization of truth serum
b. Intoxication
c. Trial by Ordeal
d. Polygraphy
4. Intoxication is applied in lie detection in the
belief that when the person is drunk he will
tell the truth. This belief is reinforced by the
Latin quote “In vino veritas” which means
a. there is truth in liquors.
b. liquors tell the truth.
c. wines are truth verifier.
d. in wine there is truth.
5. It is one of the verbal clues of lying, EXCEPT:
a. incomplete sentence
b. overly polite
c. clarity of response
d. body movements
6. Is a common method of deciding guilt or
innocence and a practice of referring
disputed questions to the judgment of God.
a. Ordeal
b. Trial
c. Judicium Dei
d. All of the above
7. Who introduced hypnosis as a means of
detecting deception?
a. Robert Peel
b. Franz Anton Mesmer
c. Albert Osborn
c. Hans Gross
8. Scientific interrogation is also utilize in lie
detection. This technique involves at least
two (2) interrogators where one is arrogant
and the other is friendly.
a. Bluff on split-pair
b. Mutt and Jeff
c. John and Juan
d. Stern approach
9. Most states of USA and most courts of the
Philippines do not allow the introduction of
Polygraph Examination Result since it did not
meet the:
A. Requirements
B. Pre-requisites
C. Frye Test
D. Mitchell test
10. The interrogation of a person with
sympathetic approach on the part of the
interrogator is most likely to be effective if
the suspect is
a. evasive.
b. fearful.
c. remorseful.
d. resentful.
11. An Italian psychologist who discovered a
method for calculating the quotient of the
inhalation and exhalation as means of
verying the truth and detecting of the subject
a. Veraguth
b. Benussi
c. Sticker
d. Larson
12. In this test, the questions maybe answered
by YES or NO. But what really matters is the
time response of the subject in answering the
a. Psychological Stress Evaluator
b. Word Association Test
c. Hypnosis
d. Scientific Interrogation
13. Who invented the “Word Association Test”?
a. Francis Galton
b. Allen Bell
c. Anton Mesmer
c. Charles Darwin
Early Methods of
Detecting Deception
14. Red Hot Iron ordeal is one of the common
ordeals practiced by many countries in the
primitive days. This ordeal originated from:
a. Burma
b. Madagascar
c. Bengal
d. Nigeria
15. This ordeal practiced in England whereby
the accused is required to stand beside the
corpse of the victim. If the wounds of the
victim began to bleed again, said accused is
a. Ordeal by Combat
b. Ordeal of the Cornsnead
c. Test of the Eucharist
d. Ordeal of the Bier
16. This ordeal is practiced in India where they
made used of a scale of balance to determine
the guilt of the accused.
a. Red Hot Iron Ordeal
b. Ordeal of Balance
c. Ordeal of Water
d. Ordeal by Rice Chewing
Background of Polygraph
17. Who said that a large part of criminal works
is nothing more than a battle of lies.
a. Edward Richard Henry
b. William Henry Fox Talbot
c. Alec John Jeffreys
d. Hans Gross
18. Who invented “hydrosphymograph”, the
first scientific instrument in detecting
a. Angelo Mosso
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. William Moulton Marston
d. Leonarde Keeler
19. Who is considered as the father of modern
a. Angelo Mosso
b. Cesare Lombroso
c. Leonarde Keeler
d. William Moulton Marston
20. He found out that changes in systolic blood
pressure were of greater value in
determining deception than in changes in
a. Vittorio Benussi
b. Harold Burtt
c. Cesare Lombroso
d. Luigi Galvani
Vittorio Benussi – noted changes in inspiration and expiration
ratio of deception.

Cesare Lombroso – the first person to utilize an instrument for

the purpose of deception detection. Invented

Luigi Galvani - an Italian physiologist who was accorded the

distinction for developing the galvanic skin reflex (GSR) or the
galvanometer, which records electrical bodily resistance in
terms of ohms, the lowest current ever recorded.
21. He was the first to use the term
“psychogalvanic skin reflex”. He stated that
the electrical phenomenon is due to the
activity of the sweat glands.
a. Luigi Galvani
b. Sticker
c. Veraguth
d. Abraham Maslow
22. Who developed the relevant-irrelevant test,
personally embarrassing question and
surprise question?
a. Leonarde Keeler
b. John Reid
c. Cleve Backster
d. Sigmund Freud
Lies & Liars
Tell me the TRUTH …


23. This liar shows no regret for his dishonest
actions and no manifestation of guilt. He is
the most difficult type of liar as he can fool
a. Psychopathic liar
b. Pathological liar
c. Ethnological liar
d. Black liar
24. Is one who was taught not to be a squealer.
a. Panic Liar
b. Occupational Liar
c. Ethnological Liar
d. Nervous Liar
25. A lie use to maintain harmony in the home
or friendship in the office.
a. Malicious lie
b. Red lie
c. White lie
d. Black lie
Types of Liars
1. PANIC LIAR. Is one who lies in order to avoid the
consequences of confession for he believes that confession
will just make the matter worst.
2. OCCUPATIONAL LIAR. Is someone who has lied for spare
years. He is the kind of person which is called a practical liar
and lies when it has higher “pay off” than telling the truth.
3. TOURNAMENT LIAR. This is the type of liar where the person
lies because it is the only weapon remaining to defend his side.
4. PSYCHOPATHIC LIAR. The type of liar that is considered the
most difficult one for the person has no conscience and shows
no regret for dishonest and no manifestation of guilt.
ETHOLOGICAL LIAR. Is one who was taught not to be a
squealer. This kind of liar is usually coming from the
underworld gang in order for the member not to reveal
any secret of their organization.
PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Refers to a person who cannot really
distinguish right from wrong. Sometimes, other
professional authors of book refers to an insane person
or to a person whose mind is sick.
BLACK LIAR. Is a person who always pretends. It
also refers to those persons who keep on adding
remarks to themselves.
1. BENIGN OR WHITE LIE. The kind of lie that is used to
maintain the harmony of friendship, relationship in the
home and or office.

2. RED LIE. The kind of lie of a person that has something

to do with communist propaganda that is against the
government of the country.

3. MALICIOUS LIE. The kind of lie that has the purpose of

misleading the justice in favor of himself or towards
other persons. It is sometimes called chronic lie for it is
done occasionally accompanied by plots and plans.
26. According to Freud, liars quite slip up and
divulge their lies. This verbal clue of lying is
known as
a. Tirades
b. Slip of the tongue
c. Use of words
d. Inconsistencies
27. Non-verbal clues of lying can be observed
more likely in.
a. body movements
b. gestures
c. facial expressions
d. body posture
The Polygraph
28. What part of the polygraph instrument
that records breathing of the subject?
a. Pneumograph
b. Galvanograph
c. Cardiograph
d. Kymograph
29. It drives or pulls the chart paper.
a. Pneumograph
b. Galvanograph
c. Cardiograph
d. Kymograph
30. Which tracings are those recorded at the
bottom of the polygraph chart?
a. The pneumograph
b. The galvanograph
c. The cardiograph
d. The Kymograph
31. Which major part of polygraph has the
longest pen?
a. The pneumograph
b. The galvanograph
c. The cardiograph
d. The Kymograph
32. The kymograph drives the chart paper at
the rate of
a. 5-10 inches per minute.
b. 6-12 inches per minute.
c. 8-14 inches per minute.
d. 10-16 inches perminute.
33. Which part of the polygraph is to be
attached first on the body of the examinee?
a. Pneumo 1 and 2
b. Galvanometers
c. Blood pressure cuff
d. It depends


34. Which fingers do you attach the
galvanograph finger electode?
a. thumb and little fingers
b. index and ring fingers
c. index and middle fingers
d. middle and little fingers
35. The subject must refrain from smoking for
atleast ____ hours prior to the test.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Examination Proper
36. How many persons are allowed to be
present inside the polygraph examination
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
37. A person who is skilled and capable to
detect deception or verify truth of statement
through instrumentation.
a. Questioned document examiner
b. Polygraph examiner
c. Fingerprint examiner
d. Criminal investigator
38. Which one is not correct about the
polygraph examination room?
a. It must be at least 90% sound proof.
b. There must be an observation window (one-way
c. It must be free from other electronic devices
such as telephone, television, etc.
d. It must be free from furniture like table and
Test Procedure
39. What kind of changes occur within the
person’s body whenever he/she lies?
a. Physical changes
b. Physiological changes
c. Psychological changes
d. Psychiatric changes
Physical changes:
1. Excessive sweating
2. Dryness of the mouth
3. Fidgeting
4. Blushing
5. Not looking directly to the eye
Psychological changes:
Are changes which exist only in the mind of an individual
that may affect his/her response that may be indicated in the
Physiological changes:
These are the changes made by most body organs as a
result of the question and answer thrown to a person during
the test.
Psychiatric changes:
Changes relating to disorders that have primarily mental or
behavioral symptoms and with the care of people having such
40. Physical symptoms such as sweating, dry
mouth, rapid pulse, etc. are often indication
of guilt. What shall the interrogator do?
a. Ignore it because it is no always an indication of
b. Mention it to the suspect to weaken his defense.
c. Make note of it but say nothing to the suspect.
d. Any of the above.
41. The pneumatic connection for the upper
(thoracic) pneumograph is _____.
A. Pneumo 1
B. Pneumo 2
C. Cuff
D. Dial
42. A subject who shall be undergoing a
polygraph examination must have a sleep of
at least
a. 4 hours.
b. 5 hours.
c. 6 hours.
d. 8 hours.
43. Which test procedure comes first before
a. Interview with the investigator of the case.
b. Pre-test interview
c. Actual Test/ Conduct of instrumentation.
d. Post Test Interview/Interrogation

ABCD is the sequence of the examination.

44. Which phase of the test procedure where
the subject is appraised of his rights?
a. Interview with the investigator of the case.
b. Pre-test interview.
c. The conduct of instrumentation.
d. Post test Interrogation
45. The purpose of this phase is to get
confession from the subject.
a. Interview with the investigator of the case.
b. Pre-test interview.
c. The conduct of instrumentation.
d. Post test Interrogation
Test Questions
47. Questions during the actual test or
instrumentation process are answerable by
a. Yes or No only.
b. True or False only.
c. explanation.
d. any answer deemed proper to the
48. This is a direct question which has extreme
and specific relationship to the crime or
matter under investigation.
a. Relevant question
b. Irrelevant question
c. Material question
d. Competent question
49. This relevant question is intended to create
or test for the direct participation of subject.
a. Strong Relevant question
b. Weak relevant question
c. Irrelevant Question
d. Evidence connecting question
50. The question, “Do you know who
committed the crime?” is an example of
a. Evidence connecting question
b. Knowledge question
c. Sacrifice question
d. Control question
52. In the SKY question, the letter “Y” stands
a. understanding.
b. undesirable.
c. you.
d. them.
SKY Questions –
S = Suspect
Example. Do you suspect anyone in particular
who committed the offense?

K = Know or Knowledge and

Y = You.
Test Technique
Technique is very important in conducing
examination. This relies to the training of the

(show video)
53. In this test, the questions are answerable by
Yes or No.
a. General Question Test
b. Card or Number Test
c. Spot Responder Test
d. Mixed Question Test
54. In this test, the subject is instructed by the
examiner to avoid giving any verbal response
to all questions given to him during the
instrumentation process.
a. Card/ Number Test
b. Spot Responder Test
c. Mixed Question Test
d. Silent Answer Test
55. This supplementary test is performed by
giving instruction to the subject to answer
YES to all questions to be asked.
a. Guilt Complex Test
b. Innocence Complex Test
c. No Test
d. Yes Test
56. A test concerning fabricated incident of a
similar nature but one which appears to be
real in so far as the subject is concerned.
a. Guilt Complex Test
b. Innocence Complex Test
c. No Test
d. Yes Test
Chart Markings,
Interpretation, Probing
57. This sign indicates the start of the test.
a. /
b. //
c. X
d. XX
Visit the different chart
markings used by
polygraph examiner
59. These are tracings of the subject when
irrelevant questions are asked.
a. Normal responses
b. Abnormal responses
c. General responses
d. Specific responses
60. These are tracings which deviate from the
normal tracings of the subject in the relevant
a. Normal responses
b. Abnormal responses
c. General responses
d. Specific responses
61. When the subject answered YES, this sign
shall be marked on the chart.
a. =
b. -
c. +
d. x
62. The letters SN in chart marking means
a. Sigh
b. Sniff
c. Said something
d. Stroke
63. What is the cardinal rule in chart
a. Any change from normal requires explanation.
b. Any change from normal indicates deception.
c. There must be a specific response.
d. There must be a normal response.
64. Which best indicates deception?
a. Same specific responses in one chart
b. Same specific responses in two charts
c. Same specific responses in three charts
d. Same specific responses in four charts
65. “Do you intend to answer truthfully all
questions I am going to ask you?”, is an
example of _____.
a. Sacrifice or DYAT question
b. Evidence connecting question
c. Symptomatic question
d. Sky question
66. An inhibition of a previous activity of an
effect or organism as a result of stimulation.
a. Deception
b. Detection
c. Response
d. Fear
67. An act of discovery, indicative of the fact
that something is hidden or obscure.
a. Deception
b. Detection
c. Response
d. Fear
68. The part of polygraph machine that records
pulse rate is called _____.
a. polygraph
b. electrodes
c. dial
d. sphygmomanometer
69. “Did you steal the cash box last night?” This
is question as an example of ______.
a. relevant
b. irrelevant
c. procable
d. control
70. Part of lie detector machine that is
responsible in recording pulse rate,
amplitude and changes in blood pressure is
called _____.
a. Galvanograph
b. Cardio sphygmograph
c. Pneunograph
d. Any of the components above
72. What is the document that is required to all
persons to undergo polygraph test?
a. Parental guidance
b. Interview sheet
c. Parents consent
d. Medical report
73. Before he is considered father of
a. William Moulton Marston
b. Alphonse Bertillon
c. Leonard Keeler
d. Dr. Hans Gross
74. These are questions concerned in several
secondary aspects of the crime or problem
and often deal with guilty knowledge and
partial involvement.
A. Crucial questions
B. Weak relevant questions
C. Secondary questions
D. Some of the above
Weak relevant and secondary questions are the same.
The answer is letter D.
75. Theoretically, can a person who is below 18
years of age take a polygraph test?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, with parents’ consent
D. No, because he is a suspect

Pregnant = subject to decision of the examiner

Medication = affects the result
You cannot compel a person to undergo
polygraph test.
Thank you!

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