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Linear Algebra

Group Presentation
Arsalan Ahmed, Zeeshan Karim, Syed Hasan Asim, Abeel Ahmed Minai

•Topics to be presented

-Substitution, Elimination and Determinant Methods.

-Geometrical Interpretation(Row and Column Viewpoints).
-Gaussian Elimination with its geometrical interpretation.
-Elimination Matrices, Permutation Matrices and Block Matrices.
-Inverse of a Matrix.
• Fundamental problem of Linear Algebra is to solve a system of Linear equations.
• Linear equations are the one where the variables have the maximum power of 1 and are multiplied by
only a scalar.
• Example:
3x – y = 7 .………….(1)
2x + 3y = 1 ………….(2)
By substitution method:
Substituting ‘y’ from equation (1) in to equation (2):
2x + 3(3x – 7) = 1
11x = 22
Therefore y = -1.
By elimination method:
Multiplying equation (1) by 3 and then adding both the equations, we will get x = 2 and then substituting
that in equation (1) or (2) we will get y = -1.
Determinant method:

x y
x y
x=2 y = -1

• If equation is already in the form of one variable expressed (or easily expressible)
in terms of another variable, substitution is faster otherwise Elimination method
is used to get a solution in minimal steps.
Possible Solutions:
• Unique Solution (Having an • No solution (Having no • Infinitely many solutions
intersection point) intersection point) (lines are coincident)
𝟑  𝒙 − 𝒚 =𝟕 −𝟐
  𝒙+ 𝒚 =𝟗 𝟐  𝒙 − 𝒚=𝟒
𝟐  𝒙 +𝟑 𝒚=𝟏 𝟔  𝒙 −𝟑 𝒚 =𝟓 𝟔  𝒙 −𝟑 𝒚 =𝟏𝟐
Geometrical Representation of a System of
Visualizing the row picture

Considering the following The row The individual The solution

system, we find what the viewpoint equations is found
“row picture” of a system of consists of are called geometrically.
linear equation means finding the row equations, Analytically,
solutions to or simply the solution
the system as row of can
2x − y = 0 First Row the the system. be found by
intersection substitution.
of all solutions
−x + 2y = 3. Second Row to every single
equation of the
Possible Solutions in 3-Dimensions



Column Picture:
The solutions to bigger than a The main idea in the
3 ×3 linear system can not be column picture is to
represented graphically, and interpret the 2 × 2 linear
the substitution method system as an addition of
becomes more involved to new objects, in the
solve, hence alternative ideas following way:
are needed to solve such

Considering the previous

system and swapping the We call these new objects
column vectors. The Graphical/Geometric
unknowns with different
notations, we get: Representation of the
Column Vectors

2x1 − x2 = 0

−x1 + 2x2 = 3
Using the Solution from the previous Example, we get:

We solve this system by a method

called linear combination.

Linear Combination is the addition

of these column vectors that have
been multiplied by some factor.

It is due to this linear combination

that we can satisfy either sides of
the equation.

The vectors are combined specially

to form the required resultant
Geometrical Representation of Column Vectors:
The addition law in terms of The multiplication of a vector by a number
components is represented affects the length and direction of the vector.
graphically by the The product aV stretches the vector V when a
parallelogram law. > 1 and it compresses u when 0 < a < 1. If a < 0
then it reverses the direction of V and it
stretches when a < −1 and compresses when −1
< a < 0.
Possible Solutions:
Just like with the Row Picture, there are three possibilities for
solutions of the system to exist as:

Unique Solution Infinitely many solutions No solution

Generalizing for N-Dimensions:
The ideas in the column picture can be generalized to m × n linear equations. Hence, we get the
system represented as:

In other words, the m-vector b is a linear combination of the m-vectors a1, …... , an if there exist
real numbers x1, …… , xn such that the following equation holds:

These are the main ideas in the column picture. We see that linear algebra emerges from
the column picture.
Gaussian Elimination:
• The method is named after Carl Friedrich
  Gauss (1777–1855), although
it was known to Chinese mathematicians as early as 179 AD.
• Used widely as it’s one of the most efficient ways to solve a system of
linear equations.
• Goal: Achieve an Upper triangular matrix by a sequence of
operations performed on the corresponding matrix of coefficients.

• Example of an upper triangular matrix:



• augmented form
• R2 – 2(R1); R3 – (R1)

• R3 – R2
Row Echelon Form
Cases in which Gaussian elimination fails(examples):
• Permanent failure with no solutions

• Permanent failure with infinitely many solutions

• Temporary failure which can be resolved

Importance of Pivots:
• Pivots can’t be 0 for the inverse and solution to exist.
• Gaussian elimination is performed about the pivots.
• The product of the pivots is the determinant of the matrix.

Geometrical Interpretation:
Elimination Matrices:
•  The identity matrix I has 1’s on the diagonal and otherwise 0’s.
Then Ib = b. The elementary matrix or elimination matrix Eij,
that subtracts a multiple L of a row j from row i has the extra
non-zero entry –L in the i,j position.
• A more systematic, clean and condensed solution.
• Example
Identity I = Elimination E31 =
The row echelon form could also be obtained
  using Elimination matrices.

• U=

Permutation Matrices:
•  The permutation matrix Pij is the identity matrix with rows i and j
reversed. When it left-multiplies another matrix, it exchanges rows i
and j. There are n! permutations of order n for square matrices. The
inverse of a permutation matrix is equal to its transpose.
• Used for row exchanges when zero is in the pivot position during
• Example:
= , ,=
Block Matrices:
• It is often convenient to partition a matrix M into smaller
matrices called blocks.
• Example:

Identity Matrix Gaussian Elimination

Inverse of a Matrix:
• The matrix A is invertible if there exists a matrix A-1 such that:
A-1 A = I or A A-1 = I
Suppose A is a square matrix. We look for an inverse matrix A-1 of the
same size such that A-1 times A equals I.

• Not all matrices have an inverse.

• The inverse of a square matrix exists if and only if elimination
produces full set of pivots.

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