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Naheed Ali

 1. Strategies for teaching diverse populations

a. Subcategories for teaching diverse populations
 i. UDL
 ii. CLP
 iii. CP
 2. Fieldwork Activities
 a. Community Language and Literacy Walk
 B. Office, Parent Center, Drop off/Pick Up Zone
 c. Teacher Interview
 d. Funds of Knowledge and Linguistic Capital Observations
 e. Observations of 4 focus students
 f. Microanalysis of teaching event
 3. Resources for teaching
 a. Websites and Ideas
UNIVERSAL DESIGN LEARNING-Way of thinking that allows teaching and learning an equal
opportunity for each student.
 Offering curriculum information in numerous formats for example audio, video, and activities that
promotes a hand on learning.
 Encouraging students to present learned material other than testing, and allowing oral presentations or
group projects. Group work amongst peers will teach the importance of social skills and interaction.
 Curriculum that is engaging and motivating in areas of the students interests. Incorporating relatable
material allows students to discuss past knowledge making vital connections.

CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE PEDAGODY-Recognition in the importance of including students’

cultural strengths and celebrating fundamental cultures in all aspects of learning.
 Learning about your students by asking questions/holding open discussions, incorporating guest
speakers who are relatable, learning stations, encouraging personal perspectives, using media to
showcase cultural figures, peer teaching, encouraging parent relationship (using translation methods to
communicate if necessary).

CULTRUALLY PROFICENCY-Culturally proficient in ensuring all students feel they have a

place inside the classroom and cultural differences are acknowledges and recognized.
 Present-real world problems, use culturally responsive language, incorporate diverse forms of content
into curriculum/discussions, value diversity, institutionalizes cultural knowledge.
 Th e a v ai l a bl e te xt i n a nd a rou nd th e s ch ool p e rta i n s to th e l o ca l i z e d s h opp i ng
m ar ke ts , re s tau ra nts , a nd e d uc ati o n re so urc e s of Ga rde na Sc h ool . Th e sc hoo l
i n co rpo rate s h an d pa i n te d affi rm a ti on s ma k i ng th e con ne ct i on to th e
i m po rtan c e of r e ad i n g , a s w e l l as a bre ak fas t m e nu th at e n sure s w h at w i l l be
pro v i d e d.
 Th e c om mu n i ty s how ca se s n um e r ous bi l i n g ua l a nd m ul ti cu l tu ral
re p re s e nta ti o ns i n th e u se o f l an g u ag e uti l i ze d . Th e si g n s a re b oth wr i tte n i n
Spa n i sh a nd E ng l i sh , a s w e l l as the re s our ce s i n th e t yp e of r e s ta u ran ts an d
ba nk i n g op ti on s th a t a re a v a i l a bl e . ‘Ma ri s cos ’, m e a ni ng s e a food i n Spa n i sh , i s
se e n i n l a rg e p ri n t, a s w e l l as a ‘Dol Ex’ th a t sp e ci al i ze s i n m on e y tr an sfe rs to
n um e rous c ou ntr i e s i n La ti n Am e ri c a . Th e pu bl i c l i b rar y a l so i nc l u de s re a di ng
m ate ri a l i n a v a ri e ty of l a n g ua g e s su ch as Ch i n e s e , Ja pa n e se , Kor e an , a n d
Spa n i sh .
 Ea rl y re a de r s c a n u se the s e e x am pl e s to l e arn p ri n t c onc e p ts b y un de rsta n di n g
the fa mi l i a ri z e d s i g n s th at a re se e n on da i l y ba si s , e xp osi ng t he m to th e
i m po rtan c e of r e c og ni z i n g m e a n i ng . Ch i l dr e n are fam i l i a r to the s e p hys i c al
c ue s , wi l l e s tab l i s h the e a rl i e s t form o f re a di n g s k i l l s ne e d e d wh e n i n si de th e
c l as sr oom .
 I ns i de m y cl as sroo m , i n cor pora ti ng th e s e e v e ryda y r e sta ura n ts i n th e l e ss on
wi l l e ns ure a se n se of fam i l i ar i ty a s we l l as e xp ose the c hi l d re n w ho ar e n ot a s
fam i l i ar , a be tt e r un d e rst an di n g o f th e cu l tur e th at i s c on n e c te d to the
c omm uni ty.
 These center websites allow parents to better understand
what is happening inside the classroom as well as resources
that bring awareness to important information that can useful
in the community. Parents can easily use these websites to
participate in school’s volunteer programs, workshops to build
growth mindset, affordable medical information, and events
that are being held such as museum free days. These
websites also have secondary links that are provided in
Spanish, creating an equal opportunity in being informed in
Native language that can be understood. Parents can get
involved by utilizing these websites available and
participating in ways that are the easiest due to scheduling.
The website incorporates not just dates that can be attended
but also learning videos that can be watched at any time.


 This community resource guide, allows beneficial information

for families that need assistance or awareness in education
or social emotional support. This website supports children
with special needs and English learners, creating a vast
amount of necessary tools in outreach to all individuals living
in the community.

 Question: What advice would you give a new teacher?

 “Remain consistent, persistent, and optimistic. Love them all, and give the love
and attention they need even the ones who are the most difficult, because they
need the most. Try to set the tone of the classroom from the beginning, by
establishing very clear expectations and rules”.
 “Constantly remind yourself why you are in the profession. You're not going to get
rich, there are going to be more headaches than you anticipate, and there are
going to be times that you tell yourself its not worth it. If you keep in mind the kids
yare reaching and the difference you can make in one kids life, it will be worth it.”
 Question: What are some ways to keep students engaged with the
material and interested in learning?
 “I believe that cultivating an engaged and empowered set of students is my goal.
Therefore, my job as a facilitator of experiences needs to be intentional and
purposeful. Engaging kids is my passion. A worksheet can deliver information. An
immersive room transformation can inspire a student and open the door for more
rigorous activities. It’s not about making a cute classroom or a Pintrest-worthy
lesson. It’s about making relevant and exciting opportunities for kids.”
 Observation 1
 The strategies that were used to support the students knowledge by
incorporating students past familiarity on learned concepts by
reflecting from personal experiences. Students are able to utilize
different methods throughout the video for example, fireworks to
blow out the answer, allowing the entirety of the class to shout out
the background knowledge words. Students are able to predict and
utilize their graphic organizers, by comprehending what each story
will be about prior to reading. Students are able to understand the
meaning behind the pictures and reflecting whether the image was
past, present, or future. Students also participate in choral reading,
with the emphasis in improving the speaking and listening skills.
Observation 2

 The strategies used in this classroom observation included building

background, and writing it on the white board to better emphasis the
importance. Reconstructing the words and having a step by step text
reconstruction illustrates the necessary skills needed to be adapted
during the reading. The teacher believe reading the to the students
numerous times will reiterate the importance in what is being
conveyed .Using this method numerous times allows students to take
notes on their own and build these skills for the future. Reading it the
third time, then allows students to go back to their notes creating the last
opportunity in adding onto the text. The next process emphasized is
sharing these notes with a partner next to you, ensuring students build
onto their discussion skills. Each student before the discussion is exposed
to the adequate manners needed to respect those also sharing. Giving
and getting is a concept that is enforced entirely , creating the notion of
taking turns and listening. The teacher will then go around, observing and
giving feedback ensuring students are all on the same page. One student
is doing the writing, so they can stay focused throughout while the other
is explaining their feedback then taking turns to ensure equal learning.
Lastly, students are in pairs and presenting in front of their peers with
vital feedback.

 1. What are the students strengths?

 a. Reese: The strengths demonstrated by Reese shows his understanding between
‘V’ and ‘Y’ as well as taking the necessary steps in order to differentiate the
differences in the spelling pattern. Reese towards the end comprehends the
importance of taking his time in pointing out subtle differences beforehand the
actual reading of the alphabet.
 b. Calista: Confidence in understanding movement and gestures that make short
vowels easier to differentiate by breaking down each letter. Sounding out each
letter was a vital key in sounding out the entire word by emphasizing the beginning
 c. Autumn: Showcased strength in sounding blending syllables and making the
word complete as well as isolate the first onset letter sound.
 d. Michael: From the observation, Michael’s strengths includes accuracy in
understanding text ad the material being read. He doesn't’t race through, and can
read each word accurately.
 e. Xavier: Illustrates an understanding one syllable words (nonsense words) and the
vowel letters in order to prepare reading multisyllable words, which is a weakness.
What do you think these students may
struggle with in class?

 a. Reese: In class, Reese may struggle with class activities where

there is a certain time frame in completing the assignment. This will
discourage him pressure to finish on time, making it harder
pronouncing and articulating letters he struggles with.
 b. Calista: Areas of struggle would include during independent
reading and classwork that requires reading a significant amount
with the entire class. Calista would need more time in a one on one
setting or small group to better understand the reading material
 c. Autumn: During a class lesson, Autumn may struggle when not
during an answer, by proceeding to guess, rather than asking
 d. Michael: May struggle with processing the word first and taking his
time rather than second guessing himself during curriculum.
 e. Xavier: May struggle with not sounding out each syllable, creating
a difficult time in comprehending what the word indicates.
 If these students were in your class, what might you do to
support their language acquisition and growth literacy?

 a. Reese: I would create flashcards that Reese can practice when needed as well as
monitor his progress through worksheets that will emphasize the letters he is still
struggling with.
 b. Calista: Incorporating time before a reading and going over short vowels as a
class will allow Calista to feel included with her peers. Allowing the transition into
fluent reading a step further each class session.
 c. Autumn: Creating fun activities where Autumn and her peers can work together
in blending sounds, in a more engaging format. Including the importance of
sounding out each syllable as well as including visuals will make the learning
process easier to gradually master concept.
 d. Michael: Encouraging Michael to keep rereading, no matter the amount of times
needed to make improvements. Including basic and advanced phonics, as well will
keep him motivated throughout. Writing affirmations on the whiteboard or simply
telling students the relevance of practicing will allow a sense of reassurance.
 e. Xavier: Introducing words by by distinguishing them first, as well as breaking
words apart, will ensure Xavier is constantly executing this technique until he is
fully comfortable. Including this as the directions as key will also be a great way to
remind Xavier to take his time while witnessing key vowels and syllables.

 The video attached below is a portion of an ELA-Kindergarten

lesson, demonstrating the understanding of basic features of
print. This is administrated after the lesson, creating an
engaging activity that will teach students important concepts
as well as elements of a story that will be the guide into their
reading fluency journey. Students will be given their own
personal books along with markers, being able to mark their
own print awareness. This also ensures left to right profession
is ensured along with the importance in alphabet letter

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