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Global Warming

Presented by: Usman Javaid

Class: BS (CS) F-18
Lab Assignment 2
Date: 8thDec,2018
Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue
facing world nowadays.

 Global Warming is when the earth heats up and the temperature

 It is also define as the increase in average temperature of earth’s
atmosphere, either by human, agricultural processes or by natural
 Most recently the temperature have been rising, causes dangers to
humans, plants and our environment.

 It refers to the effect of various activities that produces the

unnatural change on the climate
What actually Global Warming is?

The planet is heating Up−and Fast

Causes of Global Warming
• Burning of Fossil fuels

 Power plants ___By generating electricity

 Transportation ____Burning of fuels

 Industrial processes ___Steel & cement manufacturing

• The Greenhouse Effect

• Deforestation

• Poor planning

But Greenhouse Effect is the major one.

The Greenhouse Effect:

It is the phenomenon in which the heat and light of the sun enters to the
earth’s atmosphere but cannot go out as they are trapped by the greenhouse
gases and as a result temperature rises.
Greenhouse Gasses
Greenhouse gasses mainly comprises of:
1. Carbon dioxide CO2(by burning Fossil Fuels)
2. Methane CH4 (emitted by the production of coal,
natural gas and oil)
3. Nitrous oxide N2O (by agricultural activities)
4. Fluorinated gases (emitted by industrial processes)

These gases being lighter than air so they rise up to the outer limits of
earth’s atmosphere and settle up there making an impenetrable barrier
that traps heat from escaping out into space, and keeping it within our
environment and increase it’s temperature.
Effects of Global Warming
Some of its major effects are:

1. Rise in sea level: Due to rise in temperature,

Glaciers are melting at a rapid rate thus increases the
level of water in various water bodies and less fresh
water will be available to the natives.

2. Droughts and Floods: Higher temperature leads to

droughts in one part, and heavy rainfall causes floods
in the other part of the world. Experts have
estimated that droughts conditions might be
increasing by at least 66% in the upcoming years.
3. Effects on Biodiversity: Wildlife researchers have noticed because of increasing
temperature some of the strong species migrating to the poles, far north and far
south to maintain needed habitat, for example the red fox normally an inhabitant
of North-America is now seen living in the Arctic. Also it has been noticed that lose
of species and endangerment is rising along the global temperatures.
Prevention of Global Warming
Some of the simple actions which can help us to reduce the effects of global
warming are:

1. Reuse Reduce & Recycle: We can reduce the emission of CO2 by choosing
reusable products instead of disposable.

2. Using Compact Fluorescent Light(CFL): We can save energy and can stop the
emission of different radiations which causes global warming.

3. By Planting Trees: We should plant more and more trees as they absorb CO2 and
give off Oxygen, and it is an integral part of one’s life.

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