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UI5 Training – Session 5 – JS
1. Install jdk latest version in our system.
2. Download the relevant eclipse version.
3. Setup the workspace – Directory in our system where all the projects gets stored.

HTML – HyperText Markup Language

Creating the web pages. A page is consist of UI elements like
button,text,input,charts,table,list,images,links etc. All the browsers only understand HTML.
Tag based markup language where UI elements are created based on tags.
<input> <button> <label> <table>
W3C – WWW Consortium. Browser vendors

Version Year
HTML 1991
HTML 2.0 1995
HTML 3.2 1997
HTML 4.01 1999
XHTML 2000
HTML 5 2014
<!DOCTYPE html>



Block Level Element : div tag, division.
It automatically starts in a new line.

Login (http)
HTML 5 (Tomcat,jboss)

Browser Response (html)

We used to use plugins with browsers to use media content like audio and video.





thead Th Th
Td Td
tr Td Td Table
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An Iframe control allows us to embed another html document inside our page.
CSS – Cascading Style Sheet (3), CSS will help us to format the application.

<p>This is a <font value=“..”><color>sample</color><font> text</p>

We can apply the css in 3 ways:

1. Inline Styling: Given at the element level, use style property in tag
<tag style=“prop:value ; prop:val”></tag>
2. Internal Styling: We apply the style at the page level.
3. External Styling: Separate the style code in a another file and reference that file in html

Selector {
propname: value;
propname: value;
Selector : on which element(s) we want to apply the style.
3 ways to select html elements
Id : affect only one element, #id
className: affect the elements holding that class name .classname
tagName: tagname

Responsive Web Design

An application which adapts automatically according to device, providing a great user
experience is called responsive web design.
….. Sap.ui.commons, sap.m UI5 Framework
…. (set of classes with
…. which we can design
….. something on top of it)
…… execute

Html5, css3,

DoM = Document Object Model
Press F12 key
Internet Developer Toolbar, Browser Client.

Box Model of CSS:

Representation of an element on the screen. Overall how much space a UI element is
occupying on the page will be controlled by Box Mode.

Border Border
padding padding

UI element UI element2
Inside a web project the path of current directory is represented by ./

Java Script is a programming language which all browsers understand.

Most of our code can directly be executed on client side. Client side scripting language.
 Client Side JS – the entire code runs completely into browser. Design to control Uis.
 Server Side JS – It the runs the code on server side, To perform data related operations
like server side logic and db lookups.(hana xs engine to build native hana apps)

JS and Java are completely different languages, both in concept and design.
JS was invented by brenden eich in year 1995.

3 ways to using js
1. Inline JS – at element level we can put the code
2. Internal JS- we can use <script> tag at the page level
3. External JS – we can put the code in a separate file with extension .js

JS is case sensitive.
 Whenever we create a variable or function we must start the variable name with small
letters and all the consecutive words in that variable/function name should be camel
myvariable = my + variable = myVariable
myfunction = my + function = myFunction()
material = Material
There are two major objects which are pre defined and we can consume.
Window – the object of browser window.
Document – the object html document, using this object we can access the html elements
present on the page. (DoM Object)

We have to end all our statements with semi column(;) in JS.
Declare variable
var variableName = new objectType();
var variableName = value;
Create a function
1. Anonymous function
function() {
2. Named function
function functionName(){
Object in JS
var myObject = new String();
Custom object
var objectName = { “prop” : “value” , “prop2” : “value2” };

Internal Table – Array

var myArray = [ “Apple”, “Orange”, “Litchi” ];

0 1 2
If we combine object and array concept = Array of Object = JSON
JSON : Java Script Object Notation : Light weight data format
Alignment of Fields
How to format the table

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