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Reading Unit
A. Hospital
A hospital is an institution for the medical or psychiatric care and
treatment of patients. Patients may be admitted directly to a ward as the
result of an accident or illness. More often they will visit a daytime clinic as
an outpatient, referred by a private doctor to see a hospita specialist.

A hospital can seem a frigtening place, especially for children. It is

possible that adult patients are frigtened, especially if admission was so
sudden that they were not prepared for it.
B. Deparment
 Cardiology : Problems of the heat.
 Chemical Pathology : Analysis of the substances found samples of blood, urine and
 Dermatology : Problems of the skin.
 Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) : Problems of ears, nose, throat and sinuses.
 Endocrinology : Problems of endocrine glands and hormones.
 Gastroenterology : Problems of stomach intestines.
 Haematology: Disease of the blood.
 Microbiology: Identifications of organism that cause disease.
 Nephrology : Problems of the kidney.
 Neurology : Problems of the brain and nerves.
 Neurosurgery: Brains and spinal cord surgery.
 Obstetrics : Care of women and
babies during pregnancy,
birth and the postnatal period.
 Oncology : Treatment of cancers.
 Ophtalmology : Problems of the eye.
 Orthopaedicsc : Surgical treatment of bone and joint disorders.
 Paediatrics : All of the health problems affecting children.
 Psychiatry : Mental illness and emotional disturbance.
 Radiology : X-ray and their interpetation.

 Rheumatology : Problems of join and

surrounding issues.
 Thoraric Surgery : Chest and lung surgery.
 Urology : Problems of the kidneys
and urinary tract.
 Venerology : Veneral disease.
B. Questions
 1. Have you ever been in hospital?
 2. How many department do you know?
 3. What department you should go to if your child was ill?
C. Grammatical Review
Future Tense

Will + Verb
1. The patient will visit a day-time clinic
2. A hospital is an institution

TO BE : Is, am, are (Present Tense)

Present Tense Past Tense

I am I was
You are You were
We are We were
They are They were
He is He was
She is She was
It isIt was
D. Substitution Drills
1. A patient with a heart attack
will be taken
to the cardiology department
2. Mrs. Smith was referred to
the Endocrinology department
the internist
the endocrinologist
dr. Suhatman
because she had diabetes.
3. Mrs. Jack will attented an
obstetric clinic for an antenatal
a delivery
a pregnancy test

A. What You Should Know About Drugs?

 A substance which can cure or prevent disease, replace vital substances that body lacks
and suppress or relieve symptoms is considered as medicine definition. All drugs possess
a potential benefit and a potential risk Drugs used for minor complaints generally have
obvious benefits and negligible risks; otherwise, most of us would prefer to put up with
the complaint. For more serious diseases more powerful drugs are required and the risk of
adverse reaction is usually higher, but well worth taking. With dangerous diseases like
cancer, the benefit x risk ratio becomes a major consideration. Often unwanted side effects,
such as loss of hair, have to be accepted to gain the benefits.
 Adverse reaction to drugs takes many forms. Some happen to every one; some affect only
certain people, such as those with liver disease. Xerostomia, drowsiness, skin rash,
itchiness are minor reactions. Anaphylactic shock is a major reaction that may occasionally
be fatal. Drugs often have two names, a general name and a proprietary or brand name
which the manufacturer gives to his product. For example, the painkiller, paracetamol, is
also called Panadol, Tempra depending on which drug company makes and markets it.
1. Drowsinnes : a feeling of being sleepy and lethargic; sleepiness.
2. Cancer : the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the
3. Skin rash : an area of irritated or swollen skin. Many rashes are
itchy, red, painful, and irritated.
4. Xerostomia : dryness of the mouth
5. Hair loss : also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of
hair from part of the head or body
Drugs against bacterial infections
Penicillines: Ampicillin, Amixil, Binotal, Augmentin
Cephalosporins: Velosef, Duricef
Aminoglycosides: Garamycin, Kaomycin, Erythrocin, Fucidin
Sulphonamides: Septrin, Bactrim, Tetracyclin, Steclin, Chloramphenicol-
Drugs against fungal infections
Nizoral, Datarin
Drugs against viral infections
At present only very few diseases (herpes simplex and herpes zoster) can be
treated with antiviral agents like acyclovir.
Drugs against malaria
Drugs against worms
Vermox, Ascaridil
Breathing disorders
Bronchodilators: Bricasma, Ventolin, Alupent
Corticostreoids: Oradexon, Corton
Prophylaxis (preventive treatment) of asthma. Intal (sodisium
cromoglycate) works by interfering with allergic reaction. It is given by
way of inhalation.
Cough medicines: Silomat compositum, codipront, transpulmin.
Digestive disorders
Antacids: Gelusil, Mylanta
Antispasmodics: Buscopan, Systabon
Antimuscarinic: Gastrozepin
Antidiarrehoeal drugs: lomotif, imodium
Laxatives: Dulcolac, microlac
Brain and nerve disorders
Sedative: Dalmadorm, mogadon, Valium
Drugs for bedwetting: Tofranil
Drugs for motion sickness: Dramamine, stugeron
Analgesics: Dilantin, tegretol, rivotril
Antidepressants: Priadel, elavil, toranil
Antipsychotics: Largactil, Melleril, Haldol
 What is medicine?
 Mention some minor reactions that may be
produced by drugs!
 Which of the two names of you know better?
 Does a nurse have the right to prescribe drugs?
(If the answer is no, describe the reasons!)
Grammatical Review

 A medicine is a substance which can cure or prevent disease.

Which is a pronoun, used in a relative clause with an inanimate
antecedent. (Which adalah suatu kata ganti yang dipakai dalam
bentuk anak kalimat dengan kata pendahulunya adalah benda
mati. Pada kalimat diatas antecedent nya adalah substance).

 Drugs used for minor complaints generally have obvious benefits

and negligible risks: otherwise, most of us would prefer to put up
with the complaint. Obat yang digunakan untuk keluhan ringan
umumnya memiliki manfaat nyata dan resiko yang dapat
diabaikan, kalau tidak kebanyakan kita lebih suka menahan
keluhan itu. (Di sini otherwise merupakan kata sambung).
Task 3
Translate these sentence into English!

Obat yang digunakan untuk mengobati tifus adalah kloramfenikol.
Answer: The drug used to treat thyphoid fever is chloramphenicol.
1. Efek dari penggunaan obat-obatan terlarang sangatlah
2. Antasida adalah jenis obat untuk penghilang sakit maag.
3. Penyakit herpes simplex biasa ditangani dengan memberikan
acyclovir pada bagian yang sakit.
 Substance: Zat
 To extract: menyuling
 Plant: Tumbuhan
 To use: menggunakan
 Heart failure: gagal jantung
 Drug: obat
 To inject: menyuntikkan
 Nurse: perawat
 To cause: menyebabkan
 Intense pain: nyeri hebat
 Language: bahasa
 To master: menguasai
 Well: dengan baik
 To help: membantu
 To deepen, to increase: memperdalam, meningkatkan

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