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TEUFEL METHOD ( RAO or LAO position )
Image receptor: 8 x 10 i nch (18 X 24 cm) lengthwise
• Position of patient
o Have the patient lie in a semi prone position on the affected side.
• Position of part
o Align the body, and center the hip being examined to the midline of the grid.
o Elevate the unaffected side so that the anterior surface of the body forms a 38-
degree angle from the table (Fig. 7-55).
o Have the patient support the body on the forearm and flexed knee of the
elevated side.
Central ray
Directed through the acetabulum at an angle of 12 degree cephalad.
The central ray enter the body at the inferior level of the coccyx and
approximately 2 inche (5 cm) lateral to the midsagittal plane toward the
side being examined.

The following should be clearly demonstrated:

• Hip joint and acetabulum near the center of the radiograph
• Femoral head in profile to show the concave area of the fovea capitis
• Superoposterior wall of the acetabulum
Acetabulum JUDET METHODl (RPO or LPO position )

• Judet described two 45-degree posterior oblique positions that are

useful in diagnosing fracture of the acetabulum.
Position of patient
• Place the patient in a semisupine position with the affected hip up.
Position of part
• Align the body, and center the hip being examined to the middle of
the IR.
• Elevate the affected side so that the anterior surface of the body form
a 45 degree angle from the table ( Fig. 7-57, A ).
Central ray
• Perpendicular to the IR and entering 2 inche inferior to the SIAS of the
affected side
• Image receptor: 24 x 30 cm lengthwise
RPO and LPO positions
Position of patient
• Place the patient in the supine position.
Position of part
Center the sagittal plane passing through the hip joint of the affected side to the
midline of the grid.
• Elevate the unaffected side approximately 40 degrees to place the broad surface
of the wing of the affected ilium parallel with the plane of the IR.
• Support the elevated shoulder, hip, and knee on sandbags.
• Adjust the position of the uppermost limb to place the SIAS in the same
transverse plane (Fig. 7-67).
• Center the IR at the level of the ASIS.
RAO and LAO positions
Position of patient
• Place the patient in the prone position.
Position of part
• Center the sagittal plane passing through the hip joint of the affected side to the midline of the
Have the patient rest on the forearm and flexed knee of the elevated side.
• Adjust the position of the uppermost thigh to place the iliac crests in the same horizontal plane.
• Center the IR at the level of the SIAS (Fig. 7-68).
Central ray
• Perpendicular to the midpoint of the IR

The following should be clearly demonstrated:

• Entire ilium
• Hip joint, proximal femur, and sacroiliac joint AP oblique
• Broad urface of the iliac wing without rotation PA oblique

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