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An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in

Writing Recount Text at the Eighth

Grade of SMP N 1 Bonjol

Erin Hayfitma
Chapter I
A. Background of the problem
• Students do not do the tast because they did not know how
to make recount text because they has lack of vocabulay
• Students do not do the tast because they did not understand
about grammar and they think grammar is borring lesson.
• Students do not do the tast because they do not know how to
develop their ideas.

1. Ideantification of the problem:

• Students lack of vocablary
• Students did not understand about grammar
• Students can developing ideas
2. Limitation of the problem:
This research will be limited on difficulties in writing recount
text at the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Bonjol.

3. Formulation of the Problem:

What are difficulties made by students of SMP N 1 Bonjol at
eighth grade in writing recount text.

4. Purpose of the problem:

To find out the difficulties made by students of SMP N 1 Bonjol
at eighth grade in writing recount text
5. Significant of the problem:
• For students
Motivation for students to make better writing especially in recount text.
• For English Teacher
This research gave contribution for English teacher to pay attention more
teaching writing especially recount text.
• For SMP N 1 Bonjol
To input teaching method to be more effective and efficient, so that the
quality of learning and students learning outcomes increases

6. Defenition of Key Terms:

• Analysis is the process of breaking a complex topic substance into smaller
parts in order to gain a better understanding of it.
• Difficulties is anything that gives a hard or difficult time.
• Recount text is a text that retells past events, in oerder in which they happend.
Chapter II

1. Review of Related theories:

• Writing Nunan (2008:88) said that, writing is the process of
thinking to invent ideas, thinking about how to express ideas
into statement and paragraph clearly.
• Anderson and Anderson stated that the recount text is a piece
of text that retells past event, usually in the order in which
they accoured. It purpose is to improve the audience with a
description of what accouredand when it accourred.
• Generic structure Ken Hyland (2004:135) are : orientation,
events, and re-orientation.
2. Review of Related Findings:
The differences between the research with the other is the
researcher wants to assess students’ difficulties in writing
recount text at SMP N 1 Bonjol while other research want to
know ability of students’ at SMP N 4 Gorontalo in writing
recount text .
Conceptual Framework

1. Lack vocabulary
2. How to develop ideas
3. Grammatical error

Writing Assessment in Recount text


Analysis of Students Assessments

Chapter III
1. Design the Research
in this research, researcher will use descriptive quantitative research.

2. Population and Sampel

• population:
the population in this research is eight grade in SMP N 1 Bonjol which has
5 classes VIII1=27 students, VIII2=29 students, VIII3=31 students,
VIII4=31 students, VIII5=32 students. The total is 149 students.
• Sampel:
the researcher use cluster sampling. The sampel of this research is VIII5
class consist of 32 students.

3. Instrument
the researcher will use test as instrument and documentation as proof.
4. Technique of data collection:
The researcher will give test to students
• The researcher will give instruction to students to make recount
• After students do the tast the researcher will collect the task
• The researcher will get the score of the students task
• Then the researcher will analyse the task

5. Technique of data analysis:

After the data are collected, the researcher should analyzing
to achieve the intend porpuse. The result of test is used to
assess students difficulties in writing recount text. Then,
the researcher will calculate the result.

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