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? Focuses on the product-market decisions and
competitive strategy
?Y    :
? Úoncerned with the routine operational matters
relating to the marketing mix & others connected
with the sales and marketing
? Decision making is from top to bottom
? " 
senior mangers pass on plans &
strategies to junior mangers for implementation
? Àt reactive in nature, as operational managers
support the strategies and purely short term

V  V  Y 




?   :
 Àt scans & analyses the environment to look for new
opportunities and threats, which can be utilized by the
marketing management so as to operate successfully.
 Here decision making is from bottom to top
 Àt allows greater participation by the people who are in
direct contact with the customers
 Àt is a proactive approach with long term approach
 "  : controversies aroused in the cigarette
manufacturing companies, only À Ú could make it to
sustain in the market that too as better provider of
î Úompetition plays a vital role in devising contemporary
î Àts correct to say that competition derives strategy
î herefore, formulation of strategy requires
understanding of changing facets of competition

 Às competition, dirty, inspiring or exciting ?

 his entirely depends on the company¶s perspective
î For instance: For itan competition can be healthy &
inspiring one, but for HM it may be very grimy.
î Àn the present scenario, mass marketing has become a
thing of the past
î From mass marketing companies have moved to the
[egment[ & niche[ creating [pecialized market[
î herefore companie[ are required launch regular chain of
 V   :
î Vrice=Úost + profit (conventional price)
î Vrice= what the consumer will pay
î Vrice= Úompetition-driven price equation
 o manage marketing complexity
 Úustomer and stakeholder expectations
 o   the influences of a changing
environment in the context of a   

¦   u





 Focuses on identifying the viable and potential
marketing opportunity
 Vroduction concept
 Àntegrated marketing approach
 Firm must concentrate on Formulating strategies to
attract customers based on      

Gnalyzing the market opportunity
Developing Marketing Strategies
Vlanning Marketing Vrograms
Managing Marketing effort
 Develop Vision (-eflects aspirations and specifies its
intended direction or future destination)
 Develop Mission (Àndicates the most obvious
 State the    on which plan is based
   changes taking place in the market
  the image of the company with that of
expected image of the customers
   for Úritical Success factors of firm
 G ÿpportunity
   ways to enhance the performance

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