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1. Linear Stages Model

2. Structural Change Models
3. Intl-Dependence Models
4. Neoclassical Counterrev’n
5. New Growth Models
• Most influential advocate :
Walt W. Rostow
• Accdg. to Rostow, the
transition from underdevt can
be described in terms of a
series of stages thru which all
countries must proceed.
• Rostow argued that all econ
lies within one of five
1. Traditional society;
2. Pre-conditions to take-off
into self- sustaining growth;
3. Take-off;
4. Drive to maturity; and
5. Age of high mass
• One of the principal tricks of
devt was: the mobilization of
domestic & foreign saving in
order to generate sufficient
investment to accelerate
• 2 equations should remind us
of the macro fundamentals:
1. ΔK/ ΔY = ICOR = k;
2. S = I
The Equation : ΔY/Y = s/k
where: Left-hand is GNP g.r.
Harrod-Domar model states that:
the GNP g.r. is determined
jointly by the natl savings ratio
(s), and the natl capital-output
ratio (k).
The logic of the model is simple

• In order to grow, econ must

save & invest a certain
proportion of their GNP. The
more they can save & invest,
the faster they can grow.
• Ex: if we assume that the natl
capital-output ratio of one
LDC is 3 & the aggregate
saving ratio is 6%, then,
ΔY/Y = s/k = 6%/3 = 2%
• Now, if s can be increased
from 6% to 15% (thru
increased T, foreign aid, &
C-sacrifices), the GNP g.r.
ΔY/Y = s/k = 15/3=5%
Criticisms of the Stages Model
• The tricks of devt embodied
in the theory did not always
• Reason: More “S” and “I”
are not the only necessary
conditions for growth.
Illust: Marshall Plan worked
for Europe because European
countries receiving aid
possessed the necessary
structural, institutional, and
attitudinal conditions ...
• At a more fundamental level,
devg nations are part of a
highly integrated & complex
intl system in which even
the best & most intelligent
devt strategies can be
nullified by external forces
beyond the dev’g countries
control. (To be discussed
further under International-
Dependence Model)
• Two well-known models:
(1) two-sector model by
Arthur Lewis; and (2)
patterns of devt empirical
analysis by Hollis Chenery.
Lewis Theory of Development
• In the Lewis model, an LDC
consists of two sectors:
1.A tradl, overpopulated rural
subsistence sector w/ zero
marginal labor productivity.
By “zero marginal prodt’y”,
Lewis classified the tradl
rural sector as a surplus labor
economy in the sense that it
can be withdrawn from agri
sector w/o any loss of output.
2. A high-prodt’y modern
urban industrial sector into
which labor from rural-agri
sector is gradually
• The primary focus of the
model is on both the process
of labor transfer and the
growth of output & employ’t
in the modern sector.
• The speed with which this
expansion occurs is det. by
the rate of ind’l investment
“I” & capital accumulation in
the modern sector.
• Such “I” is made possible by
the excess of modern sector
profit over wages , assuming
that capitalists re-invest all
their profits.
• Finally, the wage level in
ind’l sector is assumed to be
constant and determined as a
given premium over a fixed
average wage in the rural-
agri sector.
Criticisms of the Lewis Model

• Although the Lewis model is

simple & roughly reflects the
historical experience of econ
growth in the West, three of
its key assumptions do not fit
institutional and economic
realities of most
contemporary developing
Criticisms of the Lewis Model

First, the model implicitly

assumes that the rate of
transfer & employ’t creation
in modern sector is proport’l
to the rate of modern sector
capital accumulation.
• But, what if capitalist profits
are re-invested in more
sophisticated labor-
displacing capital
• And what if capitalists do not
re-invest profits in the local
economy but are actually
invested in other countries
(i.e, capital flight)?
Criticism of the Lewis Model

• The second questionable

assumption is the notion that
surplus labor exists in rural
areas while there is full
employ’t in urban areas.
• But most contemporary
researches indicate that the
reverse is more likely in
many LDCs -- there’s
substantial unemployment in
the urban areas ...
Criticism on the Lewis Model

The third unreal assumption is

the notion of a competitive
modern-sector labor market
that guarantees continued
existence of constant real
urban wages up to the point
where supply of rural surplus
labor is exhausted.
Structural Change & Patterns of
Devt (by: Hollis Chenery)

• Like the Lewis model, the

analysis of structural change
focuses on the sequential
process through which the
economic, industrial, and
institutional structure of a
developing economy is
transformed over time to
permit new industries
(replacing trad’l agri) as the
engine of economic growth.
• The best-known model of
structural change is the one
based on the empirical work
of Harvard economist Hollis
• Chenery examined patterns
of devt for numerous 3rd
world countries during the
post-war period.
• His empirical studies (both
cross-sectional & time series)
of countries at different
levels of per capital income
led to the identification
of several characteristic
features of the development
• These include the following:
1. a shift from agri’l to ind’l
2. the steady accumulation
of physical & human
3. The change in consumer
demand from emphasis on
food & basic necessities TO
the desires for diverse
manufactured goods;
4. The growth of cities &
urban industries as people
migrate from farms and small
5. The decline in family size
& overall population growth
as children lose their econ
value as parents substitute
quality (education) for
Conclusions & Implications

• Structural change economists

argue that despite variations,
one can identify certain
patterns occurring in almost
all countries during the
development process.
• Further, they argue that these
patterns may be affected by
the choice of devt policies as
well as the intl trade &
foreign assistance policies of
developed nations.
Implications (con’t) ...
• The structural change
analysts are basically
optimistic that the “correct”
mix of econ policies will
generate beneficial patterns
of self-sustaining growth.
• In contrast, the international
dependence analysts are
• We will discuss this model

• During the 70s, international

dependence models gained
increasing support, especially
among the 3rd world
• This resulted from the
disenchantment with both the
stages and structural change
• These models view dev’g
countries as beset by inst’l,
political, & econ rigidities --
both domestic & int’l -- and
caught up in a “dependence
and dominance’ relationship
with the rich countries.
Three Major Streams of Thought

1. Neocolonial Dependence
2. False-Paradigm Model
3. Dualistic-development
Neocolonial Dependence Model

• Attributes the existence &

continuance of underdevt
primarily to the historical
evolution of a highly unequal
intl capitalist system of rich -
poor country relationship.
• Because rich nations are
intentionally exploitative,
the coexistence of rich &
poor nations in an int’l
system dominated by such
unequal power relationship
between the “center”
(developed countries) and the
“periphery” (the LDCs)
virtually impossible.
• In short, the neo-Marxist,
neocolonial view of underdevt
attributes a large part of the 3rd
World’s continuing and
worsening poverty to the
existence and policies of the
industrial capitalists of the
Northern Hemisphere & the
elite “compradors” in the
host LDCs.
The False-Paradigm Model
• A less radical international-
dependence approach to
development, False-
Paradigm model attributes
underdevelopment to faulty
and inappropriate advice
provided by well-meaning but
often uninformed, biased
international expert advisers
from developed countries
and multilateral donor
Dualistic Devt Model
• Dualism’s 4 key elements:
1. Different sets of
conditions, of which
some are “superior” and
others “inferior”, can coexist
in a given space.
2. This dualistic coexistence is
3. The degrees of superiority
or inferiority fail to show any
signs of diminishing but a
tendency to increase.
• The inter-relations bet. the
two are such that the
Superior does little to pull up
the inferior, let alone “trickle
Neoclassical Counter-revolution
• Challenges the Statist Model:
Free Markets, Public Choice,
and Market-Friendly
The Neoclassical Counterrevolution Model

• Leading advocates:
(Lord Peter Bauer, Deepak
Lal, Ian Little, Harry Johnson,
Bela Balassa, Julian Simon,
Jagdish Bhagwati, and Anne
(Three Component Approaches)

1. Free-market analysis
2. Public Choice theory
or new political economy
3. Market-friendly approach
Free-Market Analysis
• Argues that markets alone are
efficient-- product markets
provide the best signals for
investments in new activities;
labor markets respond to these
new industries in appropriate
ways, producers know best
what to produce, & product
as well as factor prices
reflect the scarcity value of
goods and services.
New Political Economy
• Goes even further to argue that
govts can do nothing right.
• Assumes politicians, bureaucrats,
citizens, & states act solely from a
self-interested perspective, using
power and authority of govt for
their own selfish ends.
• To conclude, good
government is minimal
Market-Friendly Approach
• Recognizes the many imper-
fections in LDC product &
factor markets and that govts do
have a key role in facilitating
the operation of markets thru
“market-friendly” interventions.
Market-Friendly Approach
• How? by investing in
physical & social infra,
health care facilities, and
educ’l institutions & by
providing a suitable climate
for private enterprises.
• Though still eclectic and not
quite as fully developed as the
earlier four (4) approaches, the
New Growth Theory represents
a key component of the
emerging development theory.
• This theory provides a
framework for analyzing
endogenous growth, persistent
GNP growth that is determined
by the system governing the
production process rather than
by forces outside of the system.
• The principal motivations of
the New Growth Model are
to explain both growth rate
differentials across countries
and a greater proportion of
the growth observed.
• A useful way to contrast the
new growth with traditional
neoclassical theory is to
recognize that endogenous
growth theories can be
expressed by the simple
equation: Y = AK
Y = AK
A= any factor that affect tech
K= physical & human capital
• The potentially high rates of
return to I offered by dev’g
econ with low capital-labor
ratios are greatly eroded by
lower levels of complementary
“I” in human capital
(education), infra, and R&D.
• Thus, the endogenous or new
growth models suggest AN
ACTIVE ROLE for public policy
in promoting econ devt thru direct
and indirect investments in human
capital formation
• Though in many ways new
growth theory remains strongly
rooted in the neoclassical
tradition, it represents a
departure from strict adherence
to a dogma of free markets and
passive governments.

• The existence of controversy --

ideological, theoretical, or
empirical -- makes the study of
development economics or
development administration
• Devt studies has no universally
accepted doctrine. Instead, we
have a continually evolving
pattern of insights that together
provide the basis for examining the
possibilities of contemporary devt
of the diverse LDCs.
• Each of the approaches to
understanding development
has something to offer.

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