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Self Love Affirmations are an amazing tool for feeling
better about yourself and your place in the universe.

We all have doubts and fears. We all need people to love

us. We all feel rejected, hurt and alone at some times in ourlives,
even if we are surrounded by others.

All of this is natural.

As we take our journey
through life we will continuously
break and form relationships. We
meet new people. Time and
distance makes it difficult to stay
close to distant friends and family,
so old friends often fade away. Even
marriages sometimes come and go.

Self love is a love we take

with us forever. This is why it is so
important to practice positive self
love affirmations if you feel that
your love of yourself is lacking.
1) I Believe in me.
- You need to love yourself before others can
begin to love you. Simple as “If you don’t
believe in yourself why anybody else is going
to believe in you.”

- The key is to be true to yourself, to be true

to the very best that is in you, and to live
your life consistent with your highest values
and aspirations. This is the only way to truly
learn how to believe in yourself.

- Think about who you are and what you

believe in and what is important to you.
Don’t limit yourself but instead embrace your
2) I acknowledge my own self-
worth; my confidence is
- never compromise your potential to grow due to self-limiting doubts.
Instead, embrace your confidence and believe in yourself because you
really can do anything you put your mind to.

- Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are—not as you

might be, or as someone else thinks you should be—and know that,
taking everything into consideration, you are a pretty good person.

- No one, including yourself, has any idea of your capabilities or of

what you might ultimately do or become. Perhaps the hardest thing to
do in life is to accept how extraordinary you really can be, believe in
yourself, and then to incorporate this awareness into your attitude
and personality.
3) I am not my mistakes.
- We sometimes misunderstand failure. We think our mistakes either
don’t matter or we believe that they define us. Neither of these is
true. The truth is with every shortcoming, we can learn something. We
can grow. We can become more of the people we were born to be,
instead of merely the shadow of a true self. And along the way, may
we encounter the grace that keeps us going.

Failure means:
• Failure means I’m still alive.
• Failure means there’s room to grow.
• Failure means I’m human.

- Only those people who want to be successful in future learn from their
mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes but not all like to admit that they are
wrong because they are afraid of other people’s opinion towards them. People
who embrace their mistakes can find new meaning of life.
4) I accept myself
- Accepting yourself unconditionally means you have to
know yourself through and through. This might seem
easy, but it actually isn’t at all. To get to know yourself,
spending time alone is key.

- Do you know what you really like? What you really

want out of life? Where you want to go? What makes
you happy?

- When you discover who you really are, in all your

flaws and virtues, accept yourself. Don’t be tempted to
fall back into everything that other people say you
should be.

- Don’t compare yourself with anyone, keep your head

high, and remember that you’re not any better or
worse than anyone else. You’re simply you, and
nobody can take that away from you.
5) I am proud of myself and all
that I have accomplished.

- Pride and self-confidence come from healthy self-esteem, the

positive beliefs that you hold about yourself, your talents, and
your accomplishments. Low self-esteem can cause you to feel
bad about yourself. Low self-esteem can also make it hard to
feel proud of yourself, and may even cause serious mental
health issues. Improve your ability to feel proud of yourself to
challenge negative thoughts and build up your confidence.
6) I am successful.
 How to define success in life?
 The only person that can answer the question above is you. Make
yourself aware what accomplishment, success, and prosperity in
general means to you in your life. Once you have figured out what is
important for you personally you are able to focus on your visions
and goals.
The meaning of success
• The true meaning of success goes far beyond the common
definitions of success, such as having a lot of money, being wealthy,
having a lot of tangibles and earned degrees. Quite the opposite:
true success in life cannot be measured with the above-named
factors, but instead with the amount of people that are able to live
a better and more advanced life because of what you created. The
meaning of success is to live a happy life and to make this world a
better place for everyone.
7) I am a
beautiful person.
- Being a beautiful person is not just
the physical appearance but what is
important is what’s beautiful and
confident in the inside.

- “Audrey Hepburn once said “True

beauty in a person is reflected in her
soul.” I believe anyone can
be beautiful with confidence, a positive
attitude, and a loving heart. An ugly
personality or attitude will show
through any physical features no
matter how beautiful one is on the
8) I deserve love, compassion and

- Compassion is empathy in action, and your actions don’t have

to be big or life-changing. Maybe you give a homeless man a
poncho in the pouring rain, or maybe you give your full
attention to someone who really needs to talk. Compassion is all
about realizing that we ultimately all want the same things out
of life (love, safety, health, happiness) and responding in an
appropriate way. With a little practice, we can all become more
compassionate toward ourselves and others. It’s a bold,
brilliant, and radical choice to go against the stream of self-
interest and self-centeredness,
9) I am enough.

- I am Enough. Three little words, with such a big meaning.

- The idea when we tell ourselves this is that we are complete, that we
are “good enough” as we are. We don’t need to change anything
about ourselves, or add or subtract anything, to be worthy of love or
consideration, whether someone else’s or our own. Implicit in the
message is that despite being imperfect beings who make mistakes
and may in fact have much to learn, we are still whole people,
worthwhile, and valuable. Ultimately, “I am enough” conveys a
reassuring, empowering, and hopeful reminder.
10) I believe in the
person I dream of

 As you go through life and work toward

your dreams, knowing who you are and
who you aspire to be will remain the keys
to your success. Except becoming who you
want to be isn’t easy. It requires
tremendous courage, perseverance and a
steadfast belief in yourself.
 The road to becoming your best, most
successful self can feel challenging at times
and it can take a lot out of you. There will
be moments when you might want to give
up on yourself and your dreams.
You must believe success is possible,
because as you continue on your journey,
you will eventually embark upon those
moments, the ones that you have always
imagined coming true.
11) I choose to be
happy and
completely love
myself today.

Happiness is not
circumstantial. And this is really good
news. It means we don't have to wait
for everything to be perfect, nor do we
have to control anything outside of
ourselves in order to feel a certain way.
Becoming aware of this truth is a total
game-changer, because it means we
can choose happiness in this moment.
And something beautiful happens
when we do this: When we feel happy
first, our outward experience begins to
shift in ways we’d only dreamed of.
12) I honor my commitments to

Keeping your word is critical to restoring your sanity and creating a

meaning driven life. When I say, "keeping your word," I'm referring to
honoring what you commit to. It's keeping your promises, especially
with yourself.

Unfortunately, we usually betray ourselves more than we do anyone

else. We say one thing and do another.

When we don't keep our word we lose our credibility and it

undermines our self-esteem. Every broken commitment is a crack in
the foundation for creating a quality- driven life.
13) I choose faith over fear.

We are all born with fear inside of us. It is human nature to

fear the unknown. Our mind warns us when something seems
unknown and our bodies react. The unknown will always be
something that we are naturally fearful towards. However, if we are
living a life for God; we are called to live by faith. We are called to live a
life of trusting in the unknown by believing that God is leading us in
the right direction.
14) There is no wrong decision.

 We judge ourselves and our actions by labeling our decisions as

either right or wrong. Then, we lead our lives complaining about all
the wrong decisions we’ve made in the past and how they are
responsible for our failures and disappointments.

 What we achieve or don’t achieve in our lives completely depends

on our decisions. The job we have, the person we get married to,
the friends we hang out with—every aspect of our lives is shaped
by our decisions. While some decisions open the doors to success,
others push us down into a pit of problems. Whatever is the end
result, it’s our attitude towards those decisions that decide our fate,
not the nature of those decisions per se.
15) I am now
creating my life
exactly as I want it.

- When something has meaning, it has

a purpose; it is significant. Likewise, a
life that has meaning feels purposeful
and significant. Feeling as though your
life is meaningless can lead to
depression and hopelessness. Adding
meaning to life is not an exact science,
but it is possible to develop a
meaningful life for yourself if you are
willing to put some time and
consideration into the process.
16) Positivity is a choice; I choose to
be positive.

Positive people are strong in mind and spirit. By searching for truth
wherever you can, you can become stronger every day. Positivity
helps you live your full potential.

Being positive is the choice you make to find the good. Not because
the bad does not exist, but in spite of the all the bad, you still choose
to see the good.

Positivity is a choice. That choice is harder for some than others

though! While we all have different personalities, we can choose
everyday if we want to be positive or not.
17) I am free of worry and am at
peace with who I am.

 How can you find peace of mind? It’s a question often asked, but
rarely answered in a satisfying way. Some say peace of mind lies in
security. Some say it’s about de-cluttering, and finding stillness and
calm in life. Some say it’s about acceptance and letting go. But the
answer was so simple. You create your state of mind by the things
you do, and you cement that by the things you tell yourself.
18) I matter. I am
allowed to say “no” to
others and “yes” to

“Live your life for you not for anyone else.

Don’t let the fear of being judged, rejected
or disliked stop you from being yourself”
~Sonya Parker

- Saying no doesn’t mean that you are

being rude, selfish, or unkind. These are
all unhelpful beliefs that make it hard to
say no.

- Learning to say no is realizing that you

are valuable and choosing your own
opinion about yourself over others.

- Learning to say no is deciding if saying

yes is really worth it.
19) What I give is
what I receive.

- to be strong and confident enough

to treat people in the same way
that they treat you.

- It means your actions affect other

people and how you'd want to be
treated, whether it's for good or
bad reasons. When you treat people
with respect and honesty, people
give that to you. When you treat
people poorly, you get treated that
way, too.
20) I choose to not take it

- Not taking things personally may sometimes be an overly

ambitious goal. But as we work toward seeing things with
greater clarity, we’re more able to respond rather than react.
We have greater inner resources to bring to situations. We
realize that not everything is about us, but when it is, we can
own up to it and repair broken trust and be more mindful.
Gradually, we can live with more compassion for ourselves and

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