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Pertemuan Ke 10

Citra Wiguna, S.Kom., M.Kom

Distributing Products

1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of distribution, and identify factors that
could determine the optimal channel of distribution.
2. Differentiate between types of market coverage.
3. Describe the various forms of transportation used to distribute products.
4. Explain how the distribution process can be accelerated.
5. Explain how retailers serve customers.
6. Explain how wholesalers can serve manufacturers and retailers.
7. Explain the strategy and potential benefits of vertical channel integration.
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
Keputusan pendistribusian sebuah perusahaan menentukan cara bagaimana produk-produknya mudah diakses
oleh para pelanggan.
Tipe-tipe saluran distribusi :
1. Direct Channel
2. One-Level Channel
3. Two-Level Channel
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
1. Direct Channel
Situasi dimana produsen suatu produk melakukan transaksi secara langsung dengan pelanggan
Keuntungan dari Direct Channel:
• Seluruh selisih antara biaya produsen dengan harga yang dibayar oleh pelanggan jatuh ketangan
• Produsen mudah mendapatkan umpan balik langsung akan produk-produknya.

Marketing intermediaries (Perantara pemasaran): perusahaan yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam perpindahan
produk dari produsen ke konsumen
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
Kekurangan dari Direct Channel:
• Butuh banyak karyawan
• Produsen yang menggunakan saluran langsung masih harus menanggung beban yang lebih besar untuk
mempromosikan produknya.
• Pihak produsen kemungkinan harus menjual produknya scr kredit ketika menjual langsung ke pelanggan.
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
2. One - Level Channel
One marketing intermediary is between the producer and the customer.
Types of marketing intermediaries:
• Merchants (pedagang): marketing intermediaries that
become owners of products and then resell them
• Agents (agen): marketing intermediaries that match buyers
and sellers of products without becoming owners
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
2. Two- Level Channel
Two marketing intermediaries are between the producer and the customer
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
Comparison of Common Distribution Systems
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a direct channel of
distribution, and identify factors that could determine the optimal
channel of distribution.
Factors That Determine the Optimal Channel of Distribution:
• Ease of Transporting
• Degree of Standardization
• Internet Orders
2. Differentiate between types of market coverage.
Market coverage (Cakupan Pasar): tingkat distribusi produk di setiap gerai/toko
Cakupan Pasar diklasifikasikan menjadi :
1. Distribusi Intensif: distribusi suatu produk ke seluruh atau sebagian besar gerai yang memungkinkan
2. Distribusi Selektif: distribusi produk melalui gerai – gerai tertentu
3. Distribusi Eksklusif: distribusi produk hanya melalui satu atau sedikit gerai.
2. Differentiate between types of market coverage.
Memilih Jenis Cakupan Pasar yang Optimal

Cara riset pemasaran dapat mempengaruhi keputusan cakupan pasar:

• Mengidentifikasi area – area dimana pelanggan memutuskan untuk membeli produk atau jasa.
Alternatif tingkat cakupan pasar:
3. Describe the various forms of transportation used
to distribute products.
Memilih transportasi untuk distribusi
Transportasi tidak efisien= biaya lebih tinggi= laba yang didapatkan perusahaan lebih rendah.
Bentuk – bentuk transportasi yang paling umum digunakan:
• Truk: sebagai transportasi yang dapat mengirim produk dengan cepat dimanapun tujuannya (di darat)
dan dapat melakukan beberapa pemberhentian. (Coca cola)
• Kereta Api: digunakan untuk produk – produk berat yang lokasinya berdekatan dengan stasiun kereta api.
• Udara: digunakan untuk produk – produk ringan dan membutuhkan waktu yang cepat dalam pengiriman.
• Air: biasanya digunakan untuk perdagangan internasional dan dalam jumlah besar. (mobil)
• Saluran Pipa: digunakan untuk produk – produk tertentu, misal minyak dan gas
4. Explain how the distribution process can be accelerated.
Accelerate the Distribution Process by:
• Streamline the Channels of Distribution (restructured distribution process)
4. Explain how the distribution process can be accelerated.
Accelerate the Distribution Process by:
• Use of the Internet for Distribution
4. Explain how the distribution process can be accelerated.
Accelerate the Distribution Process by:
• Integrate the Production and Distribution Processes
Relationship between Production and Distribution:
4. Explain how the distribution process can be accelerated.
Accelerate the Distribution Process by:
Steps Involved in the Production and Distribution of Products
5. Explain how retailers serve customers.
Background on Retailers

• Peritel bertindak sebagai perantara berjasa dalam mendistribusikan produk langsung ke pelanggan. Salah
satu peritel yang berhasil didunia yaitu Wal-Mart.
Peritel dapat diklasifikasikan menurut karakteristik berikut ini:
1. Number of outlets
2. Quality of service
3. Variety of products offered
4. Store versus nonstore
5. Explain how retailers serve customers.
Background on Retailers

1. Number of outlets
• Independent retail store: a retailer that has only one outlet
• Chain (jaringan): a retailer that has more than one outlet
2. Quality of service
• Full-service retail store (toko ritel layanan penuh): a retailer that generally offers much sales assistance to
customers and provides servicing if needed
• Self-service retail store (toko ritel swalayan): a retailer that does not provide sales assistance or service and
sells products that do not require much expertise
5. Explain how retailers serve customers.
Background on Retailers

3. Variety of products offered

• Specialty retail store: a retailer that specializes in a particular type of product
• Variety retail store: a retailer that offers numerous types of goods
4. Store versus nonstore
Although most retailers use a store to offer their service, others do not.
The three most common types of nonstore retailers are:
• Mail-order retailers
• Websites
• Vending machines.
6. Explain how wholesalers can serve manufacturers and retailers.
. agaimana Distributor Melayani Produsen dan peritel

Distributor: perantara yang membeli produk dari produsen dan menjualnya ke para peritel
Distributor memberikan 5 jasa penting bagi produsen:
1. Pergudangan (Warehousing)
2. Keahlian menjual (Sales Expertise)
3. Pengiriman ke peritel (Delivery to Retailers)
4. Penanggungan resiko kredit (Assumption of Credit Risk)
5. Informasi (Information)
6. Explain how wholesalers can serve manufacturers and retailers.
. agaimana Distributor Melayani Peritel

Lima jasa distributor yang penting bagi peritel:

1. Pergudangan
2. Promosi
3. Display (pajangan)
4. Kredit
5. Informasi
7. Explain the strategy and potential benefits
of vertical channel integration.

Integrasi channel vertikal: dua atau lebih tingkat distribusi yang dikelola oleh suatu perusahaan.
1. Integrasi channel vertikal oleh produsen
Produsen dapat memutuskan untuk mengintegrasikan operasinya secara vertikal dengan membuat toko –
toko ritel
2. Integrasi channel vertikal oleh peritel
Peritel dapat mempertimbangkan untuk menghasilkan produknya sendiri

• Minggu depan 17 desember 2019 KUIS

• PROGRESS TUGAS minggu ke-III dikumpulkan sebelum (24 desember
• Kumpulkan di elearning
• Tanggal 31 desember 2019 dan tanggal 7 januari 2019 presentasi setiap kelompok

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