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Ekonomi Mikro

Group 2
by :
- Regina Pratiwi
Npm : 18.1000.5314.013
- Ahmad Randi
Npm : 18.1000.5 312.2003
Economy. . .

. ..” The word Economy comes from a

Greek word "the party that manages t
he household”

 It is a study of individuals and communities making
choices, with or without the use of money, using li
mited resources - but can be used in various ways
to produce various types of goods & services and
distribute them for consumption needs, now and i
n the future, to various individual and community
group (Prof. Paul.A. Samuelson)


 According to Sadono Sukirno: "Economics

analyzes costs and benefits and improves t
he use of resources (resources: SDA & S
DM). According to Mankiw: "Study of how
people manage resources that are always l
imited and scarce".
 Manage resources that are limited in nature so they can b
e used efficiently. (Samuelson and Nordhaus, 2004)
 Grouped in; Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

 Microeconomics (price theory): focuses on the economic

behavior of individual households, companies and markets,
in managing economic resources efficiently Macroeconomi
cs: focuses on the discussion of the overall economy (aggr
egation), unemployment, inflation, economic growth and in
ternational trade
Increasing Company Productivity
Meet unlimited requests while availab
le production factors are limited
(Minimize input, maximize output )

Permintan  Demand
Produksi  Supply
Pertukaran  Market

 Microeconomics focuses on individuals in the eco

nomy. How households & companies make decisi
ons and how they interact on the market.

Analysis aspects in microeconom
ics :

: - Analysisof costs and benefits

 -Theory of demand and supply
- Market models
- Production theory
 - Price theory
the scope of microeconomics :
 demand and supply and the balance of market
 Elasticity of requests and offers
 Consumer behavior theory
 Production theory, production costs, producer
revenues and profits
 Perfect competition market
 monopoly marker
 Oligopoly market Minopolistic competition
 Request for input
 Good mechanism and income distribution
Micro Economic Goals
 Some microeconomic goals include: Analyze m
arket mechanisms that shape the relative price
s of goods and services, and the allocation of li
mited resources among the many uses of alter
 Analyze market failure, that is, when the mark
et fails to produce efficient results and explain
s the various theoretical conditions needed fo
r a perfectly competitive market
Microekonomic theory

1. Price Theory
Analysis carried out on:
 Price formation
 process Factors that can affect changes in
 demand and supply
 The relationship between the price of demand and
 Market forms
 The concept of demand and supply elasticity
 2. Production Theory
Analysis carried out on: All related to the cost of producing
goods and services
The most favorable level of production for producers

A combination of production factors that must be chosen by the producer

 to get maximum profit

 3. Distribution Theory
Microeconomic analysis is related to labor wages, the amount of interest that must be p
aid to the owners of capital, and the amount of profits obtained by producers.
Microeconomic Component in Business :
a. Interaction in the Goods Market
b. Seller and Buyer behavior
c. Interaction in the Market
 The Role of Microeconomics in Business
a. formulate policy
b. compile predictions
c. Understanding Consumer Behavior
d. Knowing the Turnover of Goods. Increasin
g Company Productivity
Thank You

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