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Ken Blanchard
mhe Key to developing people
is to catch them doing
something right
Look up for opportunities for praising the good
work of your people, than waiting for an occasion
to comment on their bad work


’eople who produce good

results feel good about

Good results make people happy and confident. mhey

will look up for still better results. A Good Leader
enables them to acquire or achieve the best results.


on¶t wait until people do

things exactly right before
you praise them

’raise and ’at your people at every stage of

their progress. Give them feedback to do still
better; you don¶t have to wait for the work to
be completed to compliment one.

aeedback is the breakfast of

the Champions

Yt is important to give proper feedback on

performance of your people, for them to know
where they did well and where they went wrong. Yt
must be a matter of routine.

¦o one can make you

inferior without your

Choose to feel good about yourself. Even when
one criticizes you on something, take it as a
feedback for doing better things. You don't have
to take that you are bad just because some one
points out your mistake. Yt¶s just a help from him
for you to correct. J

¦one of us is as smart as
all of us

Yn a team working situation, everyone¶s

contribution is important. And everyone
contributes too.


mhings not worth doing are

not worth doing well
Choose to do the most important and urgent ones
to do first, than falling prey to the tyranny of
urgency and doing unimportant tasks. You may
miss out important ones.

-uccess is not for ever and

failure is not fatal

Okay, you celebrate your victories. But, keep

in mind you have to work for your next
achievement, may be in a still better scale.
Likewise, if you had a defeat on something,
bemoan for a few hours. -it up next. efeat is
not permanent as, interestingly, success also.


ëhen you stop learning you

stop growing

Learning must be a continuous phenomenon.

Every day and every time, learn something.
mhe day you stop learning you fail to acquire
the competence you need to face the present
moment challenge.

Yn life, what you resist,


ëhen you see a problem, attend to it. Yf you

postpone, or keep it apart, it chases you with much
more vigor. ¦ever, ever, slip out yourself from the
responsibility of doing anything.
o not work harder,
work smarter
mhink, -trategize and ’rioritize your work.
on¶t jump into action and work harder ;
Lord Vinayaka was smarter to get his Mango,
as compared to his brother who had gone all
round the world, for the same mango - only to
lose it.

¦ice guys appear to finish last,

but usually they are running in
a different race
’ersons with admirable values may
apparently fail in a few assignments. But, in
the long run they win.


Yn managing people it is easier

to loosen up than tighten up

Yt makes good sense to be relatively tough when

you start with your people and then going to nicer
part of it later. Being goody goody in the
beginning may put you in an embarrassment if
ever you have to be tough with some people.


Anything worth doing does

not have to be done perfectly
- at first
Good performance is a journey; not a
destination. Allow some time for people to go
perfect in their jobs.


ëhat motivates people

what motivates people
aind out what really motivates your people and
work on it, than going by standard formulae.


Life is all about

getting A¶s
ëhen you teach the students the answers for the
final exams right from the beginning of the year-
they get A at the end of the year. Likewise, when
you clearly say the performance expectations and
targets well at the beginning, .they get A - and you
are pleased.

Create raving fans*

-atisfied customers are
not good enough
Your customers should speak for you. Keep such
relationship with them that they are literally part of
your sales force.

Yf you want to know why
your people are not
performing well, then
step up to the mirror and
take a peek
Ensure that you help your people to win.

Managing only for profit is

like playing tennis with your
eye on the scoreboard and
not on the ball
Your focus should be on your customers and
employees besides the bottom line you have targeted.


Yf you want your people

to be responsible, be
responsive to their
Respond to your peoples¶ needs sincerely. mhey will
be responsible in their attitude.


Yt¶s more important as a

Manager to be respected
than to be popular
Yt¶s not just enough to be an expert in your job. Or
a record of achievements on your part. Yt is
important, people respect you for your values,
your approach and your responsiveness.

’eople with humility don¶t

think less of themselves,
they just think of
themselves less.
mhink of your people and their needs.


¦ever! ¦ever! ¦ever!

Give up.

Be persistent. Let your actions correspond with your
words. Be committed.

mrying is just a noisy

way of not doing
Being interested is far different from being
committed. Attempting is not just enough.
One should have a commitment to finish what
he had planned earlier.

Good thoughts in your

head not delivered means
ëhen you feel good about your people, tell them.
Keeping them just in your head is of no use.


You may cheat the whole world

down the pathway of life and get
pats on your back as you pass,
but your final reward will be
heartaches and tears, if you have
cheated the man in the glass
Be Honest! r  ë

-ometimes when the numbers
look right, the decision is still
Keeping an eye on ’rofits alone will not do good. Be creative all
the time. Ken suggests three steps to be creative:
1. Ynformation Gathering- asking your people to pool ideas in a
2. Right question - Making people ask relevant and useful
questions and
3. Ynward Listening- Enabling people sit quietly for sometimes
for problem solutions to illuminate in them

Love is being able to say,

you¶re sorry
mhank you and Y¶m sorry are two expressions
that a leader must conscientiously use. A little
bit of shedding of ego is necessary for this
practice. ëhen you are wrong appropriately
say sorry to those offended. Yt earns lot of
respect and love.

Good religion is like good

foot ball; it isn¶t talk, it¶s
aaith and intuition are great tools for success.
¦evertheless, constant vigil on what you must do
to sustain and grow are equally essential. He
believes in your action as much as you believe in

make what you do

seriously, but yourself
-ense of humor is one of the four essential
qualities of a successful person, the other
three being Hard ëork, -elf Confidence and
Clear thinking - as ëayne yer said once.


mhe trouble with being in a

rat race is that even if you
win the race, you¶re still a
Give some time for your relaxation and r  
enjoyment, whether it be a calm
listening to your people at home or a
bit of meditation.

mhink Big!
Act Big!
Be Big!
aeel great - that is, you have confidence in you that
you can do anything when someone else does it. All
you need is to work for what you believe you can. @@

Real communication
happens when people feel
Encourage people to give feedback. Make them
comfortable when the communicate with you.
Listen, don¶t argue. Actively participate when one
communicates. Above all compliment
communication. mhank the communicator if
appropriate. on¶t let one down, by
inappropriately quoting one.

All good performance

starts with Clear Goals
One must know which road one must take
for one¶s journey. And choosing the road
depends upon what is at the end of the road.
-o, know about your destination before you
start your journey.

ifferent -trokes for

ifferent folks.
Ynfluencing styles should be different for
different people. mell the immature, sell to the
unwilling but capable, participate with the
willing and mildly capable, and delegate to
the willing and capable. mhe message is find
out what level the follower is? And use
appropriate style.

ifferent -trokes for the

-ame folks
Okay; fact remains same folks some times
change their colours. Learner stops learning.
Enthusiastic goes moody. Good worker gets into
reservations because of some unexpected side
effect. -o, watch the folks and attend to them to
rejuvenate their willingness and capabilities.

Yf God had wanted us to

talk more than listen, He
would have given two
mouths instead of two
ears! mwo eyes too!

Life is what happens to you

while you¶re planning on
doing something else

isappointments are parts of success stories. Go

ahead with your next opportunity without
brooding over with your present µunexpected¶.


ëithout Vision,
the people perish



Vision is not just looking at. Yt is a sensitive,

super sensitive look, on the opportunities and
scope for you to achieve what you are capable of
achieving - today, tomorrow and at the end of
your life span.

Yf you don¶t seek

perfection, you can
never reach excellence
Keep the highest target in mind whenever
you start doing any thing. mhis is just enough
attitude will not lead to excellence.

’eople without information
cannot act responsibly; ’eople
with information are
compelled to act responsibly
ëhen you give responsibility to people, give them
sufficient knowledge to exercise their authority.
Your receptionist needs all the information of the
company, than needing to refer someone to answer a
query of a caller. Your worker needs to know what
purpose the end product of his labor is put into.

A river without bank is a

large puddle
Autonomy and empowerment require well defined
boundaries to be effective: mhese boundaries are,
Ken says, ’urpose, Values, Goals, Roles and
-tructure. Clarify these boundaries well enough to
your people - for them to be empowered properly.


Your game is only as

good as your practice
Even the very famous ailm actor, rehearses
umpteen number of times, before he acts in
front of the film camera. Learning, ’ractice,
trial runs are all very helpful for one to be
exemplary in one¶s work performance.


All empowerment exists

in the present moment
Give full focus on what you do today. Equip
with more knowledge and skill even to do your
present assignment. Celebrate your present
victories too. Although, past experience gives
you knowledge and confidence; and future
action plans are important to follow, present is
much more valuable for one¶s success.

ëe are not human beings

having spiritual experience; we
are spiritual beings having
human experience
Remember you are an endowment of Him and
every one likewise, for doing some important thing
in this world. And always!


You get from ’eople

what you expect
ëhen you underestimate people¶s capabilities,
they conform to your wishes by adhering to
your µunderestimation¶. -ee people without any
prejudice or judgement. ëork with them, enable
them, encourage them and compliment them -
for whatever work they had done.

Y have never seen a U-haul

attached to a hearse
ëe brought nothing when we arrived and we are
going to take nothing when we leave. But in
between we gained lot of love , gave lot of love,
we stored lot of love and left lot of love. Ys it not


Ynquire within
Respond to your inner voice as often as you can.
Yt tells you what is right and what is wrong. Yn a
given situation, if your inner voice is not able to
guide you, ask people to help you. -hare your
reflections with people who would understand.
Life is a beautiful play for those who inquire


’eople in Organizations
need to develop
fascination for what
doesn¶t work
Every mistake you commit is another opportunity to
learn. -o, look up for anything that strikes your eye
as mistake and examine it.

Choose work you love

and you will never have
to work a day in your
-tart loving what you do. Yf it does not work,
find out what you should do to love your work.

ëinning coaches make

their teams audible-ready
Audible is a foot-ball term to mean last minute
strategic instructions. Every member of your team
should be ready to take your alerts in time and
train them with such sensitivity that they go with
the team for working together.


¦ever punish a learner.

ëhen a learner makes a mistake, help him by

guiding him to do better - to do correctly. Yf you
punish him for his mistakes, he might stop
learning the right things.


’eople are Okay, it¶s

their behavior that¶s a
problem sometimes.
ëhen some one does something wrong, you may
µreprimand¶ him for what he did. You may even
explain what rippling effects his deed might
cause. But, always reaffirm that he will not do
such wrong again. Express your confidence in
him sincerely.

Consistency isn¶t
behaving the same way
all the time.
Being consistent means, not behaving the same
way for every thing, same way for similar
things. mhe message is µEnsure your responses
are predictable¶.


Yt is the first time in the history

of business that you can be
great at what you are doing
today and be out of business
Changes are rather fast these days, with such a
fast information flow and innovations. -o, be
tuned to meet them.

mhe only job security you have

today is your commitment to
continuous personal
Your competence is challenged every minute. A
new term appears before you, responding which
alone will make you tick. -o, learn. Go on
learning every minute.


ëhen you know what you stand

for, you can turn around on a
dime and have five cents
Make your people value driven, than goal


-hare the cash and then share

the congratulations.

ëhen your people do well, you must

congratulate them - of course. But, before that
ensure that you share your prosperity too in
some form or other. May be good wage level!


mhere is no pillow as soft as a

clear conscience.
r  ë

eal with your employees, customers and even

competitors with a clear conscience.

Yt¶s surprising how much you can
accomplish, if you don¶t care
who gets the credit

mhe inner dialogue of yours that clarifies that

someone might get the credit - might spoil your
enthusiasm and effort too. As Bhagavan says in
Gita - ³ You have right only over your duty. ¦ever
on the results ³

’ositive thinkers have positive

results, because they are not
afraid of problems.
make problems as opportunities to grow. All you
have to do is to work on finding the best way to
solve that problem. Yn fact, the day you are
without a problem is the day you lost in life.


Early in life people give up

their health to  wealth..Yn
later life people give up some
of their wealth to
Keep your body and mind trim always. Eat
right, sweat right. Anything that would
interfere with your health just avoid it. Yt is
difficult to be so sometimes, but remember,
you have little choice on this aspect. J@

-ervant leadership is more

about character than style

Ken quotes biblical image of servant leadership - the

servant leader -hepherd is there because alock is
there, and not otherwise.


ucks quack;
Eagles soar.

Mere talking is no good. ëalking the talk is

important. Act.

Eagles flourish when they

are free to fly.

ëhen you identify a performer, give him more freedom

to operate and he will reach greater heights.


make responsibility to
make relationships work.
making efforts to make relationships work
should be a constant endeavor in every
sphere. aor there are numerous variables that
may cause breakdowns, whether you like it or
not. Yt is the individual¶s responsibility to
keep them safe, by one¶s conduct, initiative
and compromise.

¦ew moday;
Obsolete tomorrow.
moday is different from yesterday. Almost in
everything. aind out, what ticks today than
wondering why yesterday¶s technique did not
work out today!


G.O.L.a. -tands for

Game Of Life airst
Golf game is comparable to life. Yn good breaks
and bad breaks, whether you deserve or don¶t
deserve, either. mhere you react to your own
performance. Yt brings best and worst in people.
You have the life¶s training in Golf game

Leadership is not something

you do  people; Yt¶s
something you do  people.

Leadership is team oriented. Your followers

are your team mates - not just order takers.
Your followers are your hands - not just tools.
Your followers are your admirers - not just

on¶t settle for anything less

than a aortunw  î
Motivated customers, Ynspired employees,
Enjoying Owners and significant Others who
cherish their connections with you. mhese are
important for a aortunate Company. mhese are
available when your Core values meaningfully

make time to identify core

Ydentifying core values is not only important but
also difficult. isney identified four core
values, viz, -afety, Courtesy, the -how and
Efficiency. Likewise, you may find your Core
Values by sincere and hard efforts.


Core values must be

Yt is important to communicate properly and
effectively to every one in the Organization.
Yes, at every level.


ëalk your talk.

Your value system must be visible. ëhen you say
something, it must be practiced.


Knowing where you are

going is the first step to
getting there.
One must make one¶s mission statement in
life. Yt can only be the guiding force for


As a leader, the most

important earthly relationship
you can cultivate is
relationship with yourself.
Respond to your inner voice and dreams. airst,
find out why you are here and what you intend
to do. -imply stated, what you want to be at the
end of your life?

’urpose can never be about

achievement; it¶s much bigger

Ydentify your life¶s mission carefully. ’ut aside

your lesser self and go with your best self.
Reach it step by step!.

’urpose has to do with one¶s
calling - deciding what business
you are in as a person.
mhe responsibility of deciding your life and
career is with you. You seek for that which will
make you satisfied when you start your life¶s
mission. ëork for that and work on that. Others
may see you differently some times. Yt is your
effort that would make others see you the same
way as you want them to see you!.

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