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This is a little story about four people named

Everybody,Somebody,Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done, and
everybody was sure that Somebody would do
it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody
did it. Somebody got angry about that
because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody
thought that anybody could do it, but nobody
realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It
ended up that Everybody Blamed Somebody
when nobody did what Anybody could have
-comes from the Italian word “Maneggiare”
which means “to handle”(tools or
equipment).”Maneggiare derives from the
Latin words “manus” which means “hand”
and “agere” which means “to act.”
 According to Follet Management is the art of
getting things done through people.
 “Mother of Modern Management”
 He defines management as, "to manage is to
forecast and to plan, to organize, to
command, to coordinate and to control.”
 With whom Fayolism is derived.
 “Father of principles of Management”.
 He defines Management as “an art of
knowing what to do and see that it is done in
the best and cheapest way.”
 Founder of “Taylorism”
 “Father of Scientific Management”.
 According to Drucker,Management is “multi-
purpose organ that manages the business and
manages workers and work.
 He is a management consultant,educator and
author of about 39 books on Management.
 Science-It
is  Art-It
considered Science considered Art
because managers because managers
need facts and need specific skills
information based which are innate
on gathered data in a manager.
to come up with
sound solution.
1.Scientific Management
-defined as the use of scientific method to
determine the "one best way” for a job to be
-Frederick W. Taylor(Father of Scientific
2.Administrative Management Theory
-theorists who emerged in this group focused
more on the entire organization by
developing general theories of what
managers do and what comprised well
management practice.
-Henri Fayol (1841-1925)famous personalities during this
Era. Fayol emphasized how different a manager’s role
was from other usual business functions. He stated the
14 principles of follows:
1.Division of Work 10.Order
2.Authority 11.Equity
3.Discipline 12.Stability
4.Unity Of Command 13.Initiative
5.Unity of Direction 14.Esprit de Corps
6.Subordination of individual interest to group of interest
9.Scalar Chain
3.Behavioral Management Theory-often called Human
Relations Movement. It focuses on the human aspect
of work.
-deals with human behavior.
-better understanding of human behavior while at work,
improved productivity and that employees are not
machines but are considered to be valuable assets in
the organization.
 Self –actualization-
morality,creativity,spontaneity,problem solving,lack of
prejudice,acceptance of facts.
 Esteem-self-esteem,confidence,achievement,respect
of others,respect by others.
 Love/belonging-friendship,family,sexual intimacy
 Safety-
 Physiological-
4.Management Science Theory-is known as the
quantitative approach to management.
-it uses quantitative techniques in decision making.
5.Organizational Environment Theory-knowing and
using these systems approach will help managers
visualize the organization as a whole and would help
in coordinating the work activities as one.
 Assignment……
Manager’s Job: Functions, Roles, and Skills
Manager- is an individual who is in charge of a certain
group of tasks, or a certain subset of a company.

Functions of a Manager
There are five basic functions of a manager:
1.Planning- is the basic function of management.
It deals with plotting and jotting down of action plans
and decisions in advance to achieve the pre-
determined goals of the organization.
2.Organizing-It is the process of bringing together
physical, financial and human resources and
developing productive relationship among them for
the achievement of organizational goals.
3.Staffing-is the determination of personnel needs and
the selection, orientation, identified in the organizing
4.Leading-managers must
supervise,lead,motivate,coach,train,guide and direct
his subordinate to work efficiently.
 Supervision-implies overseeing the work of
subordinates by their superiors.
 Motivation-means inspiring, stimulating or
encouraging the subordinates with zeal to work.
 Leadership-may be defined as a process by which
manager guides and influences the work of subordinates
in the desired direction.
 Communication-is the process of passing information,
experience , opinion,etc. from one person to another.
5.Controlling-According to Koontz & O’Donell,
“Controlling is the measurement and correction of
performance activities of subordinates to make sure that
the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them
are being accomplished.” Controlling has the following
a. Establishment of standard performance
b.Measurement of actual performance
c.Comparison of actual performance with the standards.
d.Corrective action
3 types of skills
 Conceptual-a manager must have a knowledge
of the ability to see the “big picture” of any
given situation to be able to create ideas and
visualize plans for the future.
 Technical-a manager must posses specific
knowledge and the ability to use different
techniques to achieve what they want to
 Human-this skills pertains to interpersonal
relationship and the ability to work well with
other people.
-is the process of deciding in advance
what to do be done,where,how and by
whom it is to be done.
-is the process of thinking before
According to Weihrich and Koontz”-
Planning involves selecting missions
and objectives and the actions to
achieve them.
According to Newman-Planning is
deciding in advance, what to is to be
done; that is a plan is a projected
course of action.
One of the most significant research as to the role
of the manager in an organization comes from
Henry Mintzberg,a Canadian researcher who
believes that manager’s work is never really
done. Manager constantly play different roles
and wear different hats every single day in the
 Draw your concept of being a Manager.
-is the process of deciding in advance
what to do be done,where,how and by
whom it is to be done.
-is the process of thinking before
According to Weihrich and Koontz”-
Planning involves selecting missions
and objectives and the actions to
achieve them.
According to Newman-Planning is
deciding in advance, what to is to be
done; that is a plan is a projected
course of action.
What is a plan ?? •
A plan is a projected course of action.
• It is a commitment to a particular course of
action believed necessary to achieve specific
• Plans are prepared through the planning
process which involves taking various
activities to arrive at - what is to be
achieved, how it is to be achieved and when
is it to be achieved .
• Planning is purposeful : it is goal oriented.
It is directed towards efficiency.

• Planning is a primary function : It is the

basic level of management process.

• Pervasive process : Many people believe in

planning. It is the job of all the managers in
all types of organizations.
 Intellectual process : A mental process
involving imagination, foresight and sound
adjustment but not guesswork.

• Continuous process : An on-going/dynamic

exercise as old assumptions change, old plans
are revised or new ones are prepared.

 • Forward process : No plan can be prepared

without knowledge of future.

• Involves choice : Decision making is core of

 Planning is futuristic in nature.

 Planningis not a guess word; it is based on

facts and information.

 Planningis flexible(workable); it is
dynamic(energetic, active) in a process
capable of adjustments by the need and
requirement of the situation.
 • To focus attention on objective & results.
 • To reduce uncertainty and change.
 • To provide sense of direction.
 • To encourage innovation and creativity.
 • To help in coordination.
 • To guide decision making.
 • To provide a basis for decentralization.-
Decentralization is the process by which the activities
of an organization, particularly those regarding
planning and decision making, are distributed or
delegated away from a central, authoritative location
or group.
 • To provide economy in operation.-the wealth and
resources of a country or region, especially in terms
of the production and consumption of goods and
 • To facilitate control.
1.Strategic plan-is a high-level overview of the
entire business. The scope of the plan can be
two,three,five,or ten years.
Components of Strategic Planning
 Vision-Where does the organization want to
be five years from now? This is how the
company wants to be envisioned.
 Mission-is a more realistic overview of the
company's aim and ambitions. Why does
company exist? What does it aim to achieve.
 Values-How do you want to inspire the world? How do
you want to be known?
2.Tactical Plan-describes the tactics of the organization
plans to use to achieve the ambitions outlined in the
strategic plan.
3.Operational Plan-describes the day to day running of
the company.
it can be: Single Use plans-created or events/activities
with a single occurrence such as sales rally,
marketing compaign,recruitment drive. A set of
activities aimed at achieving a specific goal within a
particular budget and time period that is unlikely to
be repeated in future
Ongoing plans-can be used in multiple settings
on an ongoing basis. It can changed or repeated as
required. Such as policy, set of rules or procedures.
Ensures that your business remains focused,
therefore helping you to meet certain key targets and
manage business priorities.

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