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Having special characteristics and unique:

• has a personal patient service character(

taylor made service).
• experienced an uncertain surge in the
patient, so the hospital was always faced
with uncertainty
Logistics management
is a vital sub-system in a

One of the Pharmaceutic

important al supplies The biggest
resources in are an operating cost
RS is important component in
pharmaceutic means for the RS
al supplies healing
Term Logistics
Hardware consists of 3
Software is an activity that:
things :

Planning, Personnel

Implementation in Suplies
production scope,

Procurement, Equipment



Hospital preparations are divided into 3 basic
Pharmaceutical Supplies

Food Supply (Nutrition)

General Logistics Supplies

are supplies that usually require a large routine

Medical Supply

Chemical Supplies

Medical Gas Supply

Medical Equipment Supplies

Meat/Fish Ingredients

Vegetable ingredients



Dry material
Textile materials

Engineering Materials

Household materials

ATK Materials, moulds

Inventory materials
Raw Materials Finished product
Inventory inventories
Increased costs due to Loss of potential
disruption of the customers
production process
Opportunity cost, Loss of Opportunity cost over a
discounted prices failed margin
Purchase cost Increase Transportation cost
Increasing the maintenance costs
Increasing the insurance and tax
Risk of loss
Increasing the record
administration fees
Can avoid waste due Maintaining smooth
to price increases production process

Get more efficient

Anticipate sudden
price because there
are pieces
Hospitals should have supplies in the amount of
type/variety and the right amount for patient care. The
exact type of inventory can be determined by the raw
material/purchase manager for the input of the user
Committee. The exact amount of inventory is difficult
to projected/planned for 3 reasons:
• Time,
• Uncertainty and
• Discontinuity
• Lag time between order and inventory acceptance.

• Demand for inventories will usually fluctuate both in volume
and patient variety
• To face the uncertainty of this raw material Manager/purchase
can ask/meet each department manager to determine the actual
need that is deemed important

• Discontinuity means that the supply process has stopped
(disrupted), perhaps due to a new model of the offer or delivery
error, then the HOSPITAL must have a stock in hand for the
continuity of the patient care process
The importance of raw material management is
cost, because supplies are unproductive assets i.e.
assets that are not growing or unproductive to
bring in income. Based on fact the inventory will
be missing value in line with time (inventory will
be expired)
Strategic management process for
the transfer and storage of goods,
spare parts, and finished goods from
Management: suppliers in the facility/facilities of
the company and to the consumer.

Management and control of supplies

Inventory or items of expectancy of hope less
Management than 12 months (Suver, Neumann,
and Boles 1992)
Operational • are the availability of goods/materials
in the right quantity and good quality
objectives: at the time required

Financial • are to achieve the above operational

objectives : objectives. The point is low cost

• is for the provision of uninterrupted

The purpose of interference caused by loss, damage,
integrity : waste, unauthorised use, so as to affect
bookkeeping or accounting systems.

Manajerial mendisain dan mengurus sesuatu sistem untuk mengawasi arus
dan penyimpan strategis bagi : material , suku cadang dan barang jadi.
Agar diperoleh manfaat maksimum bagi perusahaan.

Manajemen logistik , tidak terlepas pada kaidah- kaidah

manajemen umum :
Perencanaan , poengorganisasian, penggerakan dan
• Pengendalian ketat dan tidak
Pengendalian Selektif memberikan keputusan yang sama
terhadap semua jenis barang

• Dilakukan dengan membagi persediaan

dalam dua tempat dengan jumlah yang

• Dilakukan dengan menentukan jumlah

Automatic Order kuantitas pemesanan kembali (pemesanan
System dilakukan jika jumlah persediaan sebesar
safety stock

• Dilakukan secara periodik terhadap

Order Cycling persediaan, pemesanan dilakukan
apabila diperlukan
Metode Fisik Metode Perpetual

• Yaitu metode • Yaitu metode

pencatatan pencatatan
persediaan tidak persediaan
dilakukan secara dilakukan secara
terus menerus. terus menerus,
Jumlah persediaan sehingga persediaan
dicatat setiap akhir yang ada setiap saat
periode dengan dapat diketahui
menghitung jumlah
fisik persediaan yang

Persediaan Awal Rp ........................

Pembelian neto Rp ........................ +
Barang tersedia Rp ........................
Persediaan Akhir Rp ........................ -
Harga Pokok Penjualan Rp ........................
Metode Fisik Metode
Metode Identifikasi
Khusus Metode Rata-rata

Metode Rata-rata Metode First In First Out

Metode First In First Out Metode Last In First Out
Metode Last In First Out

Pembelian Barang dalam bentuk Obat-obatan untuk pasien tahun 20xx

Tanggal Unit HP/ Unit Total HP

8 January 20 20 400
19 Mei 55 30 1.650
23 Oktober 25 31 775
Jumlah 100 2.825

Barang yang terjual

Tanggal Unit
5 Januari 17
19 Mei 33
23 Oktober 20
Jumlah 70

Persediaan 31 Desember 30 unit

Metode Identifikasi Khusus

20 Units @ Rp31
Harga Pokok Penjualan 5 Units @ Rp31
Oct 23 Rp 620
May 19 990 33 Units @ Rp30
Jan 5 340 22 Units @ Rp30
Total 1.950
17 Units @ Rp20
3 Units @ Rp20
Nilai Persediaan
Identifikasi Khusus:

unit HP/ u Total

5 unit Rp 51 Rp 155
22 unit Rp 30 Rp 660
3 unit Rp 20 Rp 60
Total 30 unit Rp 875
Weighted Average (Rata-Rata)

25 Units @ Rp31 (Oct) = Rp 775

55 Units @ Rp30 (May) = 1.650

20 Units @ Rp20 (Jan) = 400

100 Total Unit Pembelian = Rp2.825

Weighted Average (Rata-rata)

Keterangan Unit HP/ u Total HP

Total Pembelian 100 28.25 2.825,00

Persediaan 30 28.25 847.50

HPP 1.977,50
FIFO(First-In, First-Out)
Tanggal Unit HP/ Unit Total HP
8 January 20 20 400
19 Mei 55 30 1.650
23 Oktober 25 31 775
Jumlah 100 2.825

Langkah 1 Langkah 2
Persediaan Akhir Harga Pokok Penjualan
Unit HP/ u Total HP
Persediaan awal
25 31 775
5 30 150
Tersedia untuk dijual 2.825
Jumlah 925
Persediaan akhir 925

Harga Pokok Penjualan 1.900

LIFO(Last-In, First-Out)
Tanggal Unit HP/ Unit Total HP
8 January 20 20 400
19 Mei 55 30 1.650
23 Oktober 25 31 775
Jumlah 100 2.825

Langkah 1 Langkah 2
Persediaan Akhir Harga Pokok Penjualan
Unit HP/ u Total HP
Persediaan awal
20 20 400
10 30 300
Tersedia untuk dijual 2.825
Jumlah 700
Persediaan akhir 700
Harga Pokok Penjualan 2.125
Metode Persediaan HPP Laba
Akhir Kotor
Identifikasi 875 1.965 1.035
Rata-rata 847,50 1.977 1.022,50
FIFO 925 1.900 1.100
LIFO 700 2.125 875
(Perpetual) CONTOH

Tnggl Keterangan Unit HP/u Total

1 Nov Persediaan 1 40 40
15 Nov Pembelian 6 45 270
15 Nov Penjualan 4
26 Nov Pembelian 7 50 350
30 Nov Penjualan 8
Metode Rata-Rata (Perpetual)
Diterima Dijual Persediaan
Tgl U Biaya Total U Biaya Total U Biaya Total
1 Nov 1 40 40
5 6 45 720 7 44,29 310
15 4 44,29 177 3 44,29 133
26 7 50 350 10 48,30 453
30 8 48,30 386 2 48,30 97

Total 13 12 563 2 48,30 97

Metode FIFO (Perpetual)
Tgl Diterima Dijual Persediaan
U Biaya Total U Biaya Total U Biaya Total
1 Nov 1 40 40
5 6 45 270 1 40 40
6 45 270
15 1 40 40
3 45 135 3 45 135
26 7 50 350 3 45 135
7 50 350
30 3 45 135
5 50 250 2 50 100
Total 2 100
Sistem LIFO (Perpetual)
Diterima Dijual Persediaan
Tgl U Biaya Total U Biaya Total U Biaya Total
1 Nov 1 40 40
5 6 45 720 1 40 40
6 45 720
15 4 45 180 1 40 40
2 45 90
26 7 50 350 1 40 40
2 45 90
7 50 350
30 7 50 350 1 40 40
1 45 45 1 45 45
Total 2 95
Metode Persediaan HPP Laba
Akhir Kotor
Rata-rata 97 563 397
FIFO 100 560 400
LIFO 90 575 385
EOQ atau Qc adalah kuantitas item yang harus di
pesan pada satu waktu untuk mendapatkan total
biaya persediaan yang minimal

EOQ adalah usaha untuk menghitung berapa tingkat

persediaan yang optimal. Karena persediaan yang
terlalu besar akan memakan terlalu banyak biaya dan
jika terlalu kecil akan menimbulkan stock-out cost
(intangible cost dari goodwill RS)
Permintaan tetap dan konstan dalam satu tahun

Lead time untuk pesan konstan

Biaya terdiri dari biaya pesan dan biaya simpan

Tidak ada Stock-Out atau Overstock

Biaya Pesan (OC)
• Biaya yang dikeluarkan setiap kali

Biaya pemesan barang

Biaya pengiriman barang

Biaya penerimaan barang

Biaya penempatan di gudang

Biaya Simpan (CC)
• Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk penyimpanan barang

Biaya pemeliharaan

Biaya keusangan

Biaya modal

Biaya asuransi


2QO Q = Annual Demand (total kebutuhan per

QC  periode/per tahun)
IP  2C O = Order Cost (Biaya pemesanan)
P = Price (Harga dari Item)
C = Holding Cost (biaya
I = Interest (Tingkat Bunga)

2.Q.O Q = Kebutuhan bahan dalam satu periode

O = Biaya Pemesanan setiap kali pesan
C C = Biaya simpan per unit
lag time (lead time) waktu tunggu barang
yang dipesan datang.

Safety Stock (persediaan barang minimal)

Reorder Point = Lead time + SS

 RS SEHAT SEJATI merupakan suatu RS yang memiliki banyak persediaan
dalam berbagai jenis. Berikut ini catatan RS mengenai kegiatan yang
tanggal keterangan kuantitas Harga Pokok/unit

1 Mei Sisa 5 Rp 90.000,-

6 Mei Penjualan 3

8 Mei Pembelian 11 Rp 95.000,-

17 Mei Penjualan 6

20 Mei Pembelian 5 Rp 97.000,-

30 Mei Penjualan 3


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