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What is a Family Legacy
A legacy is something that is
passed on to you from your
family, including reputation;
heritage. An example of
legacy is family property that
has been handed down for
 No matter who we are, where we live, or
what our goals may be, we all have one
thing in common: a heritage. That is, a
social, emotional and spiritual legacy
passed on from parent to child. Every one
of us is passed a heritage, lives out a
heritage, and gives a heritage to our
family. Parents always pass their children
a legacy whether it is good, bad some of
The Emotional Legacy
In order to prosper, our children
need an enduring sense of
security and stability nurtured in
an environment of safety and
love. You can create an
atmosphere that provides a
child’s fragile spirit with the
nourishment and support
needed for healthy emotional
growth. It will require time and
consistency to develop a sense
of emotional wholeness, but the
rewards are great.
A Strong Emotional Legacy:
 Provides a safe environment in
which deep emotional roots can
 Fosters confidence through stability.
 Conveys a tone of trusting support.
 Nurtures a strong sense of positive
 Creates a “resting place” for soul.
 Demonstrates unconditional love.
The Social Legacy
To really succeed in life, our
children need to learn more
than management techniques,
accounting, reading, writing
and geometry. They need to
learn the fine art of relating to
people. If they learn how to
relate well to others, they’ll
have an edge in the game of
life. In order to prosper, our
children need to gain the insights
and social skills necessary to
cultivate healthy, stable
relationships. As children mature,
they must learn to relate to
family members, teachers, peers
and friends. Eventually they must
learn to relate to coworkers and
many other types of people.
Key building blocks of
children’s social legacy:
 Respect
 Responsibility, fostered by respect for
 Unconditional love and acceptance by
their parents.
 The setting of social boundaries
concerning how to relate to God,
authority, peers, the environment, &
The Spiritual Legacy
The spiritual beings, we adopt
attitudes and beliefs about
spiritual matters from one
source or another. As parents,
we need to take the initiative
and present our faith to our
children. The same principle
applies to spiritual matters.
Parents are primary in spiritual
upbringing, not secondary. This is
especially true when considering
that children, particularly young
children, perceive God the way
they perceive their parents. If their
parents are loving, affirming,
forgiving and yet strong in what
they believe, children will think of
God. He is someone who cares,
who is principled and who loves
them all else.
Five things to do that predict
whether your children will receive
spiritual legacy:
 Acknowledge and reinforce spiritual
realities. For example: That Jesus loves
everyone, that god is personal, loving, and
willing to forgive us.
 View God as personal, caring being who is
to be loved and respected.
 Make spiritual activities a routine part of life.
 Clarify timeless truth- what’s right and
 Incorporate spiritual principles in everyday

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