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Name : Mani Bhavana Ala

Email :
Contact : 9703047447
Portfolio :
To communicate about global issues through art, by making it accessible to all.

Lack of/minimal awareness/action on alarming global issues.
To name a few that top the list of global crises today, we have Climate change and
Violence that indicate multiple signs of apocalypse.

To bring together artists and designers from multiple genres, unite together to create
and promote powerful content on global issues through public installation art, using
unconventional materials like trash. Even better if its interractive.
 Public art/design screams for attention and evocates curiosity without having to go
to a dedicated place. Now, what better way than that to communicate to someone
about something so important?

 Communication includes : Negative impact of the selected issue, ideas to simplify

and act upon the betterment of the issue, and to bring awareness on how doing so
would have a positive result.

 Art, be it visual, vocal or physical, has the power to shift something from within. It
can shift moods and feelings. But most importantly, it carries the power to shift
“It’s raining. But it’s raining trash. A
little girl unaware of what it could do
to her future, sitting by a
contaminated lake, smiling.”

This prototype was made as a part of

an activity in a Design workshop.
Time taken to ideate, collect
materials and implement : 3 hours If this could be made in 3 hrs
Team : 4 no.s with a minimum of ½ a km
Materials : Trash collected in the area trash, imagine how much can
of about ½ a km and basic stationery be communicated when we
like cutters and glue. increase every element by
triple the times, or even more.
Although visual communication is a continuous process, following
could be implemented in order to run a test drive of how/if it’s creating
an impact in a selected site.
Places to target:
Malls, public parks, metro stations, etc
People to gather:
Art/design enthusiasts, Art/design students and professionals, and just about
anybody willing to contribute in creating something that has the power to
plant a seed, if not give the fruit instantly.
What’s needed:
Willingness to collaborate, give and share ideas to be further implemented
in the process of creating and testing.
Estimated time:
Depending on the size and resources available, one installation could take a
minimum of one week and upwards.

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