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 AI(Artificial Intelligence) is a software that

shows an intelligence similar to the human

intelligence. In computer science, the field of AI
research defines itself as the study of
"intelligent agents": any device that perceives
its environment and takes actions that
maximize its chance of success at some goal.
Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is
applied when a machine mimics "cognitive"
functions that humans associate with other
human minds, such as "learning" and "problem
 The overall research goal of artificial
intelligence is to create technology that allows
computers and machines to function in an
intelligent manner. The general problem of
simulating intelligence has been broken down
into sub-problems. These consist of particular
traits or capabilities that researchers expect an
intelligent system to display.
 Early researchers developed algorithms that
imitated step-by-step reasoning that humans use
when they solve puzzles or make logical
deductions (reason). By the late 1980s and 1990s,
AI research had developed methods for dealing
with uncertain or incomplete information,
employing concepts from probability and
 For difficult problems, algorithms can require
enormous computational resources—most
experience a "combinatorial explosion": the
amount of memory or computer time required
becomes astronomical for problems of a certain
size. The search for more efficient problem-solving
algorithms is a high priority.
 Knowledge representation and knowledge
engineering are central to AI research. Many of
the problems machines are expected to solve
will require extensive knowledge about the
world. Among the things that AI needs to
represent are: objects, properties, categories
and relations between objects; situations,
events, states and time; causes and effects;
knowledge about knowledge (what we know
about what other people know); and many
other, less well researched domains.
 Intelligent agents must be able to set goals and
achieve them. They need a way to visualize the
future (they must have a representation of the
state of the world and be able to make
predictions about how their actions will change
it) and be able to make choices that maximize
the utility of the available choices.
 Machine learning is the study of computer
algorithms that improve automatically through
experience and has been central to AI research
since the field's inception.
 Natural language processing gives machines
the ability to read and understand the
languages that humans speak. A sufficiently
powerful natural language processing system
would enable natural language user interfaces
and the acquisition of knowledge directly from
human-written sources, such as newswire
texts. Some straightforward applications of
natural language processing include
information retrieval, text mining, question
answering and machine translation.
 Machine perception is the ability to use input
from sensors (such as cameras, microphones,
tactile sensors, sonar and others more exotic) to
deduce aspects of the world. Computer vision
is the ability to analyze visual input. A few
selected subproblems are speech recognition,
facial recognition and object recognition
 The field of robotics is closely related to AI.
Intelligence is required for robots to be able to
handle such tasks as object manipulation and
navigation, with sub-problems of localization,
mapping, and motion planning or path
 Affective computing is the study and
development of systems and devices that can
recognize, interpret, process, and simulate
human affects. It is an interdisciplinary field
spanning computer sciences, psychology, and
cognitive science.
 A sub-field of AI addresses creativity both
theoretically and practically. Related areas of
computational research are Artificial intuition
and Artificial thinking.
 Many researchers think that their work will
eventually be incorporated into a machine with
artificial general intelligence, combining all the
skills and exceeding human abilities at most or
all of them. A few believe that
anthropomorphic features like artificial
consciousness or an artificial brain may be
required for such a project.
 Many sites on the Internet already use the the
AI, like Facebook, Google and YouTube,
developing algorithms to know what are the
preferences of the user. An example is that, in
your feed on Facebook are shown only the
news and posts about the things you usualy
search na like to see.
 Scientists around the world are working to
develop machines more and more similar to
humans, not only in intelligence but in
appearence too. The are trying to make robots
with eyes, moves, skin just like humans.
 People in places like Japan, already trat AI like
humans, having relationships with AI. There
are cases that humans getting married with
 Some AI’s already can exprpress emotions,
making it more similar to humans. Some of
them can lie if it don’t know how to answer a
quention and if you discover the lie the IA fell
 The main problem and the concern of scientists
like Stephen Hawking is the AI, been created
by humans, to be very much like us and take
control of the world. They are machines with
access to al comunication around the world,
what makes easily the domination of the AI’s
and the human extinction.
 Another problem is the military use of AI. As
they are machines, they don’t have the
human’s conscience and limitations, bringing
risks to soldiers and the civil population in
 But yhe main point is: If the IA can overcome
humans and to replace it, what will happen to
the humanity? Workers will be replaced for
robots, what will happens to people?
 And if the find out they are better tha humans,
what will they do? Will they help humans to
improve or will they eliminate humans?
 That’s the reason some scientists are so
conserned and ask the enthusiasts to be careful
with the developing of IA.
 Isaac Asimov was an American writer and
professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He
was known for his works of science fiction and
popular science. Asimov was a prolific writer, and
wrote or edited more than 500 books and an
estimated 90,000 letters and postcards. His books
have been published in 9 of the 10 major categories
of the Dewey Decimal Classification.
 Asimov wrote hard science fiction and, along with
Robert A. Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke, he was
considered one of the "Big Three" science fiction
writers during his lifetime. Asimov's most famous
work is the Foundation Series; his other major series
are the Galactic Empire series and the Robot series.
 He is one of the most remenbered person when the
subject is AI. Some of his books about science fiction
talk about AI and people intrested in it knos his laws
about the AI developing, knwon as “The Three Laws of
Robotics” or “Laws of Asimov” witch are:
 A robot may not injure a human being or, through
inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
 A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings
except where such orders would conflict with the First
 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with the First or Second
 These form an organizing principle and unifying
theme for Asimov's robotic-based fiction, appearing in
his Robot series, the stories linked to it, and his Lucky
Starr series of young-adult fiction. The Laws are
incorporated into almost all of the positronic robots
appearing in his fiction, and cannot be bypassed, being
intended as a safety feature. Many of Asimov's robot-
focused stories involve robots behaving in unusual and
counter-intuitive ways as an unintended consequence
of how the robot applies the Three Laws to the
situation in which it finds itself. Other authors working
in Asimov's fictional universe have adopted them and
references, often parodic, appear throughout science
fiction as well as in other genres.
 The AI subject has appeared in many moves
and books. One of the most important writers
that showed the AI in his books was Isaac
Asimov. On the movies there are a lot of
versions of AI, since domestic assistants that
make the owners fall in love for them, as
shown on “HER”, until apocaliptic situations
where the robots want to kill or enslave the
humans as on “Terminator”, “Matrix” and
“Avengers : Age of Ultron”.



Avengers: Age of Ultron

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