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 Cooking oil is essential in food preparation frying, baking,

and other types of cooking. It is also used in flavoring

which does not involve heat. It is often used and consumed
in huge amount. When it comes to used cooking oil,
neglecting the proper disposal may greatly affect the
environment. For this investigatory project, we are looking
for ways to reuse the oil instead of just throwing it away
 Statement of the Problem
Cooking oil is often use, consumed in large number and
disposed improperly. This study aims to test the feasibility of
activated charcoal, banana and citrus peel, and ginger in
filtration process to purify used cooking oil.

 Objectives
 Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:
 How effective is the activated charcoal, banana and citrus
peel, and ginger in filtration process to purify used cooking
 What are the other uses of the purified oil collected from the
activated charcoal, banana and citrus peel,
and ginger is effective in the filtration process
to purify used cooking oil

study can be useful in improving recycling

process especially for oils. It will also serve as
a basis for future studies that includes the
usage of used cooking oil.
 Our environment defines our survival rate. In order to protect it, we
must be responsible for taking care of it. One of essential action to be
practiced is recycling product materials. Certain vital and pressing
reasons for this study are:

 To create a simple method to recycle used cooking oil.

 To open doors for futures studies regarding recycling used cooking
 Mortar and pestle
 Plastics containers
 Cheese cloth
 Filter paper
 Funnel
 Charcoal
 Lemon
 Banana peels
 Ginger
 Used Cooking oil
 Preparation of cooking oil
 Store the used cooking in a safe and covered container.
This cooking oil will used for the experiment. Prior to
experimentation, the used cooking oil was heated and
filtered using a strainer to get rid of other liquid and
solid substances.
 Preparation of the organic materials
 All organic materials including lemons, banana peel, and ginger
are washed and air dried respectively. After washing, the ginger
was peeled and prepared. On the other hand, the lemons were
squeezed to extract the juice with will be used for the
preparation on the active charcoal. The lemon peels were also
washed and air dried.

 Preparation of activated charcoal

 The charcoal washed and was grinded using mortar and pestle
until fine powder. After, the fine charcoal was air dried for 24
hours. Then, it was soaked in the lemon juice for another 24
hours. After soaking, it was washed once to get rid of excess
juice. Finally, the charcoal was cooked for 30 mins to 3 hours. This
procedure will activate the charcoal. See appendix for photos.
 Preparation of set- up
 For the preparation the set-up, Plastics containers where used. Filter paper
and cheese cloth was also cut according to the size of the plastic container.
Two set ups where prepared which the used cooking oil will be filtered. This
set-ups are illustrated below.
The banana peel serve as the first agent for filtration. It
serve as the first active carbon filter which aided in the
absorption of peroxide that can increase the brightness of
the used cooking oil. The lemon peel is for the citric acid
to chelate metal ions which catalyzes peroxide formation.
Lemon peel also serve as an alternative process for
neutralization or deacidification, which treats the oil to pull
out free fatty acids, phospholipids, pigments, and waxes .
The protease ions present in ginger helps in breaking
down peptide bonds of proteins present in the oil
especially after being used in cooking. The activated
charcoal on the other hand on set- up B, was main and final
The figure above shows a small agent of the purification process where it is a good
portion of the purified cooking oil absorbent for impurities especially in very small particles. I
(left side) compared to the was also used to get rid of the smell from the used cooking
unpurified cooking oil (right side). oil
 Based on the results, banana peel, lemon peel, ginger and active
charcoal helps in the filtration and purification process on the used
cooking oil.
 This study can be a basis for improving the recycling method that
can be practice by anyone to conserve the usage of oil. This study
can also help as basis of study that involves with the usage of used
cooking oil.
 For further similar studies, the researcher recommends to the other
researchers to not only study and engage on the use of the purified
cooking oil as limited to cooking materials but as well as expand in
the production of biofuel and other related products.
 The researcher also recommends to try the filtration process more
than one time to see greater results. Also, the researcher would
recommend to test the shelf life and until how often can the purified
cooking oil be reused again.

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