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PowerPoint Presentations

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 PowerPoint Electronic Presentations
The State Board of Education found that colleges and
businesses want students and employees to be able to
make and present an electronic presentation.

•Colleges use presentations for:

•Businesses use presentations for:
Your Assignment
 Learn to Use Power Point
 Create a Presentation
 Print Note Pages
 Give Your Presentation to the Class
Project: All About Me!
 Preparation
 Start PowerPoint
 Wizard
 Backgrounds, Themes, and Clip Art
 Animations
 Transitions
 Saving and Printing
 You Will Use All Nine of the Following Topics for Your
 Where I Live
 How Many People Are in My Family
 My Hobbies
 My Favorite Foods
 What I Want to Do When I Finish School
 The Funniest Thing That Has Ever Happened to Me
 My Favorite Music
 My Favorite Sports
 Conclusion
Think about each of the topics and write down on
some scratch paper, some of the most important
things that you think other people should know about
Include some things that would help make the
presentation interesting and informative.
Open the Program
 Click on Start > All Programs >
Microsoft Office > PowerPoint
To start this assignment
click on “From AutoContent
Auto Content Wizard
 When you open the program the
following screen appears:

Click on Create a
new presentation
Make sure
Auto Content Wizard General and
Type in: All About Me!are
For the presentation
 When the AutoContent wizard starts it
will look like this:

Click on Next
Click on Next
Highlight the
text and type
Making the Title Page your own name

 The following screen will appear:

Or you may Highlight the

line in the outline view at
the left and type it in
These lines on the wizard suggest what
content should be on each slide.
Using the Wizard Template
 The Wizard Template gives you an
outline structure to follow
 Each presentation should have:
 Title Page
 Introduction
 Topics of Discussion
 Topics
 Conclusion
Highlight and replace the
text with your information
•Now you type a sentence that states that you’re
presenting yourself to the class so they can get to
know you better.
•Then type your name on the line that says Identify
Topics of Discussion
 Now type in the nine topics mentioned
at the first as a bulleted list
 Where I Live
 How Many People Are in My Family
 My Hobbies
 My Favorite Foods
 What I Want to Do When I Finish School
 The Funniest Thing That Has Ever Happened to Me
 My Favorite Music
 My Favorite Sports
 Conclusion
Replace with
Where I Live
Topic Slides
 You will now take each of the topics of
Put and make a slide for each
the main idea here
like “I Live in Ogden”
Now down in the note section put all the
details you can about your main idea:
“Our house is green, we have alligators
in a pond etc…….”
Click on Insert
New Topic Slide Then New Slide

In this new slide

continue When
 placing the you need a new topic slide you
can click on Insert > New Slide
topic in the title box, the
main idea in the next
box, and the details in
the note area.
Click on Format > Slide Design
Themes, Backgrounds, and Clipart
A new tool window appears on the
right. Use the scroll bar to view and
then choose a new design
 You have two kinds of slides in your
presentation so far, a Title slide and
regular slides with one bulleted text
 To apply a design template for your
presentation do the following:
This window
 If you don’t want a theme you can
will appear,
now click on
make a custom background by right-
the expand
clicking on the slide

 The following box will appear: Click on

 From the custom background dialog box
you can choose: Click a color here to
change the
Click here to background color
choose effects like
 More Colors Click here to choose
pictures, textures,
more colors
 Fill Effects
and gradients
tab allows
tab to
choose allows
onyou to
for the

Custom Backgrounds cont.

can two
a photo for the
from these
background. Click on Select
picture >Myto Computer >
(G:) >the
photohm and Be careful using
are 326 different patterns because
photos to choose from they sometimes
makeshows a to
it hard
read theofscreen
You probably want to delete the
red line also by clicking on it and You might not
Title and Slide Masters
pressing the Delete key. Then want this blue
Close Master Slide shape on your slide
now so click on
 When you chose a custom background View

the extra graphics in Clickthe theme

on Master > Slide Master

remained From here you can click on

 To take these out so that your
the blue shape and then
press the Delete key
background has just what you want in it
choose View > Master > Title Master
Changed Slide Master
 Here is the slide after changing the
Slide Master.
Clip Art
 For your assignment you need one clip
art for each slide.
 Do not download any; just use the clip
art that is provided by Microsoft Office
 Click on Insert > Picture > Clip Art
To insert clip art click on
Insert onPicture
the Picture to Art
> Clip
insert it in your slide
When this box
appears type a
subject in the search
for box and click on
Click on the
You can resize the
clip-art and
clip-art by clicking
hold the button
on one of the
down to drag
corner handles and
an place it
dragging to be
where you
larger or smaller.
want it on your
From this box you
choose the effect You can
and timing. For choose a
this presentation transition
for each
slide, but for
after and put in 6 now click on
 A transition is howyou get
Apply from
to All
slide to the next
 Choose a transition by clicking on Slide
Show > Slide Transition
To print note pages click on File > Print

 You need to print your note pages
 You will use the note pages to give your
Click on the
presentation expand menu
button and then
 Click on File > Print on Note Pages in
the Print What

Then click on OK
Rehearse Timings
The timing box appears in the upper
left hand corner. You click on the right
arrow when you are ready for the next
 To view your presentation
slide. Use your note pagesand set
to give the
presentation, click on the right arrow to
timing durationmoveforahead
each slide
to the click on
next slide.
Slide Show > Rehearse Timings

When you are finished save the timings and rehearse it

again by pressing F5.
You may go back and change the timings by running
Rehearse timings again or going to the individual slide
and clicking on Slide Show > Slide Timings and
adjusting the seconds.

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