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Lesson Planning

Meaning of lesson plan

 Biglands : A lesson plan is actually a plan of
 L.B. Stand : Plan of action implemented by a
teacher in classroom
 Binning & Binning : Daily lesson planning
involves defining the objectives, selecting and
arranging subject matter and determining the method
or procedure.
 Carter V. Good : A lesson plan is of lesson
arranged in order in which they are to be presented. It
may include objectives, points to be made, questions
to be asked, references to materials, assignments, etc.
 Bossing : A lesson plan is an organised
statement of general and specific goals together
with the specific means by which these goals are to
be attained by learner under the guidance of the
teacher on a given day.

 Kant : Lesson plan is the teacher’s mental and

intellectual visualisation of the class room
experience as he plans it to occur.
 Thus a lesson plan consists of:
 Broader objectives of the subject
 Defining the class room objectives of
the lesson
 Organisation of the subject matter

 The decision about the way of

presenting the subject matter,
teaching strategies and tactics, class
room interaction and management.
 Appropriate provision for evaluation
and feedback.
Pre Requisites of Lesson Plan

child requisites subject
psychology matter

methods and techniques

 A teacher needs to possess the following to
plan her lessons:
 A mastery over the content
 A thorough knowledge of the process of
teaching and learning
 An understanding of the relevant methods and
techniques to be used in the class room
 An overview of the instructional objectives and
specifications of teaching the subject
 Knowledge of the individual differences and
psychology of the learners.
Need of Lesson Planning
 Through lesson plan, the teacher
regularly achieves the teaching objectives
and processes in the form of complete
objectives and processes.
 A lesson plan develops the possibilities of
adjustment in the class room situations
which makes the teaching effective
 A lesson plan helps in planning even step
of curriculum unit.
 A lesson plan helps in planning the
processes of teaching on the basis of
class control , motivation and individual

• Successful teaching is linked to effective

lesson planning,
• Provides direction for effective teaching,
• Identifies the knowledge, skills and
dispositions of teaching,
• Thinking about a lesson in advance helps to
anticipate potential problems,
• provides structure for classroom activities,

• Lesson Plans are records that can be used to

plan for assessment (quizzes, tests, etc)
• Lesson Plans can be used by other teachers
when the class teacher is absent.
• provides a record of what has been taught
• Provides security for novice teachers
• To help with classroom management by
keeping students on-task and engaged

• Plans are developed to provide

students with meaningful learning
• Encourages reflection, refinement,
and improvement,
• Enhances student achievement.

The greater the structure of a lesson

and the more precise the directions
on what is to be accomplished, the
higher the achievement rate.
Characteristics of an Ideal
Lesson Plan
 Based on objectives
 Previous knowledge
 Appropriate material aids
 Simplicity of language
 Determination of activities
 Correlation
 Providing individual guidance
 Duration of the periods
 Use of teaching aids
 From memory level to reflective level
 Use of blackboard
 Evaluation
 Home work
Advantages of Lesson
 Based on Previous knowledge
 Suitable environment
 Basis on Psychological teaching
 Use of theoretical knowledge in teaching
 Teaching with confidence
 Discipline in the class
 Developing in thinking
 Developing teaching skills
 Preparation of material aids
 Limit of subject matter
 Makes the teaching activities
 Save time and energy
 Revision of the lesson provision of evaluation
Demerits of lesson planning

 Lesson planning makes the teaching

process more difficult because of
complicated lesson planning process.
 More time is always needed by teacher to
plan a lesson
 Sometimes, simple subject-matter
becomes more complicated
 It has no flexibility and puts the fresh
teacher in new helpless situations
 Teacher cannot teach a lesson
Steps in lesson planning
 1) Write aims and objectives in behavioral terms
 2) Devise plan of instruction and select instructional
material, Organise in short logical steps, Grade in
order of difficulty
 3) Select teaching aids
 4) Decide teaching method and techniques
 5) Deciding previous knowledge
 6) Motivation through introduction
 7) Statement of aim or topic
 8) Presentation
 Introduce material at appropriate level
 Involve student by active participation and allow them to learn
at their own pace
 Developmentary questions
 Narration
 Evaluation questions or testing questions
 B.B.summary
 9) Recapitulation-Evaluation of objectives
 10) Home assignment
Herbartian Approach
 The major contribution of the Herbartian movement
was the class lesson plan suitable for any class size
or organization.
 According to Herbart, the best method of instruction
is to present material that is related to a previous
interest of the student.
 Five steps of Herbartian teaching

 1a) Preparation
 1b) Statement of Aim

 2) Presentation

 3) Comparison and association

 4) Generalization

 5) Application
 Preparation or Introduction:
 This helps in bridging to gap and leaders a student towards the
aim of the lesson of teacher can do this.
 By analyzing the previous knowledge of the student of the
student and introducing the new lesson by explaining aims and
 By asking relevant questions that exposes their ignorance and
arouse interest and curiosity to learn more and something new.
 By using different types of teaching aids such as charts, maps
or pictures.
The teacher should keep in mind that this step should be short and
concise and the duration of this step should not exceed five
How can a teacher start the lesson?
 By asking two or three interesting questions with the help of
aids that is pictures, charts or models.
 By asking questions from the content – matter previously
 By discussing a situation and illustration it with the help of a
relevant story.
 Presentation:
 Presentation of content-matter should be preceded
with the mention of the aim of lesson. Once the aim
of lesson is made clear to the students of the
classroom, both the students and the teacher have
a common focal point to concentrate, that is to
reach the objective of the lesson.
 This is the step where there is equal participation of
students and the teacher in the teaching-learning
 Questioning becomes one of the most important
devices that is used in this method. Use of other
teaching aids can enhance the interest of the
students towards the lesson and it can be made
comprehensive. Development of black board
summary is also necessary.
 Comparison or Abstraction:
 Some illustration are given to the students and they are
asked to compare them from other illustrations or facts.
This is one of the important steps, which compels a
student to draw a generalization or a definition based on
the result of the comparison and abstraction.

 Generalization or Definition:
 This step is as a result of the reflective thinking of the
 This knowledge gained in the earlier steps is used in this
step to draw generalizations, formulations and rules with
the help of comparison or abstraction.
 Application:
 The validity of the generalization is determined, whether it
is temporary or permanent. The generalization stays in
the minds of the students and do not leave their
consciousness soon.
 Forms of application:
 Solving problems

 Writing on essay or an article

 Drawing maps or charts

 Preparing some models

 Doing some practical work

 Getting of new type tests.

 Recapitulation:
 This is last step. Putting some suitable questions on the
topic to the students can test the understanding and
comprehension of the subject matter by the teacher. This
will also help the teacher to find out whether his method
of teaching is effective and successful or not.
Merits of Herbartian five
steps approach
 It follows logical and psychological
aspects and therefore incorporate the
basic principles of learning
 It is an easy and simple approach of
lesson planning
 Content matter is given utmost
 It employs deductive thinking in learning
 It is the method that can be used to teach
any subject of the school-science
subjects, social studies and languages.
 It uses previous knowledge of the
students to impart the new knowledge
 This approach can be used to any size of
the class or organization
Demerits of Herbartian five
steps approach
 Useful in knowledge lesson
 No need of generalization
 Mechanical method of
 Uninteresting
 No place for individual
 Teacher more active
 Difficulty of correlation
Outline of Herbart lesson
 Subject, topic, class and date
 General objectives of teaching
 Specific objectives
 Teaching aids
 Introduction
 Statement of aim
 Presentation
 Explanation
 Blackboard summary
 Recapitulatory questions
 Home work

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