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Chapter 3

C# Language Fundamentals

 Basic C# Class
 Constructors
 Basic Input and Output
 Value Types and Reference Types
 Iteration Statements
 Control Flow Statements
 Static Methods and Parameter passing Methods
 Arrays, Strings, and String Manipulations
 Enumerations and Structures
Basic C# Class
// Hello.cs The using keyword has two major uses:
using Directive Creates an alias for a namespace
using System; or imports types defined in other namespaces.
class HelloClass using Statement Defines a scope at the end of
{ which an object will be disposed.
public static int Main(string[ ] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
return 0;

Basic C# Class - Variations
// Hello1.cs // Hello2.cs
using System; using System;
class HelloClass class HelloClass
{ {
public static void Main()
public static void Main(string[ ] args)
{ // ………….
// ………. }
} }

Command Line Parameters
// clp.cs
using System;
class HelloClass
public static int Main(string[ ] args)
Console.WriteLine("Command Line parameters");
for (int x = 0; x < args.Length; x++) // foreach (string s in args)
Console.WriteLine("Args: {0}", args[x]);
return 0;

 Works almost same as C++
 "new" is the de facto standard to create an object
 Example ( illegal ) Correct version
HelloClass c1; HelloClass c1 = new HelloClass();
c1.SayHi(); c1.SayHi();
 C# object variables are references to the objects in memory
and not the actual objects
 Garbage collection is taken care by .NET
EXAMPLE (Point.cs)
class Point
public Point()
{ Console.WriteLine("Default Constructor"); }
public Point(int px, int py)
{ x = px; y = py; }
public int x; Program
public int y; Entry Point
class PointApp
public static void Main(string[ ] args)
Point p1 = new Point(); // default constructor called
Point p2;
p2 = new Point(10, 20); // one –arg constructor called
Console.WriteLine("Out: {0}\t{1}", p1.x, p1.y);
Console.WriteLine("Out: {0}\t{1}", p2.x, p2.y);
Default Values
 Public variables/members automatically get default values
 Example
class Default
public int x; public object obj;
public static void Main (string [ ] args)
Default d = new Default();
// Check the default value

 Local members/variables must be explicitly initialized

public static void Main (string [ ] args)
int x;
Console.WriteLine(x); // Error
 System.Console Class
 Write(), WriteLine(), Read(), and ReadLine()
 Example (Read and Write a string):
// RW.cs
using System;
class BasicRW
public static void Main (string [ ] args)
string s;
Console.Write("Enter a string: ");
s = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("String: {0}", s);
Basic IO…
// IO.cs
using System;
class BasicIO
public static void Main(string[ ] args)
int theInt = 20;
float theFloat = 20.2F; // double theFloat = 20.2; is OK
string theStr = "BIT";
Console.WriteLine("Int: {0}", theInt);
Console.WriteLine("Float: {0}", theFloat);
Console.WriteLine("String: {0}", theStr);
// array of objects
object[ ] obj = {"BIT", 20, 20.2};
Console.WriteLine("String: {0}\n Int: {1}\n Float: {2}\n", obj);
.NET String Formatting
1. C or c Currency ($) Example
2. D or d Decimal // Format.cs
using System;
3. E or e Exponential class Format
4. F or f Fixed point {
5. G or g General public static void Main (string [ ] args)
6. N or n Numerical {
7. X or x Hexadecimal Console.WriteLine("C Format: {0:c}", 9999);
Console.WriteLine("D Format: {0:d}", 9999);
Console.WriteLine("E Format: {0:e}", 9999);
Console.WriteLine("F Format: {0:f}", 9999);
C Format: $9,999.00 Console.WriteLine("G Format: {0:g}", 9999);
D Format: 9999 Console.WriteLine("N Format: {0:n}", 9999);
E Format: 9.999000e+003 Console.WriteLine("X Format: {0:x}", 9999);
F Format: 9999.00
G Format: 9999
N Format: 9,999.00
X Format: 270f
Value and Reference Types
 .NET types may be value type or reference type
 Primitive types are always value types including
 These types are allocated on the stack. Outside the
scope, these variables will be popped out.
 However, classes are not value type but reference

Example - 1
public void SomeMethod()
int i = 30; // i is 30
int j = i; // j is also 30
int j = 99; // still i is 30, changing j will not change i

Example - 2
struct Foo
public int x, y;

public void SomeMethod()

Foo f1 = new Foo();
// assign values to x and y
Foo f2 = f1;
// Modifying values of f2 members will not change f1 members
Class Types
 Class types are always reference types
 These are allocated on the garbage-collected heap
 Assignment of reference types will reference the same object
 Example:
class Foo
public int x, y;
 Now the statement Foo f2 = f1; has a reference to the object
f1 and any changes made for f2 will change f1

Value Types containing
Reference Types
 When a value type contains other reference types,
assignment results only in "reference copy"
 We have two independent structures, each of which
contain reference pointing to the same object in
memory – "shallow copy"
 To perform deep copy (where state of internal
references fully copied into new object), we must use
ICloneable interface
 Example: ValRef.cs
Example InnerRef valWithRef = new
// ValRef.cs InnerRef("Initial Value");
// This is a Reference type – because it is a class
class TheRefType
valWithRef.structData = 666;
public string x;
public TheRefType(string s) valWithRef
{ x = s; }
structData = 666
// This a Value type – because it is a structure type refType x=
struct InnerRef "I am NEW"
"Initial Value"
public TheRefType refType; // ref type
public int structData; // value type structData = 777

public InnerRef(string s) refType

refType = new TheRefType(s);
structData = 9; InnerRef valWithRef2 = valWithRef;
} valWithRef2.refType.x = "I am NEW";
valWithRef2.structData = 777
Passing Reference types by Value

 class Person
 {
 public string fullName;
 public int age;
 public Person(string n, int a)
 {
 fullName = n;
 age = a;
 }
 public Person(){}
 public void PrintInfo()
 { Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old", fullName, age); }
 }
Passing Reference types by

 SendAPersonByValue() Method attempts to reassign the incoming Person reference to new object
as well as change some state data

 public static void SendAPersonByValue(Person p)

 {
 // Change the age of 'p'?
 p.age = 99;
 // Will the caller see this reassignment?
 p = new Person("Nikki", 99);
 }
Passing Reference types by Value

 static void Main(string[] args)

 {
 // Passing ref-types by value.
 Console.WriteLine("***** Passing Person object by value *****");
 Person fred = new Person("Fred", 12);
 Console.WriteLine("Before by value call, Person is:");
 fred.PrintInfo();
 SendAPersonByValue(fred);
 Console.WriteLine("After by value call, Person is:");
 fred.PrintInfo();
 }
Passing Reference types by

 Value of age is modified.

 Given that we were able to change the state of the incoming Person, what was
copied? The answer: a copy of the reference to the caller’s object
 SendAPersonByValue() method is pointing to the same object as the caller, it’s
possible to alter object’s state data, but not possible to reassign what the
reference is pointing to.
Passing Reference types by Reference

 SendAPersonByReference() method, which passes a reference type by

reference (note the ref parameter modifier):
 public static void SendAPersonByReference(ref Person p)
 {
 // Change some data of 'p'.
 p.age = 555;
 // 'p' is now pointing to a new object on the heap!
 p = new Person("Nikki", 999);
 }
 Not only callee change the state of object, but also it reassign the reference to
new Person type
Passing Reference types by

 static void Main(string[] args)

 {
 // Passing ref-types by ref.
 Console.WriteLine("\n***** Passing Person object by reference *****");
 Person mel = new Person("Mel", 23);
 Console.WriteLine("Before by ref call, Person is:");
 mel.PrintInfo();
 SendAPersonByReference(ref mel);
 Console.WriteLine("After by ref call, Person is:");
 mel.PrintInfo();
 }
Passing Reference types by

 If a reference type is passed by reference, the callee may change the

values of the object’s state data as well as the object it is referencing.
Value types and Reference types
The Master Node:System.Object
 In .NET, every C# data type is derived from the
common base class called System.Object
 The Object class defines common set of members
supported by every type in .NET universe
class HelloClass //Implicitly derives from System.Object
{ .... }
class HelloClass : System.Object //Explicitly derives from
{ ....}
The Master Node:System.Object

 System.Object defines set of instance-level and class-

level(static) members
 Some of instance level members declared using virtual
keyword and can therefore be overridden by derived

namespace System
public class Object
can be overridden
by derived class
public Object();
public virtual Boolean Equals(Object(obj);
public virtual Int32 GetHashCode();
public Type GetType();
 public virtual String ToString();
protected virtual void Finalize();
protected Object MemberwiseClone();
public static bool Equals(object objA, object objB);
public static bool ReferenceEquals(object objA, object objB); }
Core Members of System.Object
Equals() Returns true only if the items being compared refer
to the exact same item in memory
GetHashCode() Returns an integer that identifies a specific object
GetType() Returns System.Type
ToString() Returns <namespace.class name> in string format

Finalize() For object removal (garbage collection)

MemberwiseClone() Returns a new object which is member-wise copy
the current object

Create System.Object Methods
// ObjTest.cs ToString: ObjTest
using System;
GetHashCode: 1
class ObjTest
{ GetType: System.Object
public static void Main (string [ ] args) Same Instance
ObjTest c1 = new ObjTest();

Console.WriteLine("ToString: {0}", c1.ToString());

Console.WriteLine("GetHashCode: {0}", c1.GetHashCode());
Console.WriteLine("GetType: {0}", c1.GetType().BaseType);

// create second object

ObjTest c2 = c1;
object o = c2;
if (o.Equals(c1) && c2.Equals(o))
Console.WriteLine("Same Instance");
Overriding System.Object Methods
 We can redefine the behavior of virtual methods by overiding
 Example ToString(), Equals(), etc.
class Person
public Person(string fname, string lname, string ssn, byte a)
firstName = fname;
lastName = lname;
SSN = ssn;
age = a;
public Person() { }
public string firstName, lastName, SSN;
public byte age;
} 31
Overriding ToString()
 To format the string returned by System.Object.ToString()
using System.Text;
class Person
public override string ToString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("[FName = {0}", this.firstName);
sb.AppendFormat("LName = {0}", this.lastName);
sb.AppendFormat("SSN = {0}", this.SSN);
sb.AppendFormat("Age = {0}]", this.age);
return sb.ToString();

Overriding Equals()
 Equals() returns true if and only if the two objects
being compared reference the same object in
 We can override this behavior and design when two
objects have the same value (value-based). That is,
when name, SSN, age of two objects are equal, then
return true else return false.

class Person
public override bool Equals(object o)
Person temp = (Person) o;
if (temp.firstName == this.firstName &&
temp.lastName == this.lastName &&
temp.SSN == this.SSN &&
temp.age == this.age) return true;
else return false;

Overriding GetHashCode()
 When a class override Equals(), it should also override
 Returns All custom types will be put in a
System.Collections.Hashtable type. The Equals() and
GetHashCode() methods will be called behind the scene to
determine the correct type to return from the container
 Generation of hash code can be customized. In our example
we shall use SSN – a String member that is expected to be
 Example: refer to: Override.cs
public override int GetHashCode()
{ return SSN.GetHashCode(); }
The System Data Types & C# Aliases
C# Alias CLS ? System Type Range
sbyte No System.SByte -128 to 127
byte Yes System.Byte 0 to 255
short Yes System.Int16 -32768 to 32767
ushort No System.UInt16 0 to 65535
int Yes System.Int32 -2,147,438,648 to +2,147,438,647
uint No System.UInt32 0 to 4,294,967,295
long Yes System.UInt64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,…..
ulong No System.UInt64 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
char Yes System.Char U10000 to U1FFFF
float Yes System.Single 1.5×10-45 to 3.4×1038
double Yes System.Double 5.0×10-324 to 1.7×10308
bool Yes System.Boolean true or false
decimal Yes System.Decimal 100 to 1028
string Yes System.String Limited by system memory
object Yes System.Object Anything at all
Hierarchy of System Types
Object Boolean
Type UInt32
String UInt64
(derived one Decimal
is Void
Array struct or Double
enum DateTime
Exception and not Int16
class) Guid
Delegate Int32
MulticastDelegate SByte
Enumerations and Structures
 Integers
 UInt16.MaxValue
 UInt16.MinValue
 Double
 double.Maxvalue
 double.MinValue
 double.PositiveInfinity
 double.NegativeInfinity
 Boolean
 bool.FalseString
 bool.TrueString

 // These statements are identical.
 bool b1 = new bool(); // b1 = false.
 bool b2 = false;
 // These statements are also semantically
 System.Boolean b1 = new System.Bool(); // b1 = false.
 System.Boolean sb2 = false;

Numerical data types
 The numerical types of .NET support MaxValue and MinValue properties that
provide information regarding the range a given type can store

 static void Main(string[] args)

 {
 System.UInt16 myUInt16 = 30000;
 Console.WriteLine("Max for an UInt16 is: {0} ", UInt16.MaxValue); 65535
 Console.WriteLine("Min for an UInt16 is: {0} ", UInt16.MinValue); 0
 Console.WriteLine("Value is: {0} ", myUInt16); 30000
 Console.WriteLine("I am a: {0} ", myUInt16.GetType()); System.UInt16

Numerical data types
 // Now in System.UInt16 shorthand (e.g., a ushort).
 ushort myOtherUInt16 = 12000;
 Console.WriteLine("Max for an UInt16 is: {0} ", ushort.MaxValue); 65535
 Console.WriteLine("Min for an UInt16 is: {0} ", ushort.MinValue); 0
 Console.WriteLine("Value is: {0} ", myOtherUInt16); 12000
 Console.WriteLine("I am a: {0} ", myOtherUInt16.GetType()); System.UInt16
 Console.ReadLine();
 }

Numerical data types
 System.Double type allows you to obtain the values for Epsilon and
 infinity values:
 Console.WriteLine("-> double.Epsilon: {0}", double.Epsilon);
 Console.WriteLine("-> double.PositiveInfinity: {0}", double.PositiveInfinity);
 Console.WriteLine("-> double.NegativeInfinity: {0}", double.NegativeInfinity);
 Console.WriteLine("-> double.MaxValue: {0}", double.MaxValue);
 Console.WriteLine("-> double.MinValue: {0}",double.MinValue);
 -> double.Epsilon: 4.94065645841247E-324
 -> double.PositiveInfinity: Infinity
 -> double.NegativeInfinity: -Infinity
 -> double.MaxValue: 1.79769313486232E+308
 -> double.MinValue: -1.79769313486232E+308
Members of System.Boolean
 consider the System.Boolean data type. Unlike C(++), the only valid assignment a C#
bool can take is from the set {true | false}
 System.Boolean does not support a MinValue/MaxValue property set, but rather
 bool b = 0; // Illegal!
 bool b2 = -1; // Illegal!
 bool b3 = true; // No problem.
 bool b4 = false; // No problem.
 Console.WriteLine("-> bool.FalseString: {0}", bool.FalseString); False
 Console.WriteLine("-> bool.TrueString: {0}", bool.TrueString); True

Members of System.Char
 C# textual data is represented by the intrinsic C# string and char data types.
 Using the static methods of System.Char, we are able to determine if a given character
is numerical, alphabetical, a point of punctuation, or whatnot.ented by the intrinsic C#
string and char data types.
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {
 // Test the truth of the following statements...
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}", char.IsDigit('K')); False
 Console.WriteLine(“{0}", char.IsDigit('9')); True
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}", char.IsLetter("10", 1)); false
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}", char.IsLetter('p')); True
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}", char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 5)); True

Members of System.Char
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}“,char.IsWhiteSpace("Hello There", 6)); False
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}“,char.IsLetterOrDigit('?')); False
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}“,char.IsPunctuation('!')); True
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}“,char.IsPunctuation('>')); False
 Console.WriteLine(“ {0}“,char.IsPunctuation(',')); True
 }
 As we can see, each of these static members of System.Char has two calling
conventions: a single character or a string with a numerical index that specified the
position of the character to test.

Parsing Values from String Data
 .NET data types provide the ability to generate a variable of their
underlying type given a textual equivalent (e.g., parsing).
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {
 bool myBool = bool.Parse("True");
 Console.WriteLine("-> Value of myBool: {0}", myBool); True
 double myDbl = double.Parse("99.884");
 Console.WriteLine("-> Value of myDbl: {0}", myDbl); 99.884
 int myInt = int.Parse("8");
 Console.WriteLine("-> Value of myInt: {0}", myInt); 8
 char myChar = char.Parse("w");
 Console.WriteLine("-> Value of myChar: {0}\n", myChar); w
 } 46
System.DateTime and System.TimeSpan
 The DateTime type contains data that represents a specific date (month, day, year) and time value,
both of which may be formatted in a variety of ways using the supplied members.
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {
 // This constructor takes (year, month, day)
 DateTime dt = new DateTime(2004, 10, 17);
 // What day of the month is this?
 Console.WriteLine("The day of {0} is {1}", dt.Date, dt.DayOfWeek);
 dt = dt.AddMonths(2); // Month is now December.
 Console.WriteLine("Daylight savings: {0}", dt.IsDaylightSavingTime());
 }
 The day of 10/17/2004 12:00:00 AM is Sunday
 DaylightSavingTime: False

System.DateTime and System.TimeSpan
 The TimeSpan structure allows you to easily define and transform units of time using various
 static void Main(string[] args)
 { // This constructor takes (hours, minutes, seconds)
 TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(4, 30, 0);
 Console.WriteLine(ts);
 // Subtract 15 minutes from the current TimeSpan and print the result.
 Console.WriteLine(ts.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0)));}

Value Type and Reference Type
 Value Type
 Value types are used directly by their values
 int, float, char, enum, etc. are value types
 These types are stored in a Stack based memory
 Example: int Age = 42; or int Age = new int(42);


int 42

Reference Type
 These types are allocated in a managed Heap
 Objects of these types are indirectly referenced
 Garbage collection is handled by .NET
Reference Variables

Shape rect = new Shape();


Shape Temprect = rect; Shape

Shape Newrect = new Shape();

Boxing and UnBoxing
 Boxing
 Explicitly converting a value type into a corresponding
reference type
 Example:
int Age = 42;// make a int value type
object objAge = Age;//box the value into object reference
 No need for any wrapper class like Java
 C# automatically boxes variables whenever needed. For
example, when a value type is passed to a method
requiring an object, then boxing is done automatically.

 Converting the value in an object reference (held in
heap) into the corresponding value type (stack)
 //Unbox the reference back into corresponding int
int Age = (int) objAge; // OK
string str = (string) objAge; // Wrong!
 The type contained in the box is int and not

 C# compiler automatically boxes variables when appropriate
 class Program
 {
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {
 // Create an int (value type).
 int myInt = 99;
 // Because myInt is passed into a method prototyped to take an object, myInt is 'boxed' automatically.
 UseThisObject(myInt);
 Console.ReadLine();
 }
 static void UseThisObject(object o)
 {
 Console.WriteLine("Value of o is: {0}", o);
 }
 }

 static void BoxAndUnboxInts()
 {
 // Box ints into ArrayList.
 ArrayList myInts = new ArrayList();
 myInts.Add(88);
 myInts.Add(3.33);
 myInts.Add(false);
 // Unbox first item from ArrayList.
 int firstItem = (int)myInts[0];
 Console.WriteLine("First item is {0}", firstItem);
 }

C# Iteration Constructs
 for loop
 foreach-in loop
 while loop
 do-while loop

The for Loop
 C# for Loop is same as C, C++, Java, etc
 Example
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
 You can use "goto", "break", "continue", etc like other

The foreach/in Loop
using System;
class ForEach
public static void Main(string[] args)
string[ ] Names = new string [ ] {"Arvind 67", "Geetha 90",
"Madhu 34", "Priya 67"};
int n = 0;
foreach (string s in Names)
if (s.IndexOf("6") != -1)
Console.WriteLine("No. of Students scored above 60 = {0}", n);
The while and do/while Loop
class FileRead
public static void Main(string[] args)
StreamReader strReader = File.OpenText("d:\\in.dat");
string strLine = null;
while (strReader.ReadLine( ) != null)
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
Control Statements
 if, if-else Statements
 Relational operators like ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, etc are all
allowed in C#
 Conditional operators like &&, ||, ! are also allowed in C#
 Beware of the difference between int and bool in C#
 Example
string s = "a b c";
if (s.Length) Error!
{ …. }

The switch Statement
 Same as C, C++, etc. with some restrictions
 Every case should have a break statement to avoid
fall through (this includes default case also)
 Example switch(country)
switch(country) { // Correct
{ case "India": HiIndia();
// Error – no break break;
case "India": case "USA": HiUSA();
case "USA": break;
default: default: break;
} }
goto Statement
 goto label;
 Explicit fall-through in a switch statement can be
achieved by using goto statement
 Example: switch(country)
case "India": HiIndia();
goto case "USA";
case "USA": HiUSA();
default: break;

C# Operators
 All operators that you have used in C and C++ can
also be used in C#
 Example: +, -, *, /, %, ?:, ->, etc
 Special operators in C# are : typeof, is and as
 The is operator is used to verify at runtime whether
an object is compatible with a given type
 The as operator is used to downcast between types
 The typeof operator is used to represent runtime
type information of a class
Example - is
public void DisplayObject(object obj)
if (obj is int)
Console.WriteLine("The object is of type integer");
Console.WriteLine("It is not int");

Example - as
 Using as, you can convert types without raising an exception
 In casting, if the cast fails an InvalidCastException is raised
 But in as no exception is raised, instead the reference will be
set to null
static void ChaseACar(Animal anAnimal)
Dog d = anAnimal as Dog; // Dog d = (Dog) anAnimal;
if (d != null)
Console.WriteLine("Not a Dog");

Example - typeof
 Instance Level
MyClass m = new MyClass();
 Output

 Class Level
Type myType = typeof(MyClass);
 Output

Access Specifiers
 public void MyMethod() { } » Accessible anywhere
 private void MyMethod() { } » Accessible only from
the class where defined
 protected void MyMethod() { } » Accessible from its own
class and its descendent
 internal void MyMethod() { } » Accessible within the
same Assembly
 void MyMethod() { } » private by default
 protected internal void MyMethod() { }
» Access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from
the containing class

Understanding Static Methods
 When a Method is marked with 'static' keyword, it
may be called directly from class level
 This means, there is no need to create an instance
of the class (i.e. an object variable) and then call.
 Console.WriteLine(). WriteLine is static.
 If WriteLine is not declared as static then
Console c=new Console();
 At run time Main() method call be invoked without 67

creating any object variable of the enclosing class

public class MyClass
public static void MyMethod()
public class StaticMethod
{ If MyMethod() is not declared
public static void Main(string[ ] args) as static, then
{ MyClass obj = new MyClass();
MyClass.MyMethod(); obj.MyMethod();

Example of Static Methods
using System;
public class MathOperation
public static float mul(float x,float y)
return x*y;
public static float div(float x,float y)
return x/y;
Class MathAppln
public static void Main)
float a=MathOperation.mul(4.0f,5.0f);
float b=MathOperation.div(a,2.0f);
Defining Static Data

 Static data is shared among all object

instances of the same type
 Rather than each object holding a copy
of given field, a point of static data is
allocated exactly once for all instances
of the type
Defining Static Data
public class ABC
{ public int a;
public static int b;
public class XYZ
{ public static void Main(string[] args)
{ ABC a1=new ABC();
ABC a2=new ABC();
ABC a3=new ABC();
a1.a=20; a1.b=40;
Console.WriteLine(“{0}” and “{1}”, a1.a,a1.b);//20 and 40
a2.a=40; a2.b=60;
Method Parameter Modifiers
 Method Parameter modifiers are
 (none) »value parameter(If parameter is not marked with
parameter modifier, it is assumed to be input parameter passed
by value)
 out »Output parameters are assigned by the called member
 ref »Same as pass-by-reference(Value is assigned by caller,
but may be reassigned within scope of method call
 params »This parameter modifier allows to send Variable
number of parameters as a single parameter. A given method
can only have single params modifier and must be final
parameter of method
The Default Parameter Passing
 If we do not mark the argument with any modifier, a
copy of the data is passed into the function
 // Arguments are passed by value by default.
 public static int Add(int x, int y)
 {int ans = x + y;
 // Caller will not see these changes as you are modifying a copy of the original data.
 x = 28880; y = 45550;
 return ans;}
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {int x = 9, y = 10;
 Console.WriteLine("Before call: X: {0}, Y: {1}", x, y);
 Console.WriteLine("Answer is: {0}", Add(x, y));
 Console.WriteLine("After call: X: {0}, Y: {1}", x, y);
Parameter Passing
 One advantage of out parameter type is that we can return
more than one value from the called program to the caller

Calling Called
Program Program

a, b x, y

r out ans

s.Add(a, b, out r); public void Add(int x, int y, out int ans)

The c#”out” keyword
 It allows the caller to obtain multiple return values
from single method invocation
 public static int Add(int x, int y,out int ans)
 { ans = x + y;}
 static void Main(string[] args)
 { int ans; // no need to assign before use when var is used as out
 Add(20,40,out ans);
 Console.WriteLine(“20+40= {0}”,ans);
 }
The c# ”ref” keyword
 Reference parameters are necessary when
we wish to allow a method to operate on various
data points declared in the caller’s scope
 Output parameters do not need to be initialized
before they passed to the method.
 Reference parameters must be initialized before they
are passed to the method. We are passing a
reference to an existing variable. If we do not assign
it to an initialvalue, that would be the equivalent of
operating on an unassigned local variable. 76
The ref method
using System;
class Ref
public static void Upper(ref string s)

public static void Main(string[ ] args)

string s=“vtu belgaum”
Console.WriteLine("Before : {0} , s);
Ref.Upper(ref s);
Console.WriteLine("After :{0}“,s);

The c# “params” keyword
 To achieve variable number of parameters in a
Method declaration
 The params parameter must be a single dimensional
array (else you get an error)
 You can define any object in the parameter list

using System;
class Params
public static void DispArrInts(string msg, params int[ ] list)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
static void Main(string[ ] args)
int[ ] intArray = new int[ ] {1, 2, 3};
DispArrInts("List1", intArray);
DispArrInts("List2", 4, 5, 6, 7); // you can send more elements
DispArrInts("List3", 8,9); // you can send less elements
Generic use of params
 Instead of using only an integer list for the params parameter,
we can use an object
public class Person
private string name;
private byte age;
public Person(string n, byte a)
name = n;
age = a;
public void PrintPerson()
{ Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old", name, age); }
pass any object
public static void DisplayObjects(params object[ ] list)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
if (list[i] is Person)
else 777
Console.WriteLine(list[i]); John is 45 years old
} Instance of System.String

Calling Program:
Person p = new Person("John", 45);
DisplayObjects(777, p, "Instance of System.String"); 81
Passing Reference Types –
By Value
 If a reference type is passed by value, the calling program may
change the value of the object's state data, but may not change
the object it is referencing (Refer to PassingRefTypes folder)
public static void PersonByValue(Person p)
// will change state of p
p.age = 60;
// will not change the state of p
p = new Person("Nikki", 90);
Passing Reference Types –
By Reference
 If a class type is passed by reference, the calling program
may change the object's state data as well as the object it is
public static void PersonByRef(ref Person p)
// will change state of p
p.age = 60;
// p will point to a new object
p = new Person("Nikki", 90);
Calling Program
// Pass by Value
Console.WriteLine("Passing By Value...........");
Person guru = new Person("Guru", 25);
Passing By Value...........
Guru is 25 years old
Guru is 60 years old

// Pass by Reference
Console.WriteLine("Passing By Reference........");
Person r = new Person("Guru", 25);
r.PrintPerson(); Passing By Reference........
Guru is 25 years old
PersonByRef(ref r); Nikki is 90 years old
Arrays in C#
 C# arrays are derived from System.Array base class
 Memory for arrays is allocated in heap
 It works much same as C, C++, Java, etc.
 Example
 string[ ] strArray = new string[10]; // string array
 int[ ] intArray = new int [10]; // integer array
 int[2] Age = {34, 70}; // Error, requires new keyword
 strArray[0] = "BIT"; // assign some value
 int [ ] Age = new int[3] {25, 45, 30}; // array initialization

public static int[ ] ReadArray( ) // reads the elements of the array
int[ ] arr = new int[5];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
arr[i] = arr.Length – i ; // arr[0]=5,arr[1]=4,arr[2]=3…
return arr;
public static int[ ] SortArray(int[ ] a)
System.Array.Sort(a); // sorts an array
return a;

Calling Program
public static void Main(string[ ] args)
int[ ] intArray;

intArray = ReadArray( ); // read the array elements

Console.WriteLine("Array before sorting");
for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)

intArray = SortArray(intArray); // sort the elements

Console.WriteLine("Array after sorting");
for (int i = 0; i < intArray.Length; i++)

Arrays as Parameters and Return
 static void PrintArray(int[] myInts)
 { for(int i = 0; i < myInts.Length; i++)
 Console.WriteLine("Item {0} is {1}", i, myInts[i]);}
 static string[] GetStringArray()
 {string[ ] theStrings = { "Hello", "from", "GetStringArray" };
 return theStrings;}
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {int[ ] ages = {20, 22, 23, 0} ;
 PrintArray(ages);
 string[ ] strs = GetStringArray();
 foreach(string s in strs)
 Console.WriteLine(s);
 Console.ReadLine();} 88
Multidimensional Arrays
 Rectangular Array : Array of multiple dimensions where
each row is of same length
 int[ , ] myMatrix; // declare a rectangular array
 int[ , ] myMatrix = new int[2, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }; // initialize
 myMatrix[1,2] = 45; // access a cell
 Jagged Array: Contains some no. of inner arrays, each
of which may have unique upper limit
 int[ ][ ] myJaggedArr = new int[2][ ]; // 2 rows and variable columns
 for (int i=0; i < myJaggedArr.Length; i++)
myJaggedArr[i] = new int[i + 7]; 89

st nd
Rectangular Arrays
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {int[,] myMatrix; // A rectangular MD array.
 myMatrix = new int[6,6];
 for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // Populate (6 * 6) array.
 for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
 myMatrix[i, j] = i * j;
 for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) // Print (6 * 6) array.
 { for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
 Console.Write(myMatrix[i, j] + "\t");
 Console.WriteLine();}
 }
Rectangular Arrays

Jagged Array
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {// A jagged MD array (i.e., an array of arrays).
 // Here we have an array of 5 different arrays.
 int[][] myJagArray = new int[5][];
 for (int i = 0; i < myJagArray.Length; i++) // Create the jagged array.
 myJagArray[i] = new int[i + 7];
 // Print each row (remember, each element is defaulted to zero!)
 for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
 {Console.Write("Length of row {0} is {1} :\t", i, myJagArray[i].Length);
 for(int j = 0; j < myJagArray[i].Length; j++)
 Console.Write(myJagArray[i][j] + " ");
 Console.WriteLine();}}
Jagged Array

System.Array Base Class
BinarySearch( ) Static method - Finds a given item
Clear( ) Static method- Sets range of elements to 0/null
CopyTo( ) Copy source to Destination array
GetEnumerator( ) Returns the IEnumerator interface
GetLength( ) To determine no. of elements
Length Length is a read-only property
GetLowerBound( ) To determine lower and upper bound
GetUpperBound( )
GetValue( ) Retrieves or sets the value of an array cell, given its
SetValue( ) index
Reverse( ) Static method- Reverses the contents of one-
dimensional array
Sort( ) Sorts a one-dimensional array
String Manipulations in C#

The System.String Data Type

The C# string keyword is a shorthand notation of the System.String type, which provides a
number of members we would expect from such a utility class.
Select Members of System.String:

Basic String Operations
 static void Main(string[] args)
 { string s = "Boy, this is taking a long time.";
 Console.WriteLine("--> s contains 'oy'?: {0}", s.Contains("oy"));
 Console.WriteLine("--> s contains 'Boy'?: {0}", s.Contains("Boy"));
 Console.WriteLine(s.Replace('.', '!'));
 Console.WriteLine(s.Insert(0, "Boy O' "));
 Console.ReadLine(); }
Basic String Operations
 // Concatenation of strings.
 string newString = s + s1 + s2;
 Console.WriteLine("s + s1 + s2 = {0}", newString);
 Console.WriteLine("string.Concat(s, s1, s2) = {0}",
string.Concat(s, s1, s2));

Escape Characters

More String Methods
 string s3 = "Hello\tThere\tAgain";
 Console.WriteLine(s3);

 Console.WriteLine("Everyone loves \"Hello World\"");

 Console.WriteLine("C:\\MyApp\\bin\\debug");
 Console.WriteLine("All finished.\n\n\n");

Working with C# Verbatim Strings
 C# introduces the @-prefixed string literal notation termed a verbatim string.
Using verbatim strings, you disable the processing of a literal’s escape
characters. This can be most useful when working with strings representing
directory and network paths.
 // The following string is printed verbatim thus, all escape characters are
 Console.WriteLine(@"C:\MyApp\bin\debug");

The Role of
 Like Java, C# strings are immutable. This means, strings can not
be modified once established
 For example, when you send ToUpper() message to a string
object, you are not modifying the underlying buffer of the existing
string object. Instead, you return a fresh copy of the buffer in
 It is not efficient, sometimes, to work on copies of strings –
Use StringBuilder from System.Text!

Note: A String is called immutable because its value cannot be modified once it has
been created. Methods that appear to modify a String actually return a new
String containing the modification. If it is necessary to modify the actual
contents of a string-like object, use the System.Text.StringBuilder class.
 when you call ToUpper() on a string object, you are not modifying the
underlying buffer of an existing string object, but receive a new string object in
uppercase form
 static void Main(string[] args)
 {// Make changes to strFixed? Nope!
 System.String strFixed = "This is how I began life";
 Console.WriteLine(strFixed);
 string upperVersion = strFixed.ToUpper();
 Console.WriteLine(strFixed);
 Console.WriteLine("{0}\n\n", upperVersion);
 }

 To help reduce the amount of string copying, the System.Text namespace
defines a class named StringBuilder
 System.String, StringBuilder provides direct access to the underlying buffer.
Like System.String,StringBuilder provides numerous members that allow to
append, format, insert, and remove data from the object
 When we create a StringBuilder object, you may specify (via a constructor
argument) the initial number of characters the object can contain. If we do not
do so, the default capacity of a StringBuilder is 16. In either case, if you add
more character data to a StringBuilder than it is able to hold, the buffer is

 using System;
 using System.Text; // StringBuilder lives here.
 class StringApp
 { static void Main(string[] args)
 { StringBuilder myBuffer = new StringBuilder("My string data");
 Console.WriteLine("Capacity of this StringBuilder: {0}",myBuffer.Capacity);
 myBuffer.Append(" contains some numerical data: ");
 myBuffer.AppendFormat("{0}, {1}.", 44, 99);
 Console.WriteLine("Capacity of this StringBuilder: {0}",myBuffer.Capacity);
 Console.WriteLine(myBuffer);
 }}
 The overhead associated with returning modified copies of character data will
be negligible. While we are building a text-intensive application (such as a word
processor program),we will most likely find that using System.Text.StringBuilder
using System;
using System.Text;
class MainClass
public static void Main()
StringBuilder myBuffer = new StringBuilder("Buffer");
// create the buffer or string builder
myBuffer.Append( " is created");
// ToString() converts a StringBuilder to a string
string uppercase = myBuffer.ToString().ToUpper();
string lowercase = myBuffer.ToString().ToLower();
Enumerations in C#
 Mapping symbolic names  The internal type used for
to numerals enumeration is System.Int32
 Example - 1  Using Enumerations
enum Colors Colors c;
{ c = Colors.Blue;
Red, // 0
Green, // 1 Console.WriteLine(c); // Blue
Blue // 2
 Example - 2
enum Colors
Red = 10, // 10
Green, // 11
Blue // 12
System.Enum Base Class
Converts a value of an enumerated type to its
string equivalent
Retrieves the name for the constant in the
Returns the type of enumeration
GetUnderlyingType() Console.WriteLine(Enum.GetUnderlyingType(typeof
(Colors))); // System.Int32
Gives an array of values of the constants in
To check whether a constant exists in enum
if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Colors), "Blue") ….
Converts string/value to enum object
Parse() Colors CarColor =
(Colors)Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), "Red");
Array obj = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Colors));
foreach(Colors x in obj)
Console.WriteLine("int = {0}", Enum.Format(typeof(Colors), x, "D"));
int = 0
int = 1
int = 2
Structures in C#
 Structures can contain constructors (must have
arguments). We can't redefine default constructors
 It can implement interfaces
 Can have methods
 There is no System.Structure class!

using System;
struct STUDENT
public int RegNo;
public string Name;
public int Marks;
public STUDENT(int r, string n, int m)
RegNo = r;
Name = n;
Marks = m;
class MainClass
public static void Main()
Giri.RegNo = 111;
Giri.Name = "Giri";
Giri.Marks = 77;

STUDENT SomeOne = new STUDENT(222,"Raghu",90);

Designing Custom Namespaces
 System is the .NET's existing
 Using the keyword namespace, we CompanyName
can define our own namespace
 Putting all classes in a single
Server UserInterface
namespaces may not be a good
 Typical namespace organization for a Session IO Desktop WebUI

large project
 To use a namespace:
 (1) System.Xml.XmlTextReader tr;
 (2) using System.Xml;
XmlTextReader tr;

 Assume that you are developing a collection of graphic
classes: Square, Circle, and Hexagon
 To organize these classes and share, two approaches could
be used:
// shapeslib.cs
using MyShapes;
public class Square { …}
public class Circle { …}
public class Hexagon { …}

Alternate Approach
// Square.cs
using System;  All the three classes Square, Circle, and
namespace MyShapes Hexagon are put in the namespace
{ MyShapes
class Square { … }
using System;
using MyShapes;
// Circle.cs
namespace MyApplication
using System;
namespace MyShapes
class ShapeDemo
class Circle { … }
Square sq = new Square();
// Hexagon.cs
Circle Ci = new Circle();
using System;
Heagone he = new Heagon();
namespace MyShapes
class Hexagon { … }
defined in MyShapes namespace
Resolving Name clashes in
using My3DShapes;  The class Square is define in both
{ the namespaces (MyShapes and
public class Square { …} My3DShpaes)
public class Circle { …}  To resolve this name clash, use
public class Hexagon { …}
My3DShapes. Square Sq =
new My3DShapes.Square();
using System;
 Qualify the name of the class with the
using MyShapes;
appropriate namespace
 The default namespace given in VS
IDE is the name of the project
// Error!
Square Sq = new Square();

End of
Chapter 3

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