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Alumni Survey Results

Race Age Range
EPFP Fellowship Site

*Site no longer active:

New Jersey
Alumni Networking
Site Communications
Alumni Participation
Communications Plan
Additionally, a communication plan will be developed using the
responses from the questions below.

25. What type of information are you interested in receiving from the National EPFP Office? Please check all that apply.

26. What days/times do you prefer to receive e-mail announcements and newsletters?

27. What days/times are you available and interested in attending online events (ex. webinars, Twitter chats)?

28. What days/times are you available and interested in attending in-person events (ex. panels, receptions, networking meetings)?

32. What motivates you to read the newsletter? What type of information do you usually read or share? (check all that apply)

33. What type of information do you want to see more of in the newsletter?

41. What factors determine your participation/non-participation in EPFP events?

EPFP Testimonies
“EPFP has provided me with the kinds of tools that are invaluable when navigating the murky waters of policy-making and evaluation. It
has provided points of connection in knowing to whom I should reach out, greater awareness and knowledge of policy development
processes and the ways in which I might be ply my efforts in shaping policy, and a strong network to facilitate discussion and, as necessary,
advocacy for causes that are important to me. “

“EPFP changed my life, it helped me step away from my current role into a leadership role through the coaching and professional
development offered in my co-hort. I learned about the ways to analyze and move policy as well as how to work in a large school
district without 'fixing' everything. I'm now at the county as a Director of regional collaboration and my leadership experiences
through EPFP gave me the skills, the confidence and the networking to attain this position.”

“EPFP was one of the best professional development opportunities in which I have participated. The facilitators, events, and
members were incredible. The conversations were intense, deep, and respectful. I loved the diversity of the group and topics.
The experiences allowed me to see how education policy is influenced at the state and federal level. Incredible experience all

“EPFP provided me with the opportunity to form an authentic network of professionals who have shared
interests and passion for quality leadership and high level outcomes.”

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