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 Environmentally SUSTAINABLE DESIGN (also called environmentally conscious
design, eco design etc.) is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built
environment, and services to comply with the principles of ecological sustainability
 The intention of sustainable design is to "eliminate negative environmental impact
completely through skillful, sensitive design ". Manifestations of sustainable design
require renewable resources, impact the environment minimally, and connect
people with the natural environment.
 The quality of and impact upon water, air, land and biodiversity
 Design Goal
 maintenance of Earth Structure
 atmosphere
 water quantity and quality
 ecological health
 biological diversity
Sustainable Design
 Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the
health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance.
The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable
resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments.

Economy of Resources
The use of nonrenewable resources in the
construction and operation of buildings.
There is a continuous flow of resources,
natural and manufactured, in and out of a
building. This flow begins with the production
of building materials and continues
throughout the building’s life span to create
an environment for sustaining human well-
The andthreeactivities.
fora the
economy useful
life, it should turn into
resources principle are components for other
•Energy conservation
•Water conservation
•Material conservation.
Each focuses on a particular resource
necessary for buildingconstruction and
Sustainable Design
Energy Conservation
•Energy conservation is the effort made to reduce the consumption of energy by using
less of an energy service. This can be achieved either by using energy more
efficiently (using less energy for a constant service) or by reducing the amount of
service used (for example, by driving less). Energy conservation is a part of the concept
of eco-sufficiency. Energy conservation reduces the need for energy services and can
result in increased environmental quality, national security, personal financial
•One of the primary ways to improve energy conservation in buildings is to perform
security and higher savings
an energy audit. An energy audit is an inspection and analysis of energy use and
flows for energy conservation in a building, process or system with an eye toward
reducing energy input without negatively affecting output.
•Building technologies and smart meters can allow energy users, both commercial
and residential, to visualize the impact their energy use can have in their workplace
or homes. Advanced real-time energy metering can help people save energy by their
•In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store,
and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the
summer. This is called passive solar design or climatic design because, unlike
active solar heating systems, it does not involve the use of mechanical and electrical
devices. The key to designing a passive solar building is to best take advantage of the
local climate. Elements to be considered include window placement and glazing
type, thermal insulation, thermal mass, and shading. Passive solar design techniques
can be applied most easily to new buildings, but existing buildings can be retrofitted.
Sustainable Design

Water Conservation
A building requires a large quantity of water for the purposes of drinking, cooking,
washing and cleaning, flushing toilets, irrigating plants, etc.. All of this water requires
treatments and delivery, which consume energy. The water that exits the building as
sewage must also be treated.
Material Conservation
A range of building materials are brought onto building sites The influx of building
materials occurs primarily during the construction stage. The waste generated by the
construction and installation process is significant. After construction, a low-level flow of
materials continues in for maintenance, replacement, and renovation activities.
Consumer goods flow into the building to support human activities. All of these
materials are eventually output, either to be recycled or dumped in a landfill.

•A MATERIAL CONSERVATION initiative should help:

• Reduce excess material expenditures and needless consumption
• Decrease air, water and soil contamination caused by the production, transport and
decomposition of raw materials
• Limit waste hauling expenses and landfill use
•Utilize market functions to buy, sell or trade wastes with other environmentally
conscious businesses
Sustainable Design
Life Cycle Design
•The conventional model of the building life cycle is a linear process
consisting of four major phases: design; construction; operation and
maintenance; and demolition The problem with this model is that it is too
narrowly defined it does not address environmental issues (related to the
procurement and manufacturing of building materials) or waste management
(reuse and recycling of architectural resources).

LCD is based on the notion that a material transmigrates from one form of useful life to
another, with no end to its usefulness .For the purpose of conceptual clarity,
the life cycle of a building can be categorized into three phases:
Sustainable Design
Life Cycle cost analysis
The Life Cycle cost analysis is a method to assess the cost effectiveness of
a material i.e. the present value of the total cost of the asset over its
operational cost, the cost of salvage in case of ultimate disposal of the
asset at the end of its useful lift over a study period.
it is a tool that provides a set of techniques over a study period to evaluate
all the relevant costs of acquring a raw material ,Converting it into a
product ,distributing and installing it ,operating it over its useful time and
reusing it after its disposal.

The life cycle is expressed in terms f the present value or the annual value
LCC = Ic + Rc + Ec +Wc + OMRc – Sc3
Ic = Initial investment cost
Rc = Replacement cost
Ec = Energy cost
Wc=Water cost
OMRc = Operation, Maintenance and repair cost
Sc = Salvage cost (For reuse or resale)
Sustainable Design
Life Cycle cost analysis
Alternative building Materials for a given function can thus be
compared in terms of their LCC to determine cost- efficient
alternative over that study period

LCC is based on the building life cycle concept where the life cycle of
a building material begins with its installation in the building and
ends over its study period.
This study period is determined in the part by useful life of the
material and in part by the investment time of analyst
LCA on the other hand takes into account the environmental life cycle
concept, where the life cycle of the building material begins with the
acquistion of raw material and ends with the disposal.
The basis assumptions considered for an LCC analysis are
() to discount all the costs over the study period to the present value
thus finding the time value of the money for the future costs, and
() to take into account inflation rates, and energy price rates for the
Sustainable Design
Guidelines for an efficient life cycle analysis
Identify the goals of Life Cycle analysis
Identify the LCA goals, scope, and purpose for a specific decision system i.e.
Whether the decision system is to select the most environmentally efficient
material among the alternatives available or to improve the material/product
life performance. The Decision would decide the boundary conditions of the
LCA, i.e. to what level the environmental impacts of a material life cycle are
to be considered
Whether the LCA should matrice the whole set of environmental attributes or
whether it should strategize on the Render
subset ?an inventory
This would assist the material
selection decision as a whole Render a through inventory analysis to identify and
quantify the environmental inputs (Such as water,
energy and land) other resources and outputs(such
as by products)
Associated with a material over its life cycle.
The Inventory analysis should be made more explicit
with the help of a graphical input- output analysis of
each of the stages in a material life cycle.
Again each of these input-Output categories may
comrpise simple materials, specific energy input, or
some processos like kiln be broken and analysed in
the same way as the main material life cycle
Sustainable Design
Guidelines for an efficient life cycle analysis
The level of analysis should be suggested by the goals and objectives
of the project and must be ensured at the beginning itself
The data and information should be collected for
•The energy input required at each stage
•The environmental release and by products or waste generated at
each stage
•The secondary material or processos required for each of the stages
of the main material life cycle process
•The energy input required for these secondary materials or
processes that are necessary for the manufacture of the main
material ,
•The environmental release and by products or waste associated with
the secondary process would be additive to the sum total
•The total non energy natural resource consumption at each stage of
material life cycle and

Sustainable Design
Conduct an Environmental impact assessment of the
inventory Data assessment on the data collected for inventory analysis.
Conduct an impact
The impact assessment wuld be chracterize the inputs and outputs in relation
to their environmental impacts.Define the impact categories such as ‘Global
Warming” or ‘ozone depletion’ etc for which equivalency factors are available
to convert the inventory materials in terms of degree of contribution to an
environmental impact category.
The ozone depletion potential equivalency factors will be used to convert all
the inventory data responsible for depleting the ozone layer into CFC
equivalents (tonnes of CFC per Functional unit)
For example tonnes emitted per cubic volume of refrigerants manufactured
This conversion
Evaluate the would give the sumImact
environmental total( tonnes of CFC Equivalents) from all
the inventory data in the ozone depletion impact category
Select the set of important weights that are most suitable for the project
goal or objective catering to different experts perspectives .This would
combine quantities measures of several environmental impacts into a
single measure of the overall environmental impact by normalizing and
weighing each impact by its relative importance.
Sustainable Design
Assess the Decisions for a possibility of an improvement
The improvement assessment would allow identification or making changes
in the material life cycle ,improving its environmental performance

For Example, replacing wet processes with dry process by adopting

suspension pre heaters in the process plants in cement manufacturing
amounts to increase the kiln energy efficiency or replacing intermittent kilns
with continous kilns In brick manufacturing would improve the environmental
Sustainable Design
The phases can be developed into LCD strategies that focus on minimizing
the environmental impact of a building. Analyzing the building processes in
each of these three phases provides a better understanding of how a
building’s design, construction, operation , Pre-Building
and disposalPhase
affect the larger
ecosystem. This phase includes site selection,
building design, and building
material processes, up to but not
including installation. Under the
sustainable-design strategy, we
examine the environmental
consequences of the structure’s
design, orientation, impact on the
landscape, and materials used. The
procurement of building materials
impacts the environment
:harvesting trees could result in
deforestation; mining mineral
resources (iron for steel; bauxite for
aluminum; sand,
gravel, and limestone for concrete)
disturbs the natural environment ;
Sustainable Design
Building Phase
This phase refers to the stage of a building’s life cycle when a building is
physically being constructed and operated. In the sustainable-design
strategy, we examine the construction and operation processes for ways to
reduce the environmental impact of resource consumption; we also consider
long-term healthPhase
effects of the building environment on its occupants.
This phase begins when the useful life of a building has ended. In this stage,
building materials become resources for other buildings or waste to be
returned to nature. The sustainable design strategy focuses on reducing
construction waste which currently comprises 60% of the solid waste in
landfills by recycling and reusing buildings and building materials.
Ecological elements of
Site and Building associated
the building life-cycle phases.
Sustainable Design
Principle 3: Humane Design
Humane design is the third, and perhaps the most important, principle of
sustainable design.
•While economy of resources and life cycle design deal with efficiency and
conservation, humane design is concerned with the livability of all
The followingof three
the global ecosystem,
strategies including
for humane plantsfocus
design and wildlife.
on enhancing the
coexistence between buildings and the greater environment, and between
buildings and their occupants,
Preservation of Natural Conditions
should minimize the impact of a building on its local ecosystem (e.g., existing
topography, plants, wildlife).
Urban Design and Site Planning
Neighborhoods, cities, and entire geographic regions can benefit from
cooperative planning to reduce energy and water demands. The result can be
a more pleasant urban
environment, free of pollution and welcoming to nature.
Human Comfort
As discussed previously, sustainable design need not preclude human
comfort. Design should enhance the work and home environments. This can

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