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Best ways of teaching

Pronunciation, grammar and


Meruert Yeserkeyeva
Group 312
Taking into consideration influence of native
language on pronunciation, foreign language
sound are divided into:

1. Phonemes close to phonemes of native

language according to articulation and acoustic
peculiarity: [b], [g], [s], [z], [m];

2. Phonemes which seem to be close to

phonemes o native language; [e], [i:], [l] and etc.;

3. Phonemes which do not have analogues in

native language: [r], [h], [w], etc.
Sounds of the first group are
entered in speech and acquired by
learners imitatively in the process
of work on these samples.

Explanation of sounds of the

second and third group consists of
4 components:
1. Sound demonstration
supposes its clear pronunciation
by the teacher as in isolated type
so in sound context (in word, in
speech sample). Two ways are
possible: from isolated sound to
word (speech sample) and from
word (sample) to isolated sound.
2. Explanation of the way of
sound pronunciation depends on
peculiarity of the concrete sound.
Teacher can explain setting of
speech organs, correlate with some
alike positional variant of native
phoneme, use comparison which
helps to produce the sound, give
description through the native
3. Exercises in differentiation
help to show distinguishing
peculiarities of a new sound. For
this the teacher pronounces
sounds of learning language and
native with which learner can
confuse learning language.
4. Reproduction of the sound
by learners closes the level of
explanation and opens the level
of training.
The modern condition of theory of skills and
abilities in foreign language enables to distinguish
4 main stages of work with grammar material:

1. Stage of presenting grammar material and

forming orienting basis for further formation of the

2. Formation of speech grammatical skills by their

automatisation in oral speech;

3. Including the speech skills in different types of


4. Development of speech skills.

1. The aim of the first stage is formation of
orienting basis for further formation of the skill in
the process of:

a) its presentation in oral and written speech with an

aim to demonstrate its communicative function;

b) learning its ways of formation, its meaning and

sphere of its usage;

c) primary action fulfillment including a given

phenomenon according to sample without rule or
with rule.
The form of presentation – oral or
written – is chosen taking into account
the factors:
1. stage of learning language
2. difficulty of grammar material
3. aim of learning.

The character of learning may be

different: practical or theoretical-
2. The second stage may be considered as the most
important because of automatisation of grammar actions
without which skill formation is impossible.
The period of The aim of the second
standardization of period is formation of
speech grammar labil qualities of
action with an aim to speech grammar
form solid training . Exercises –
connections between situational conditional
grammar form and its grammatically
function in speech. directed speech
The main exercises exercises.
are conditionally
speech situational.
3. The stage of formation of
speech grammar skills is the
beginning of the third period –
including the skill of training
grammar phenomenon in speech
skill if monologic and dialogic
The main factor which determine the
success of teaching speech activity is
exercises because in exercises modeling
activity speech skills and abilities are
formed, developed and perfected.

Three types of exercises for teaching

learners speech activity are determined:
1. language;
2. conditional speech;
3. speech.
Basic stages of work with

1. Presenting new material;

2. Primary consolidation;

3. Development of skills and abilities

of using vocabulary in different types
of speech activity.
Semantisation of word meaning

Translating translating
1. Demonstration of items, gestures,
actions, pictures…
2. Disclosing the meaning of word on
foreign language:
a) definition;
b) enumeration;
c) semantisation by synonyms and
d) understanding the word through context;
e) defining the meaning on the basis of its
inner form.
Translating methods:
1. translation of the word by
corresponding equivalent in
native language;
2. translation-interpretation
(information about coincidence or
difference in the volume of
Peculiarities of exercises:

1. they must be inevitable part of explanation

serving illustrational, explanation and
controlling functions;

2. new lexical units must be presented in known

lexical surrounding and grammatical forms and

3. not only elementary operations but also

complex actions most be taken into account
which develop creative possibilities of learners.

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