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Rizky Gushendra,S.Pd., M.Ed

Background of the problem

1 Some of students were not able to identify the topic.

Some of the students were not able to find the meaning of

2 vocabulary of the text.

Some of the students hear words, phrases, and sentences

3 but were not able to make the connections.

Some of the students hear peers respond to question or make

4 comments but do not understand
how they make sense of the text.
Identification of the problem

1. How is students’ reading comprehension to identify the topic?

2. How is students’ reading comprehension to find the meaning of

vocabulary of the text?

3. How is students’ reading comprehension to find out words,

phrases, and sentences but were able to make connections?

4. How is students’ reading comprehension, responds to question

or make comments but do not understand how they make sense
of the text?
Limitation of the problem

After describing identification of the problems above thus, the

writer needs to limit and focus the problem of her research
problems on teaching English using explicit instruction
strategy: its effect on students’ reading comprehension of the
eleventh grade students at senior high school Budi Dharma
Dumai. The writer needs to limit kind of the text and focus on
spoof text.
Formulation of the problem

1. How is students’ reading comprehension taught by using

explicit instruction strategy on spoof text of the eleventh
grade at senior high school Budi Dharma Dumai?

2. How is students’ reading comprehension taught without

using explicit instruction strategy on spoof text of the
eleventh grade at senior high school Budi Dharma Dumai?

3. Is there any significant difference between using and

without using explicit instruction strategy toward students’
reading comprehension on spoof text of the eleventh grade
at senior high school Budi Dharma Dumai?
Operational concept

Variable (x) is the explicit instruction strategy ,the following


The teacher selects a textbook reading passage

The teacher prepares a graphic organizer to showing to students the key ideas and how
they are related (the structure)
The teacher introduces to students the text structure and shows them the organizer
The teacher asks the students to use the information in the organizer to write a passage
The teacher encourages the students to use key words to show the relationships among
The teacher asks the students to read the textbook passage and compare what they
wrote with the actual passage
The teacher helps the students to visualize patterns and the ways ideas are connected
Variable (y) is the reading comprehension, the following indicators:

1. Students are able to find the detail information

2. Students are able to identify the main idea of the text
3. Students are able to identify the organizations of the text
4. Students are able to infer meaning of an unknown word from the text
5. Students are able to refer of certain words.
Definition of term

Effect Explicit instruction strategy

01 According to Richard, effect is a
measure of the strength of one’s
02 Explicit instruction is a series of
the required instructional steps or
variables effect on another or the procedures designed to
relationship between two or more guarantee that students
variable. understand exactly what is
expected of them and what is
being taught. The term of explicit
instruction refers to the strategy
Reading comprehension that is following steps or
03 Reading comprehension is the
process of constructing meaning
procedures in developing their
reading comprehension the
by coordinating a number of eleventh grade at senior high
complex processes that include school Budi Dharma Dumai.
word reading, word and world
knowledge, and fluency the
eleventh grade at senior high
school Budi Dharma.
Definition of reading

Nunan (2003, p. 78)reading is a fluent

process of readers combining from a
text and their own background
knowledge to build

Theoretical Definition of explicit instruction

frank Serafini, explicit instruction is a
series of required instructional steps
or procedures designed to guarantee
that students understand exactly what
is expected of them and what is being
Assumption Hypothesis

•The better the • Ho: there is no

strategy used by significant effect of using
students to study, explicit instruction of the
the better the eleventh grade senior
students of the high school Budi Dharma
reading Dumai
comprehension will • Ha: there is a significant
be effect of using explicit
instruction of the
eleventh grade senior
high school Budi Dharma

The design of the Subject and object of

Time and location
research the research
• Quasi experimental • At senior high school • Subject: the eleventh
non-equivalent Budi Dharma grade students at is located senior high school
on Bintan Street, Budi Dharma Dumai
Dumai. This research in the academic year
was conducted from of 2017/2018
april to may 2018 • Object: the effect of
using explicit
instruction strategy
on students’ reading
comprehension of
the eleventh grade at
senior high school
Budi Dharma Dumai.
Population and sample

No. classes total

No. classes students
1. XI IPA 1 26 Experimental
1. XI IPS 1 25
2 XI IPA 2 26 Control group

2. XI IPS 2 23
Total sample 52 students
3. XI IPS 3 24

4. XI IPA 1 26

5. XI IPA 2 26
Total population 124
The technique The
of collecting techniques of
data data analysis

Pre-test sample t-test
(spss 17)
Multiple choice

Research Finding

1. post-test in experimental group: 1835 mean 70.58 with good

2. post-test in control group: 1690 mean 65 with average level
3. probability sig (2-tailed) value: 0.013 less than 0.05It means
that null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, while the alternative hypoth
esis (Ha) is accepted.
The students’ reading comprehension at the Conclusion
eleventh grade students of senior high school
Budi Dharma Dumai taught by using explicit
instruction strategy was categorized into good

The students’ reading comprehension at the

eleventh grade students of senior high school
Budi Dharma Dumai without being taught by
using explicit instruction strategy was
categorized into average level

There is significant difference between the

students’ reading comprehension taught and
without being taught by using explicit
instruction strategy at the eleventh grade
students of senior high school Budi Dharma
Dumai, thus , the writer can be conclude that
Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected
Thank you

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