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Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Mata
FK Unhas
After studying in this lecture, students are able to :
 Explaining anatomy of each structure of the eye

and its function

 Explain the basic function of the eye

 Explaining the mechanism of image forming

 Explaining transformation from image to vision

 See  complicated process
 Elaborate processes of physics, chemical and
 Vision brain’s peception of the image formed by
the eye
Jaringan Lunak Orbita
Periosteum & Septum Orbita

 Peri Orbita
Jaringan Lunak Orbita
Kapsula Tenon
Jaringan Lunak Orbita
Nervus Optik
Otot- otot ekstra okuler
Imagine your eyes
as a camera
Simple schematic
Sagital View of the eye
1. Image Focusing  Refractive media

 Cornea
 Humor akuos
 Crystallin Lens
 Vitreous Body
Refractive media  CORNEA
 Media refrakta yang
 Barrier penting dari isi
bola mata
 Kekuatan refraksi ±
43 Dioptri
 Indeks bias 1.376
Cornea Physiology
 sel epitel dpt hidup
rata-rata 4-8 hr
 epitel dpt
beregenerasi lengkap
dlm 7 hr
 epitel dan LAM 
permukaan optik
 Pompa endotel
kondisi dehidrasi
Physiology cont’d
 Innervated by N
V.1 corneal
 Tear film 
maintain the smooth
corneal surface,
and protection
Refractive Media  Aquos Humor
 Produced by the
ciliary body
 Refractive Media
 Maintain the
ocular pressure
 Refractive index
Refractive Media  The Lens
• biconvex, avascular, and
• 66% water
•Other  Proteins
• Protein Can be degenerated
 cataract
Other function
1. Accommodations
2. UV absorption (protecting
the retina)
Refractive Media  Vitreous Body
 Struktur seperti gel
 80% terdiri air
 Index bias 1.334.
 Beratnya sekitar 4g,
 volumenya 4 cc
 Ukuran sekitar 2/3 dari
seluruh volume bola
Refractive Indices of Refractive Media
Thickness Refractive Position
Element Surface Radius (mm) (mm) Index (mm)
Air 1.000
Cornea Anterior 7.7 0.50 1.376 0.0
Posterior 6.8 0.50
Aqueous 3.10 1.336
Anterior lens Anterior 10.0 0.546 1.386 3.60

Posterior 7.911
Lens core 2.419 1.406 4.146
Posterior lens Anterior -5.76 0.635 1.386 6.565

Posterior -6.0 7.20

Vitreous 16.80 1.336
Retina -12.0 24.0
The receiver RETINA
 Transparant,
 Histology
10 layers
 Photoreseptor
: rod & cones
 Supporting :
Glial cells,
Muller cells
Comparison of Rods and Cones
Rods Cones
Used for night vision Used for day vision
Very light sensitive; sensitive to scattered At least 1/10th of the rods light
light (have more pigment than cones) sensitive;sensitive only to direct light

Loss causes night blindness Loss causes legal blindness

Low visual acuity High visual acuity; better spacial resolution

Not present in fovea centralis Concentrated in fovea

Slow response to light, stimuli added over Fast response to light, can perceive more
time rapid change in stimuli

Stacks of membrane-enclosed disks are Disks are attached to outer membrane

unattached to cell membrane

20 times more rods than cones in the

One type of photosensitive pigment Three types of photosensitive pigment in
(monochrome vision) human (color vision)

Confer achromatic vision Confer color vision

 Fovea central for visual acuity
 Perifovea  peripheral vision
The Conversion Phototransduction

• Process of conversion from image in to neural impulse

Visual Cycle
11-cis retinal --> all-trans retinal
transducin (G-protein) activated
phosphodiesterase hydrolyses cGMP
Sodium channels close --> hyperpolarise
Amplification of signal: 1 photon interaction ->
250,000 Na channels
The Pathway  Retina in to visual

 Start from the retinal photoreceptors , through the

optic nerve, chiasma and optic tract into the LGN
 Ends in the visual cortex


AXON GANGLION Distribution in the
The Pathway Optic Nerve (C.N.II)
 Merupakan Perpanjangan
dari Otak
 Terdiri dari 3 bagian
 Pars orbitalis, pars
canalicular, pars intra
Optic Nerve field of vision
 Pembagian
daerah visual
field saat
serabut saraf
berjalan ke
The Pathway of retinal Impulse to the
The Pathway  Optic Chiasma & Brain
 KGL ( 90%)
rhytm .
eye movement
 PULVINAR- ekstragenikulate vp.
 RETEKTAL- refleks pupil.
Cortex visual Visual Perception
The Supporting (but very important)
structure of the Eye
 Palpebra
 Conjunctiva cover most exposed part of the eye
 Sclera  the sceleton of the eye
 Uveal Tract  Iris, Ciliary Body and Choroid
Nutrition, circulation, immune system
 Lacrimal Gland  tear film production
 Extra ocular muscles  Ocular movement
Fungsi : Mencegah ruda paksa
Mencegah cahaya yang menyilaukan
Membantu menyebarkan air mata

Terdapat 2 otot penting pada papebra :

1. M. Levator palpebra
- Elevasi (angkat palpebra)
sinergis dengan m. frontalis dan
m.rectus superior

2. M. Orbicularis oculi
- Mengedipkan mata ….. Pars palpebralis
- Menutup mata …… orbitalis
 Terbagi 3 :
 Kon. Bulbi, Konj.
Palpebra, Konj. Fornix
 Fungsi : Sekresi kelnj,
Uveal Tract  Iris
I. Iris dan pupil

M. Spinter pupil, pada saat konstraksi terjadi miosis pupil

M. delatator pupil, pada saat konstraksi terjadi midriasis pupil

Fungsi pupil : mengatur jumlah cahaya yang masuk kedalam

mata sesuai kebutuhan.
Miosis Midriasis
Uveal Tract  Ciliary Body

•Production of
humor aquous
•Aquous drainage
Uveal Tract  Choroid
The Extraocular Muscles

• 7 extraoculer
• 6  Ocular
Eye Movements
I. Monocular eye movements (ductions)
1. Adduction is movement of the eye nasally.
2. Abduction is movement of the eye temporally
3. Elevation (supraduction) is an upward rotation of the eye.
4. Depression (infraduction) is a downward rotation of the eye.
5. Intorsion (incicloduction)is a nasal rotation of the superior
portion of the vertical corneal meridian.
6. Extorsion (excycloduction) is a temporal rotation of the
superior portion of the vertical cornea meridian

Sherrington’s law
 Mata merupakan satu kesatuan sistem optik
 Jalur penglihatan meliputi pembiasan cahaya,
reseptor, neurotransmisi dan persepsi
 Keseluruhan struktur bola mata berfungsi untuk
menunjang fungsi visual
Terima kasih !

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