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Dian Nurmansyah
Magister Ilmu Biomedik
Kekhususan Ilmu Kedokteran Dasar Mikrobiologi
PPs Unud
 Viral pathogenesis is the process that occurs when a virus infects a
 Disease pathogenesis is a subset of events during an infection that
results in disease manifestation in the host
 A virus is pathogenic for a particular host if it can infect and cause
signs of disease in that host. A strain of a certain virus is more
virulent than another strain if it commonly produces more severe
disease in a susceptible host
Viral Pathogenesis
 Port de Entry, dan Replikasi Primer
 Penyebaran virus dan Tropisme Sel
 Kerusakan sel dan penyakit klinis
 Penyembuhan Infeksi
 Pelepasan Virus

Brooks, et al (2013)
 Port de entry and primer replication

Racaniello (2012)
Viral Entry in the Respiratory tract
Brooks, et al 2013
Course of Viral Infection

 Primary Replication
 The place of primary replication is where the virus replicates after
gaining initial entry into the host.
 This frequently determines whether the infection will be localized at
the site of entry or spread to become a systemic infection.
 Systemic Spread
 Apart from direct cell-to-cell contact, the virus may spread via
the blood stream and the CNS.
 Secondary Replication
 Secondary replication takes place at susceptible organs/tissues
following systemic spread.
Penyebaran virus dan tropisme
 Neural Spread
 Many viruses spread from the primary site of infection by entering local nerve

 Hematogeneous Spread
 Viruses particle may enter the blood directly through capillaries, by
replicating in endotel cell, or by a vector bite
 Tropism is spectrum of tissue infected by a virus
 Tropism is governed by some paramete, it can be determined by the
distribution of :
 Reseptor for entry (susceptibility)
 Requirement of the virus for differently expresed intraceluller gene product
 Accesibility  kemampuan melewati barrier host
Effect of Viruses on Cells
 Steady State Persistent Infection
 Infected cell
 Produce and release virus but no CPE
 Can grow and divide
 Virus release by cell budding
 Occur with several RNA viruses
 Demonstrated by : Hemadsorption, direct IFT
 Cytocidal Infection
 Cell death and histological appearance of characteristic CPE , contohnya :
Picornavirus, Herpesvirus
 Viral Protein or Virions form inclusions
 Celluler Transformation
 Viruses produce tumor
 Virus DNA  into Host DNA, alter grow and morphology (ex : HBV, HPV, EBV)
 Chromosome Abnormalities
CPE (Inclusion Bodies)
 Most characteristic viral morphological changes
 Round or irregular, intranuclear or intracytoplasmic, acidophilic or
basophilic (terhadap penyerapan warna)
 Intracytoplasmic inclusion (ICI) (most characteristic): Poxviruses,
paramyxo, Rabies
Kerusakan Sel dan Penyakit Klinis
Virus Sheeding

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