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Assignment - 1


1. Open Knime and Create a new workflow with naming like “Assignment_1_(your_name_initials)_V01”.
2. Before saving the Knime workflow, reset the code to remove the data.
3. Create and Excel Report to submit your answers.

Read the “Sales_Data.csv” in Knime and answer the following questions.

1. Find out the months that have maximum sales and minimum sales for each year.
2. Find out Total Sales and Average Sales for size of the Deal and also make a Dimension for Deal Size as “DIM_Deal_Size.txt”.
3. Find out the quantity of products ordered for each country when the order status is ‘Shipped’
4. (i) Find out Product Line wise Total Products Ordered and Total Sales before year 2005.
(ii) Find out Quarter wise Sales and Products ordered for year 2005.
5. Find number of Products ordered and Total Sales for :
(i) HIGH SALES – Sales > 6000
(ii) MID SALES – Sales > 2000 and Sales < 6000
(iii) LOW SALES – Sales < 2000

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