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• Artistic, rhythmic patterns and the

economy of words evaluate poetry as a
form of literary art.
• Woodsworth look at it as, “the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
• Jorge Luis Borges (1968) “poetry is an
expression of the beautiful through the
medium of words, artfully woven together”
• Marjorie Evasco “Poems tell stories, paint
pictures or scenes and sing the spirit to a
listening stillness.”
Stanza are lines organized in a repeated
pattern of meter and rhyme. To identify its
structure is to count the lines of every
• Couplet (2 lines)
• Tercet (3 lines)
• Quatrain (4 lines)
• Cinquain ( 5 lines)
• Sestet/Sexain (6 lines)
• Septet (7 lines)
• Octave ( 8 lines) (elements of poetry)
Ever rounding
And ever full
With beings, objects
For each and all the subjects,

So vast, so large
Puzzled to measure
Immeasurable dimension
Creator is on its succession,

Some say this

And some say that
But, what is really fact?
Humans' brain is so limited,

Yet science knows

A very little of space
Though scientists are trying
Much perplexity they are facing,

So, eternal desire

And eternal attempts
Shall ever work behind
To know its every new point.
a. Lyric Poetry – is a singing short and
simple poem with an accompaniment of a
lyre that expresses emotions and feelings of
the poet.
Types of Lyrical Poetry
Folksongs – are short poems that are
tainted with love, hope, joy grief, sadness, or
sorrow as common themes.
Sonnets- can be Italian or Shakespearean
with 14 lines illustrating emotions, feelings
and ideas
Elegy- demonstrate grief and melancholy to
the dead
• Ode – expresses noble yet dignified
emotions with no definite syllable or lines
per stanza
• Psalms (Dalit) – illustrates praise song of
God as well as the Virgin Mary
• Song (Awit) – contains twelve syllables
accompanied by a guitar or banduria in a
slow tempo.
• Corridos- show eight syllables which is
spoken to synchronize a martial tap.
b. Narrative Poetry
• Tells the significant events in life or that of
make believe. Epic, metrical tale, and
ballad comprise the narrative verse.
Types of narrative Poetry
• Epic- demonstrates heroism of Gods and
the fantastic. It is often circuitous and is an
unending tale.
• Metrical Tale – can be a ballad or a
metrical romance revealing love and
supernatural stories.
• Ballads- display the shortest and the
simplest poems accompanied by a dance
that will narrate any of the themes such as
war, sea, humor, moral, mystical or
c. Dramatic Poetry
• is written for the theatre which can be
often lyrical and provides dramatic
Types of Dramatic Poetry
• Comedy- provides amusing and happy
• Melodrama- covers musical plays with an
opera on it tat will link to misfortune. There
is sadness in the tale but the main
character has a happy fate towards the
• Tragedy- invokes catharsis or pleasure
among the audience where the hero
struggles meeting his or her misfortune
• Farce- is an exaggerated and extravagant
comedy where character are like
caricatures and quite absurd
• Social Poems – can be comic or tragic
whose goals is to bring social changes in
the community.
Figurative Devices in Poetry
• Simile- uses “like” or “as” in associating a
subject to another.
Example: “My love for you is as wide as
the universe and deep as the ocean”
• Metaphor- deletes the words “like” or “as”
and uses direct comparison among
objects or circumstance.
Example: “My love for you is a rose
• Synecdoche- refers to a segment/part of
something that is replaced to represent in
for a whole or vice versa.
Example: Bread=Money
Sails= entire ship
Hands hired= workmen
• Metonymy- is a word or phrase that is
used to represent for another word.
Example: The pen is mightier than the
• Symbolism- uses an object or a word to
represent an abstract idea.
Example: flower and star= woman
• Allegory- present a series of abstract
ideas and images depicted in a narrative.
Example: George Orwell’s animal farm
shows rebellion
• Personification- uses inanimate objects
as people giving them human attributes,
Example: “Nature wept”
• Irony- employs contradictory statements
or situations to show reality dissimilar from
Example: Unmailed letter
• Paradox- uses contradictory statement
but in a closer examination turns out to
make sense
Example: “You can save money by
spending it.”

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