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Submitted by:-
Siddhartha Biswas(44)
Priyam Debnath(85)
Saikat Ghosh(101)

The project “Online library management system” is

developed in open source platform, this focuses on basic
operations in library like adding a new member, new books
and updating new information, searching books or
members, and facility to issue and return books. Using this
web application user can make the booking of books online
and can look for a book either it is available in the library or
1. Introduction :
A development process consist of various phases, each phase
ending with a defined output. The main reason for having a
phased process is that it breaks the problem of developing
software into successfully performing a set of phases, each
handling a different concern of software development. This
ensures that the cost of development is lower than what it
would have been if the whole problem was tackled together.
Furthermore, a phased process allows proper checking for
quality and progress at some defined points during the
development (end of process).Without this one would have to
wait until the end to see what software has been produced.

1.1 Purpose:
The SRS typically contains the brief description of the
project. The purpose of the requirement document is to specify
all the information required to design, develop and test the
The purpose of this project is to provide a friendly environment to maintain the details of
books and library members.
The main purpose of this project is to maintain easy circulation system using computers
and to provide different reports.
1.2 Scope:
The document only covers the requirements specifications for the Library
Management System. This document does not provide any references to the other
component of the Library Management System. All the external interfaces and the
dependencies are also identified in this document.

Feasibility study: The overall scope of the feasibility study was to provide
sufficient information to allow a decision to be made as to whether the Library
Management System project should proceed and if so, its relative priority in the
context of other existing Library Management Technology
The feasibility study phase of this project had undergone through various steps
which as describe as under:

Identity the origin the information at different level.

Identity the expectation of user from computerized system.

Analyze the drawback of existing system(manual system)

1.3 Reference:
Fundamentals of Software Engineering by RajibMall[Third Edition]

PHP- and

SQL :- and

1.4 Overview:
The implementation of Library Management starts with entering and updating
master records like book details, library information. Any further transaction like book
issue, book return will automatically update the current database ,admin protocol
setting, installing new books, student’s library card generation etc.

2. Overall Description :
2.1 Product Perspective:
The proposed Library Management System will take care of the current book
detail at any point of time. The book issue, book return will update the current book
details automatically so that user will get the update current book details and can also
manage the fine protocol by getting notifications.
2.3 User characteristics:
We have 2 levels of users
Student module: In the user module, user will check the availability of the books.
The student can also query the books outstanding against him.

Admin module: the admin can inactivate a student record. He issues the books to each student
after checking his eligibility. He is the one in the core management of the library.

2.4 Assumption and dependencies:

All the data entered will be correct and up to date. This software package is developed
using PHP as front end which is supported by Apache.
PHP Mysql as back end which is supported
by Windows 7 to windows 10

3. Specific Requirement:

3.1.1User Interface:
The software provides good graphical interface for the user any Librarian can operate on the
system, performing the required task such as create, update, viewing the details of the book.
Allows user to view quick reports like Book Issues/Returned etc in between particular time.
Stock verification and search facility based on different criteria.
Notifications for fine etc.
3. Specific Requirement:

3.1.1User Interface:
The software provides good graphical interface for the user any Librarian can operate
on the system, performing the required task such as create, update, viewing the details of
the book.
Allows user to view quick reports like Book Issues/Returned etc in between particular time.
Stock verification and search facility based on different criteria.
Notifications for fine etc.

3.1.2 Hardware interface:

Hard disk :4GB
Processor :Dual 2.6 GHZ CPU

3.1.3 Software interface :

PHP language
Sublime text or notepad++
Windows XP and newer versions
3.2 Functional requirements:
The software needs to support three categories of functionalities as described below:
1. Manage own books
1.1 Register book
Description: To register a book in the library, the details of a book, such as name, year of
publication, date of purchase, price and publisher are entered. This is stored in the
database and a unique serial number is generated.
Input: Book details
Output: Unique serial number
1.2 Issue book
Description: A student can be issued a book only if he is registered. The various books
outstanding against him along with the date borrowed are first displayed.
1.2.1 Displaying outstanding books
Description: First the student’s name and the serial number of the book to be issued are
entered. Then the books outstanding against him are displayed.
Input: Student’s name
Output: list of outstanding books along with the date in which they were borrowed.
1.2.2 Confirm book issue
If he owner confirms then the books should be issued to him and the relevant records
should be updated.
Input: owner confirmation of book issue.
Output: confirmation of book issue.
1.3 Query outstanding books
Description: details of students who have books outstanding against their name are displayed.
Input: User selection
Output: The display includes the name, address and the telephone number of each student who have borrowed
books along with the titles of the books and the date on which they were borrowed.

1.4 Query book

Description: Any user should be able to query a particular book from anywhere using a web browser.
Input: name of the book.
Output: availability of the book and whether the book is issued out.
1.5 Return book
Description: Upon returning a book by a student, the date of return is stored and the book is removed from the
borrowing list of the concerned student. If the last date of submission has crossed then a fine has to be
Input: name of the book.
Output: confirmation message and late fine slip (if the due date has crossed).
2. Manage student details
2.1 Register student
Description: a student must be registered before he can be issued books. After the registration data is entered
correctly, the data should be stored and a confirmation message should be displayed and a library card will be
provided to the particular student. The Library card is also generated based on the registration data
Input: student’s details including name of the student, address, land line number and mobile number.
Output: confirmation of registration status and Library card.
2.2 Update student’s details
Description: when a student’s registration details changes, the same must be updated in the database.
2.2.1 Display current details
Input: Student’s name
Output: Currently stored details.
2.2.2 Update student’s details
Input: changes needed
Output: updated details with confirmation of the changes.
2.3 delete a student’s records
Description: Delete records of inactive members
Input: student’s name
Output: confirmation message.

3. Manage borrowed books

3.1 Register borrowed books
Description: The books borrowed by the users of the library are registered.
Input: Title of the book and the date borrowed.
Output: Confirmation of the registration status.
3.2 Deregister borrowed books
Description: A borrowed book is deregistered when it is returned.
Input: Book name
Output: Confirmation of deregistration.
3.3 Display borrowed books
Description: the data about the books borrowed by the owner are displayed.
Input: user selection.
Output: list of books borrowed by the student.
4. Manage statistics
4.1 Display book count
Description: the total number of books in the library are displayed.
Input: user selection.
Output: count of books.
4.2 Display amount invested
Description: the total amount invested in the library is displayed.
Input: user selection.
Output: total amount invested.
4.3 Display number of transactions
Description: the total number of books issued and returned over a specific period of time by one
or all students is displayed.
Input: Start of time period and end of time period.
Output: total number of books issued and total number of books returned.

System attributes :
Maintainability: Actually there will be no maintained requirement for the software. The
database is provided by the end user and therefore is maintained by this user,though there can
be some updating and future scope ,depending on the user’s review.
Portability: The system is developed for secured purpose, so it is can’t be portable.
Availability: This system will available on any computer as it is online system but will be use by a
particular sets of user’s like a college’s student and teacher.
Scalability: Applicable.
Security: The system provides security from unregistered users
Entities & Attributes:-
Student entity:-
I. Stud_id
II. Stud_name
III. Stud_email
IV. Stud_username
V. Stud_password
VI. Stud_address
VII. Stud_stat

 Book’s entity:-
I. Book_id
II. Book_name
III. Book_author
IV. Book_type
V. Book_price
VI. Book_isbn
 Issues entities:-
I. Issue_id
II. Book_id
III. Stud_id
IV. Issue_date
V. Renew_date
VI. expiry

 Admin entities:-
I. Admin_id
II. Admin_name
III. Admin_username
IV. Admin_password
This application can be easily implemented under various situations. We can add new features as and when we
require. Reusability impossible as and when require in this application. There is flexibilition all the modules.
This software is extendable in ways that its original developers may not expect. The following principles enhances
extensibility like hide data structure, avoid traversing multiple links or methods, avoid case statements on object
type and distinguish public and private operations.
Reusability is possible as and when require in this application. We can update it next version. Reusable software
reduces design, coding and testing cost by amortizing effort over several designs. Reducing the amount of code also
simplifies understanding, which increases the likelihood that the code is correct. We follow up both types of
reusability: Sharing of newly written code within a project and reuse of previously written code on new projects.
A method is understandable if someone other than the creator of the method can understand the code (aswell as the
creator after a time lapse). We use the method, which small and coherent helps to accomplish this.

Its cost is under the budget and make within given time period. It is desirable to aim for a system with aminimum cost
subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement .
Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearly identifying the information needed by the user, the
source of the information and outputs expected from the system.
After we have completed the project we are sure the problems in the existing system would overcome.
The “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” process made computerized to reduce human errors and to
increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the
records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the ACCESS database, through which data can be
retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of
records. If the numbers of records are very large then user has to just type in the search string and user gets
the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type in the required field and
press the update button to update the desired field.

The Books and Students are given a particular unique id no. So that they can be accessed correctly and
without errors. Our main aim of the project is to get the correct information about a particular student and
books available in the library.

The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a large extent. And it is expected
that this project will go a long way in satisfying users requirements. The computerization of the Library
Management will not only improves the efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly
improving human recourses.

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