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People suffering from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension run a higher risk of

developing heart disease and it is of the utmost importance to regulate and lower high blood

Nutrients that Reduce High Blood Pressure

Omega-3 Fats

It is because of their alpha-linolenic acid content omega-3 fatty acids promote a good blood

These omega-3 acids make it less likely for blood platelets to form clumps in the blood, possibly
causing heart attacks.

Foods that contain this nutrient are:

.Salmon )‫(سمك السلمون‬

.Trout )‫(السمك المرقط‬

.Tuna fish)‫( سمك التونا‬

Garlic )‫(الثوم‬

Garlic significantly lowers the blood pressure for people suffering from hypertension. Due to its blood
thinning and purifying properties, garlic is an important nutrient in any blood pressure reduction diet.

Soluble Fiber )‫(االلياف الذائبة‬

Soluble fibers should make out an important part of your every day diet. Diet and blood pressure
are closely related and fiber is one of the key ingredients of a healthy diet. A soluble fiber diet lowers
blood pressure and blood cholesterol. Foods that contain a high amount of soluble fiber are:

. Oats )‫(الشوفان‬

. Beans and peas )‫لوبياء والبازالء‬, ‫فاصولياء‬, ‫(فول‬

. Rice bran and barley )‫(نخالةوالشعير‬

. Citrus fruits)‫(الليمون‬

People who consume high amounts of potassium through their foods, when monitoring their sodium
and blood pressure, can lower their blood pressure significantly. Potassium for blood pressure
lowering can be found in these foods:

. Avocados

. Pomegranates )‫(رمان‬

. Tomatoes and potatoes

. Quinoa

Magnesium helps to lower and control blood pressure by widening the blood vessels, due to which
the blood is allowed to run more freely. The best food sources for magnesium are:

. Spinach )‫(سبانغ‬

. Avocados

. Chocolate

. Pumpkin seeds )‫(بذور اليقطين‬

.Oysters )‫(المحار‬

. Sunflowers seeds )‫(بذور دوار الشمس‬

. Brazil nuts )‫(جوز‬

. Amaranth )‫(القطيفة‬

. Almonds )‫(لوز‬

. Quinoa and barley)‫(نخالةوالشعير‬

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another nutrient that helps to widen the blood vessels, by making them more flexible. As
vitamin C has more beneficial health properties (such as boosting the immune system and nurturing
the skin) it should be included in your diet. Sources for a high dose of vitamin C are:

. Red peppers )‫(فلفل احمر‬

. Tangerines )‫(ثمر المندرين‬

. Oranges )‫(برتقال‬

. Kiwi fruits )‫(كيوي‬

. Strawberries )‫(فراولة‬

. Potatoes

Your hypertension and diet will benefit greatly if you manage to include these ingredients in your
daily intake of foods.

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