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What is a project?

A project is a series of activities

directed toward the accomplishment
of a desired objective.

h |roject scheduling is concerned with the
techniques that can be employed to manage
the activities that need to be undertaken
during the development of a project.

Scheduling is carried out in advance of the project

commencing and involves:
h  the tasks that need to be carried out;
h  how long they will take;
h   resources (mainly personnel);
h when the tasks will occur.


£     |!| 
| !|| 
£ monstruction
£ Engineering
£ Software Development
£ Equipment mut-over
£ Anything with many interdependent activities.
h  | #|$%is a procedure for
using network analysis to identify those tasks which
are on the critical path: i.e. where any delay in the
completion of these tasks will lengthen the project
timescale, unless action is taken.

h For all tasks off the critical path, a degree of

tolerance is possible (e.g.. late start, late
completion, early start, etc.).
| |  & 

h „ime are NO„ known well (uncertainty)

h Statistics used to estimate probability of

finishing within a given time

)   | *
h Define the project and identify each activity
h Develop relationships among the activities. (Decide
which activities must precede and which must follow
h Draw the network connecting all of the activities
h Assign time and/or cost estimates to each activity
h mompute the longest time path through the network. „his
is called the critical path
h Use the network to help plan, schedule, monitor, and
control the project
& | !|
h Especially useful when scheduling and controlling large
h Straightforward concept and not mathematically complex.
h Graphical networks aid perception of relationships among
project activities.
h mritical path & slack time analyses help pinpoint activities
that need to be closely watched.
h |roject documentation and graphics point out who is
responsible for various activities.
h Applicable to a wide variety of projects.
h Useful in monitoring schedules and costs

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