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What are



They are tools for organizing information in a visual

way making connections with the text through
symbols to structure and highlight the most
important aspects of a concept while removing
information that is non-essential.
Functions of
● Provide a ● Much better ● More
Graphic visual for long-term effective than
Organizers framework
for details,
recall. conventional
Graphic organizers are used
depending on the particular
purpose of the learning task and
the type of information being
organized. They can show
hierarchical relationships, cycles,
steps or stages in a process, and
ideas along a continuum.
A Cycle A Cycle Diagram is used to help readers understand how events can be
Diagram cyclic. It helps them identify and visualize the main events in the cycle,
how they interact, and how the cycle repeats itself.
A Y-Chart graphic organizer is a three-part diagram that is used for

Y-Chart describing three aspects of any given topic. Students can go online to
collaborate, discuss and fill in how a topic may look, sound like and make
them feel
Used to describe a central idea: a thing (a geographic region), process
(meiosis), concept (altruism), or proposal with supporting details.

Tree diagrams are widely used to list all possibilities of a sequence of events
in a systematic way. The tree's trunk represents the main topic, and the

Tree branches represent relevant facts, factors, influences, traits, people, or


Cause and effect diagram is a kind of graphic organizer
used to identify all the likely causes of the problems. It's
Cause and useful to develop the students' abilities of analyzing
Effect problems.


Used to describe the stages of something (the life cycle of a primate); the

Series of steps in a linear procedure (how to neutralize an acid); a sequence of

events; or the goals, actions, and outcomes of a historical figure or
character in a novel (the rise and fall of Napoleon).
A concept map is used to help students organize and represent knowledge of
a subject. Concept maps start with a main idea in the middle and then branch
Concept out into specific topics.


Mind maps are graphical representations of thought processes, they attach

symbols to topics and are used for brainstorming, problem solving, rational

Mind analysis, and decision making.


Used to show similarities and differences between two things (people,

Compare/ places, events, ideas, etc.).

Contrast Name 1 Name 2

Matrix Attribute 1

Attribute 2

Attribute 3
Earthquakes are the most lethal of all natural disasters. What causes them? Geologists
explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart
from each other; this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the
surface of the sea, there is a semi molten bed of rock over which plates, or slabs, carry
continents and the sea floors at a rate of several inches a year. As the plates separate from
each other, a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter that was formerly beneath.
Volcanic islands and large mountain ranges are created by this type of movement. The
collision of plates causes geological instability such as that in California called the San
Andreas Fault, located between the Pacific and North American plates. The plates there are
constantly pushing and pulling adjacent plates, thereby creating constant tremors and a
potential for earthquakes in the area.
A number of recent books with titles like Raising Cain, Real Boys, and Lost Boys all focus on the same19
issue: Today’s teenaged boys are feeling more anxiety than ever before about their physical
appearance. Bombarded by advertising featuring well-muscled, semi-clad young men, teenage boys
are experiencing what teenage girls have been coping with for years. They are afraid that they
cannot possibly live up to the media’s idealized image of their gender. Young boys below the
average in height, weight, or both suffer the most. Often, they are brutally teased by their brawnier
peers. Some react to the ridicule by heading for the gym and lifting weights. Yet even those who
successfully “bulk up” don’t like feeling that they are considered worthless if they lose their hard-
won muscle tone. Others, convinced that no amount of body building can help, often withdraw
from social contact with their peers. This is their way of avoiding taunts about their size or shape.
Still, they are understandably angry at being badly treated because of their body type. Although
school psychologists generally recognize that boys today are having severe body image problems,
they are at a loss about what to do to solve those problems.

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