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Ethical and citizenship issues related to it
◦ Stalkers are people with low self-esteem who only feel good when they hurt others. That makes
them feel stronger.
◦ There is also the possibility that the aggressors are abused in their own homes and try
to take revenge with their peers
Ethical and citizenship issues related to it
◦ The aggressor lacks all respect for his peers and does not know the basic ethical
limits necessary for coexistence in society
Ethical and citizenship issues related to it
◦ The harasser erroneously believes that he will go unpunished before the Law by
launching his threats through ICTs due to a false belief in anonymity.
How it can be prevented
◦ The first measure of self-protection is to ignore the threats so that the aggressor gives up when
verifying that his aggression has no effect on the victim.
How it can be prevented
◦ If the threats persist, they should know that they are not alone and that they have their friends,
family or teachers to tell them, because if they do not tell anyone, the harasser will continue to
harm them. They should know that it is not their fault that they mess with him / her
How it can be prevented
◦ You have to convey that the anonymity on the Internet does not exist and that the harasser will
end up paying for it before the Law. You should alert him about the consequences of violating
the privacy of other people.
How it has to be dealt with
◦ Notifying the police of inappropriate sexual messages or physical threats In many cases, the
actions of the harasser have legal consequences.
How it has to be dealt with
◦ Be implacable Cyberbullying is rarely limited to one or two incidents. It is much more likely to be
a sustained attack over a period of time. So with cyberbullying you have to be relentless and
keep reporting every bullying incident until it stops
How it has to be dealt with
◦ Do not blame yourself. It does not matter what a cyber stalker says or what he does. Do not be
ashamed of what you are or what you feel. The cyberbully is the one with a problem, not you.
How it has to be dealt with
◦ Try to see cyberbullying from a different perspective. The cyberbully is an unhappy, frustrated
person who wants to have control over your feelings so you feel as bad as they do. Do not give
them that satisfaction
Why is it believed that Mexico is more
vulnerable than other cultures or countries to
increase bullying as well as other forms of
◦ The main factors to contribute for the bulliying in México are:

1. Drugs
2. Political violence

◦ As a result of this the environment of social violence that this creates for the childrens in the schools

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