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A study of the Socio-Economic factors affecting

classroom performance of teacher at secondary level

in District Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Bernard (1972) examined that a teacher is the most important factor of the
teaching-learning process. A school’s most important influence is a
teacher. S/he sets the tone of the classroom and establishes the mood of
the group. He/she is the authority figure providing the direction for
behavior. He/she is a model and is consciously imitated.
According to Mohanty (2003) good teachers are essential for the effective
functioning of education system and for improving the quality of learning
process. Job satisfaction enables teachers to put their maximum effort
upon their work. The current study attempts to identify the factors which
affect the classroom performance of the teachers at secondary level in
District Malakand of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
statement of the problem
The study aims to investigate the socio economic factors
affecting teacher’s classroom performance at secondary level
in district Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This study will
explore the factors and its effects on teacher’s classroom
performance at secondary level.
Significance of the study

This study may help the principals, teachers and parents who have a
basic role in an educational system. It would provide a base to improve
the teaching learning processes. This study may be helpful for the
administrators, educationists, and especially parents. The study would be
helpful to point out the socio economic factor affecting teacher’s
classroom performance at secondary school level in district Malakand.
Objectives of the study
1. To find out the socio-economic factors affecting classroom
performance of the teachers at secondary level.
2. To find out the perceptions of teachers’ about the socio-
economic causes that affect their classroom performance at
secondary level.
3. To identify principals’ opinions, how socio-economic factors
influence a teacher’s performance in classroom at secondary
Research questions
1. What are the socio economic factors affecting the classroom
performance of the teachers?
2. What do the teachers know about the socio economic factors
affecting their classroom performance?
3. What do the principals say about socio economic factors
affecting the classroom performance of the teachers?
Limitations and Delimitations of the study

1. Due to time constraint, financial status, and for flung area, the study

was delimited only to public sector male secondary schools of district

Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP).

2. Due to gender sensitivity area the study was delimited to male

principals and teachers only.

3. Only public sector secondary schools were selected.


The nature of the study is descriptive and quantitative

research design was adopted..


All the principals and teachers of government secondary

schools constituted the population for this particular study. According

to the annual report of the district education office there were 45 public

male secondary schools in district Malakand. 45 principals and 786

teachers involved in the teaching-learning process in these schools.

Sample size and sampling techniques

For the current study simple random sampling technique was

used for data collection.

As the number of principals is less that is why all

principals were selected as a sample while from the total 786

teachers, after rationalizing through Morgan table and raosoft

sample size calculator, 265 teachers were selected.

Data collection tool
Questionnaire was used in this study. Questionnaires were
designed for the principals and teachers to collect data. The
questionnaires were personally developed with the consultation of

Two questionnaires were prepared, one for principals and

other for teachers. Both questionnaires consist of twenty nine (29)
items. Questionnaires were prepared on five point Likert scale.
Validity and reliability

To validate the instrument, the piloting data were

collected through questionnaire from different respondents to
check the validity; to check the reliability of the constructed
instrument and to maintain objectivity and avoid any type of
confusion during collection of data. The questionnaire was
tested on different people on different occasions, which give the
same result, indicates high level of reliability.
Data collection procedure
Data was collected from 45 principals and 265 teachers
through questionnaires. In order to administer the questionnaire,
school principals and teachers were informed about the
purpose of the study in detail and then they were given the
required information about the questionnaires.

The researcher gave a brief explanation about each point

in the discussion and answered all the questions that were
raised. To this effect, the respondents were told to reply to the
questionnaires based on the facts and their personal feelings.
Data analysis

The collected data were then analyzed using descriptive

statistics and presented in frequencies, percentages used to

summarize respondents’ response. Then Chi square test used

for the data to highlight these factors which are significantly

affect the classroom performance of the teacher. The

researcher analyzed the data and represented the findings of

the research in percentage and frequency tables. The analyzed

data were then interpreted in the light of the objectives of the

To find out the perceptions of teachers’ about the socio-
economic factors that affects their classroom performance.

Table No 4.1.1 Encourage from society effect classroom performance of the teacher.

Responses Frequency Percentages (%) Chi-Square df P-value

Strongly Agree 157 59.2

Agree 97 36.6
Undecided 2 0.8 378.52 4 0.000
Disagree 6 2.3
Strongly 3 1.1

Total 265 100.0

Table 4.1.1 shows that 59.2% respondents strongly agreed with

the statement, 36.6% agreed, 0.8% responded undecided

while 2.3% responded disagreed and only 1.1% responded

strongly disagreed. The chi(x2), with standard value-1, is

estimated to check the significant difference. The chi-square

value is 378.52 with p-value 0.000 which is less than 0.05.

Here 0.05 is taken as the level of significance for the current

study. So, from the analysis of the table 4.1.1, it is concluded

that encouragement from society effects classroom

performance of the teachers.

Findings of the study showed that 94% of the total respondents were

strongly agreed that there is strong effect of encouragement from

society on the teachers’ classroom performance. Majority of the

respondents were in the favor of teaching job promotes relationship with

the community. Similarly 93% respondents, responses show that there

is strong effect of professional attitude of the teachers on their

classroom performance. Further results showed that the factor Joint

family system influences the teacher’s classroom performance was at

the top. The results computed by chi square showed that these eight

Low salary of teachers is creating hurdle for their intent to stay in

teaching profession, salaries and benefits are affecting classroom

performance of the teacher, relationship of teachers with their

colleagues affects classroom performance of the teacher, high

salary has positive affect on the classroom performance of the

teacher, economic responsibilities of the whole family affect

teacher’s classroom performance, teaching is an important and

respectable job, social respect has direct effect on classroom

performance of the teacher had over all significance differences.

The researcher concluded from his research that there are
many factors which affects the teacher’s classroom
performance, from these, Joint family system, teacher attitude,
lack of respect from students, teacher life style, low salary of
teachers, High salary has positive affect, salaries and benefits
and Economic responsibilities of the whole family are the major
factors which affecting classroom performance of the teacher.
Therefore, principals and teachers of the target schools were
said that if the teachers are not facing those major factors it can
improve the teaching learning process and they can more
focus on their profession with positive attitude which will
enhance student’s academic achievement.
1. Based on the findings of the study it is recommended that the
society should be aware enough to acknowledge the teachers’
role and status in educating the students. In order to achieve
this, mobilization of mass media is necessary such as, Radio,
T.V Programs and Print Media can facilitate the achieving of
the goal.

2. It is also recommended that the salaries of the teachers be

increased and fixed according to their qualifications and
incentives be provided to the good teachers so as to
acknowledge their efforts and motivate them to continue with
their better performance.
3. Due to few research studies conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, more
studies are recommended to be conducted in this area. The present
study was carried out in district Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; it can
be expanded to other districts and provinces of the country in order to
measure the socio-economic factors that affect the teachers’ classroom
performance at national level.
4. Due to few research studies conducted in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, more
studies need to be conducted in this area. The present study was
carried out in district Malakand Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; it can be
expanded to other districts and provinces of the country in order to
measure the socio-economic factors that affect the teachers’ classroom
performance at national level.
Thank you

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